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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Vezok's Friend
    As you may or may not know I also will do the Nano this year again. After last years admittedly halfway quit on attempt, this year I have a plot, I have charachters and I think I can pull through with this one. 
    And I will start writing, right now. Don't expect me to be online much. Maybe a bit BZPRPGing inbetween (yay, more writing?).
    See y'all!
  2. Vezok's Friend
    My classmates are awesome. Plain and simple. How much, you can not even fathom, but for good measure here's todays example: 
    Our classroom lies on the sunny side of the building. Fine on an average day. but spring is here and he decided to bring sun along too, shining in through a window.
    Now we have to stay true to our geek-roots and stay in the dark almost all day, right? Right.
    The blinds have a sensor that determines when they get closed and opened.
    Performing the latter action today they made this really, really horrible screeching sound while going up.
    First reaction from Momo behind me?
  3. Vezok's Friend
    Ok, maybe a Bionicle website is not the best place, but: 
    Whoever first got the idea that growing up and beeing a responsible young adult is about leaving everything childish behind and solely putting all effort into getting straight A's to get the job that pays best was a complete moron.
    Please rub this in everbodies face who complains that your hobbies are not fitting with your age. Even better: Print this out and slap them with it.
    Just a public service announcement by your friendly neighbourblog VF.
  4. Vezok's Friend
    ...and sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum-security stockade to the Los Angeles underground (Hollywood). Today, premiering in Cinemas, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem...if no one else can help...and if you wanna see a remake that totally rocks...maybe you can buy a ticket to...The A- Team. 

    Such a cool movie ^^ I won't spoil a thing, but darnit it's as cool as the TV Show was when I watched as a kid!

  5. Vezok's Friend
    I have to apollogize for my last entry. ^^ I confused my travelling times, I will be here until the 23rd, so I am still around for another week.  
    Anybody happy about that? Or unhappy?
    On the other hand, I just bought my christmas present for my mum. She'll get the two novels "Chemistry of death" and "Written in bone" by author Simon Beckett (Not the villain from PotC ).
    I got "Viva la Vida" for my dad, along with the new album by Van Morrison and three DVDs (Hancock, I'm not there and another one).
    And I just bought myself the new Prince of Persia. I will have to see if my PC can handle it, but it looks great so far.
    There was one of the bargain-bins nearby and I found Command and Conquer:Generals+CnC:Generals-Zero hour as a bundle which I am currently installing. A few years back I borrowed the CD from a friend of mine and it was really a great game I had a lot of fun with.
    So, I look forward to another week with you folks and I hope your christmas preperations go as well as mine.
  6. Vezok's Friend
    Since a few months now I have been on a kind of rollercoaster. Since last summer actually I had my ups and downs.
    Much of it can be attributed to bad timing on fates side.
    I guess that is why I feel the way I feel now.
    I am about to propably make one of the biggest steps of my life. Things have changed and will changed. A lot of things, including myself.
    13 years now, my life has been like a river that flows through a channel. Everything runs smooth, nothing unexpected comes up.
    13 years now, I essentially get up at 7, go to school at 8, come back around 2 in the afternoon, do my choires and go to bed at 11.
    13 years of routine are about to end.
    And they decided to end with a bang:
    Breaking up for the first time, graduating from school, changing myself deeply, after which I will be picking up a rifle to become a soldier for nine months.
    Essentially I preserved my childhood until now, to keep the amount of bad stuff life throws at me low. Yes. I never had to deal with relatives who were in need of me taking care of them. I don't have siblings that annoyed me into becoming more responsible. I do have the money to buy most the stuff I like without saving on it a long time or thinking it over three times. I don't really know what it means to study day in and out because I am aparrently smart enough to pass with good grades.
    But that doesn't make me any less of an adult.
    And why? Because even though I never experienced such things up close, I wasn't ignorant enough to believe I could make it through without growing up.
    And I am fed up with others telling me I don't know about it.
    So to all those out there, who think I annoy you at times, that I snap at for no reason, that I ignore, that I behave weird to or that I just don't leave alone because I seek comfort, I apollogize.
    I'm just scared.
  7. Vezok's Friend
    You'd think videogames and homework are two things mutually exclusive. Well, unlike the devision by 0 this is actually something possible. 
    Our task over the next two weeks will be to write a scientific (!) paper on a topic of our choosing relating to video-games.
    We already figured out the questions/topics. The current milestone will be the introduction.
    PS: Also, we are going to get our PC's the middle of this week It is time to bring Crysis to school it seems.
    PPS: You won't believe me when you see what has been waiting in my mail today! Pictures pending til next entry ^^
  8. Vezok's Friend
    After years of looking at great mocs and wondering weather I should enter in a contest or not, I decided to take a apart some of my sets and actually put something together. And I did.
    The angel of retribution.
    I am quite proud of myself now ^^
  9. Vezok's Friend
    I am supposed to design the T-shirts for our grade right now, since we will travel to croatia for a week with our Math and Biology course.
    In addition I am also working the website-banner for our website.
    So I am getting a little more professional now.
    Btw. I now have paypal, so I now take comissions for Bionicle art as well.
  10. Vezok's Friend
    Haha! My dad really is cool
    He took me to this graphics-hardware store today. And from now on, I shall use my new Cintiq12WX for my colouring and art! Weeeee
  11. Vezok's Friend
    So. Who am I? The aeon old question. But Who I am is just a derivative of what, and what I am is an artist here on Bzp! (Btw. V for Vendetta quotes rock!)
    And beeing an artist that's what you propbaly know me. Some of my other nicknames include "Cörv", "C-man clueless", "VF", "Veef", "Beef", and generally that pain in the neck with the colour-scheme ruining golden Metru Hau I stole from Lhikan.
    And aside from the cool facts that I am/was a lifeguard, a sailor, a diver, swam onle 3 feet away from a sharks nose, touched a seaturtle (Yes you PotC fans, seaturtles. Tied together with hair from my Hobbit-feet!) swam with Dolphins and was on two Safaris in Africa, there are some facts that make me blush.
    First of all: There are facts that make me blush.
    I am shy and if you ask me to show you my sketchbook while looking over my shoulder you should be prepared for a Gollum-eque chest-clutching "my prescioussss" show. Same goes for asking me to play the trumpet solo in front of an audience. No chance in Karzhani.
    Secondly: I can get excited like my old 4-year old self in Legoland Billund and should you ever witness that event, I am a mentally sane person with momentary fits of crazy. For example a new movie coming out or generally the first new Bionicle-set of the year release. Or sometimes randomly for no reason when the sun is shining.
    I tend to air-drum along to the rocksongs in my playlist. And I am good at it.
    I sometimes hum or sing (quietly) along to them too. I can't really sing, therefore it's more like a mumbling.
    I am, in fact, cuddly. Interpret this as you wish. (Fine, just imagine me like JD from scrubs)
    My favourite animated movie is Happy Feet and anyone dare say anything against tapdancing penguins is gonna get a breath of fire in their faces. Speaking of which, Finding Nemo, Shrek and Iceage rock too.
    I got watery eyes during the ending of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. And during Forrest Gump. Admittedly I was younger then, but still.
    I've got one more:
    I like the song "back for good" by Take That. So take that and be quiet.
    I am in no way a creep, I am not drunk while typing this, I just wanted to give you all (well, I know nobody bothers to read my entries anyway) something to laugh at.
  12. Vezok's Friend
    Well, after Germany elected a new government there were threats of incidents to happen. Police responded quickly.
    I am not trying to say anything political, but today was actually the first time that I saw a policeman with an automatic weapon in my town.
    On a more lighter note: I went shopping today. A bit of Lego, a few DVDs and some hardware
  13. Vezok's Friend
    "You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city." The Spartan ephors sent back a one word reply: "If." 
    Laconic Phrases ftw.!

  14. Vezok's Friend
    This weekend, me and my family are celebrating two birthdays ^^ 
    First my Grandma, who has reached the age of 80 today and who always had an open door and an open ear for me and who helped make me the person I am.
    And my Dad, who will be 53 by tomorrow. He's taught me pretty much everything I know about discipline and without him I wouldn't be here (First physically, secondly he taught me english and without that...)
    So congratulations to the both of them
  15. Vezok's Friend
    Today a friend of our family invited us to come along to a concert held by a band of their friends. ^^ Mostly classic songs, with some stuff straight of the charts ("sweet home alabama all summer long"), but I knew 90% of them anyway and tried to sing along as good a possible with a jaw that opens only 30° -.- But anyway, this was a great way to start the holidays
    They played for 4 hours with 5 minute breaks for the smokers every 6 songs or so, during which they let the classic christmas songs sooth the audience ^^
    Maybe those are cheesy, but dang, now I am in a holiday mood.
    Speaking of holidays, I finished two pictures today, one comissioned by a friend whos in a punkband. He asked me to design their logo as they didn't have a proper one yet.

    The second is my obligatory "merry christmas" picture. Yah, the quality isn't that great but I have other stuff to do as well.

    Tomorrow I will devote most of my time to a picture that needs to be done on time for a very close friend of mine
    I want to thank Silver~Dragon in advance for helping me out a bit with the choice of motive.
    And on Monday my dad will take me along to a graphics hardware store to get a new tablet for me ^^ I am thinking Cintiq here *is hyped*
  16. Vezok's Friend
    Just a castaway An island lost at sea
    Another lonely day
    With no one here but me
    More loneliness
    Than any man could bear
    Rescue me before I fall into despair
    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    Message in a bottle
    (Message in a bottle)
    A year has passed since I wrote my note
    But I should have known this right from the start
    Only hope can keep me together
    Love can mend your life
    But love can break your heart
    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    Message in a bottle
    (Message in a bottle
    Oh, message in a bottle
    Message in a bottle)
    Walked out this morning
    Don't believe what I saw
    A hundred billion bottles
    Washed up on the shore
    Seems I'm not alone at being alone
    A hundred billion castaways
    Looking for a home
    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I'll send an SOS to the world
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    I hope that someone gets my
    Message in a bottle
    (Message in a bottle
    Message in a bottle
    Message in a bottle)
    Sending out an SOS...
    -"Message in a bottle", the Police
  17. Vezok's Friend
    Basic Module Programming.  
    Getting to know all the if-clauses of binary, with yes (true) and no(false) conditions. Pretty interesting.
    So kids, basic math is indeed coming back to haunt you, only now it's wearing disguises.
    And who'd ever think I'd like it?
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