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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Vezok's Friend
    Mary Poppins (Julie Andrews) is 75 today? Whoa ^^ 
    Speaking of years, I think I'll get my hands on the remastered John Lennon CDs.
    And even more talk about remastered stuff: Starwars I-VI in 3D?
  2. Vezok's Friend
    Bought a new sorting box for all my Lego pieces, took care of some errands, cleaned my room up further and went to Granma's to make Pancakes with her. Yummy!  
    I'd say this qualifies as a good day, though not a 100% sure.
  3. Vezok's Friend
    I guess I am jumping aboard the bandwagon here and will sum up the last year for a bit as well, and also what it means for this year. 
    Simply put, last year has been great. It has been a year of fun and a year of healing for me. A few that I let in more closely knew that the previous 2 years have been rough.
    I finished college and went through a pretty emotional mayhem at the same time, with anger, desperation, love and all that jazz coming and going as they pleased.
    That lasted through civil service, which was good because it numbed out all the other junk going on. I am very thankful that there were so many friends who put up with and helped me then. You know who you are and I thank you all deeply, even if you were just lending an ear from time to time or dropping a friendly comment.
    The steady income was nice too and I saved up over 10k in that time. Some of that was from my Grandparents who always told me to save it up for "something special".
    When I applied for my design-school luck came to me. The course I applied for took me, but would only start in the winter-semester. With civil service being finished before the summer I was faced with 6 months and nothing to do.
    My parents suggested looking for a part-time job. I wanted that "something special".
    The rest is a story that reached it's climax when I actually made it to Brickfair 2010, after a trip of adventures, lots of Hostels and most importantly awesome time hanging out with some of the most wonderful people I have met so far. It wouldn't have been the same without you and while hanging out with me can be tedious at times (mainly due to me) I want to thank you all again for letting me stay or just hanging out.
    The trip really recharged the batteries and that uneasiness and unhappiness I dragged with me from 08 probably got dumped in the Pacific somewhere or lost it's way in the Rockies.
    Back home I started my gamedesign course. I do not know how this came to be so awesome, but I have never missed a day there and I enjoy going there every day since it started. Our teachers are cool and the people from the course are likewise very awesome.
    All that set the scene for this year. And I am pretty much ready to tackle anything now, thanks to quite a few of you.
    I have my resolutions too, but this entry is already long enough for my tastes.
    So with that let me wrap this up, apollogize for not writing more coherently and thank you all again for being this awesome. I hope 2011 has good things in store for you!

  4. Vezok's Friend
    Today is a kind of sad day.
    Actually its a pretty happy day because Carnival started and everybody is going nuts in town.
    Nothing personal happened, but something else.
    Today there was the very last sale at the store that was pretty much the Center of all shopping in my hometown.
    Everything needed was there and 18 years now I bought my Lego there. Or had it bought for my by my parents. In any case, I dropped by there one last time to buy a Lego set for the last time.
    It certainly is a pity.
    PS: It is snowing. Again. In Febuary. It's such a strang thing. We never had snow in Febuary as long as I can remember!
  5. Vezok's Friend
    No, not the Pilgrim movie, that's a close second, I'm talking bout the project us gamedesigners at my college are currently working on  
    Stay tuned for more info ^^ I'll try to post a collage of all the chara-designs by the start of next week!

  6. Vezok's Friend
    Feeling a little like it at least.
    Thank goodness one of my pals back from school came over last night and we watched scrubs, that really saved the week from being completely meh.
    These last months in general were more of a stall...

  7. Vezok's Friend
    Yup! Off to Scotland, specifically, Edinburgh.
    I have no clue what the city will be like, none at all, but one thing is sure: It's time to learn a new English accent =D
    I'll be back by monday night and I will have a laptop with me over the weekend, just don't expect me to post much.
    Judging by the activity on my blog here, I'm sure that won't be a problem
    Stay safe everyone!
  8. Vezok's Friend
    My CS3 Portable Version killed itself yesterday. Now I must wait until I can get CS4... 
    All digital art is on hold right now >_< But I wanted to work this weekend, darnit!
    At least I've got some good-looking sketches in the works. Those Skrall are a horror to design though.
  9. Vezok's Friend
    So the game is out since a couple of days now...unfortunately I can't play it since I do not own a 360 and do not plan to buy one soon. I am just not a fan of consoles.
    What I am a fan of is Spartan Supersoldiers though ^^ Now what to do with 8-10 Armors scored at BFair...oh RIGHT!

    ^Click the Image^
  10. Vezok's Friend
    This weekend, me and my family are celebrating two birthdays ^^ 
    First my Grandma, who has reached the age of 80 today and who always had an open door and an open ear for me and who helped make me the person I am.
    And my Dad, who will be 53 by tomorrow. He's taught me pretty much everything I know about discipline and without him I wouldn't be here (First physically, secondly he taught me english and without that...)
    So congratulations to the both of them
  11. Vezok's Friend
    I just wanted to shout out another big thank you to all you awesome people I met at Brickfair! It's been such a rush leaving and going to NYC and getting settled in here that I couldn't truly appreciate the greatness yet.
    It's just an amazing feeling to leave something like that with the knowledge to have made a bunch of new friends ^^
    And just to add some more detail (in no particular order):
    Rob, you are truely a master of sarcasm and a master of alternate storytelling. Plus you're from BC, which is plain awesome!
    Joe, thanks for letting me room with you! It's just fun being in your company. And to look at that purple Brick on your badge ^^
    Andrew, like a Boss. A truly great Boss. They always told me if you think your teachers are bad wait til you meet your first Boss. Those people are just WRONG!
    Deb, thanks again for helping me out with that Gali-scribble. It just a fact that if it weren't for your art I would not be here. Like, at all.
    Ray is just plain awesome, no matter what the situation.
    Aaron. Your man-jump was the awesome icing to an awesome cake (which in this metaphor, is a video).
    Jason, for baking that cake (filming that video) and all the other videos.
    Ben, you helped me out in dire need. I had no place for that last night and even if it was invisible, I was really worried that I might be stuck with no place to go. And for helping me with shipping those 10 pounds of bricks home.
    Maddison, just for being cool. Hope this gets better again.
    Cameron, the man-jump partner in crime and awesome mocist. I salute you.
    Josh, I kept my promise, I rejoined the RPG. A small thankyou for such big an amount of coolness.
    Ean, your hair and your humor, my thanks!
    Yannick, your blue shirt just rocks. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
    Pat, I almost forgot to add you here. RayG straightened me out, that's why he's on here. You are in fact so awesome, I don't know where to begin the list and where it would end.
    And everybody else who was there, Waffles, Raptor, Speaknspell, Levaklah...*continues*
    Just THANKS!

  12. Vezok's Friend
    Hey y'all!
    It's gotten a bit quiet here the last 2 months or so. I hadn't planned on that, but you know if you want to make the great beings laugh, just tell them your plans. Usually what gets in the way of writing a blog is the inevitable need for sleep and a number of other free-time activities, such as participation in the BZPRPG, hitting the gym and catching up on art and PC games a little. But mostly it is my tendency of staying longer at work, which leaves very little time to actually sit down, structure thoughts and write a blog entry. But I figured better now than never.
    Staying longer at work though does not mean putting in overtime - not at all. It's just such a fun place to be, that I often just keep on building, drawing, chatting with other colleagues. Being hired with an AFOL background, things are a bit different for me though. Primarily, adjusting to building models not for myself, but for consumers. It's a bit of a change to not have the final say about a model's design, but it is a team effort in the end and so it was an easy change to make. The other thing is that there are many here who had no AFOL background at all when they started and for many it is still 'work' and so after 9 to 5 is over, the office empties out. Which is not a bad thing at all, I mean who isn't happy to go home at the end of the day? But for me there have been numerous instances of people being at the office until late at night, just merrily working on their own things alongside like-minded others and having a good time. And that is really the best thing about working here: Even on the busiest days, there's always time for a few jokes. Of course working with the toy you grew up with for 20 years is amazing, but no matter where you are, a healthy social environment is so, so crucial. Especially on stressful days. Stressful? Oh yes indeed, that word exists here too. Like it does in every creative company. Of course, nobody likes to have it, but when you're on a timetable and have to balance a dozen factors or easily more, it happens from time to time. Not this week though, this week is the first since I got here, where I can honestly say things feel 'slow' for me. Which is a nice change.
    I have lived in Billund for four months now, but they went by crazy fast. Between training at work, actual work, getting settled in in Denmark, starting Danish lessons and the still ongoing tying-up of various insurance and tax and other paperwork-related things from Germany A lot has happened, but it doesn't really feel like it and this last weekend the beginning of May caught me a bit by surprise, but after pushing hard on my current assignment, I find myself with a bit more time to slow down and think about what's gonna happen next. Right now I am looking into buying a car so that I am not bound by bus-schedules. As much as I like public transportation, leaving a party in the wee hours of morning only to find the next bus will not arrive for another hour is no fun, so having my own set of wheels will be a definite plus. It's just very expensive to get one here, compared to other EU countries.
    And that's all I have for now. Sorry for rambling on. Like I said, I find it hard just to sit down and structure my thoughts after work like this. So if you have questions, related to what's written here or just in general, please ask. I will try to answer if I can.
    Cheers everybody and keep being awesome!
  13. Vezok's Friend
    Sooo, I checked the E3 trailers.
    Apart from el seniore Ezio Auditore di Firenze, our Hashishin decendant, we also return to to a galaxy far far away with the old republic, but, the ultimate thing I am looking forward two are our Nanosuit-clad friends Nomad,Psycho and Prophet, back in action on the Lingshan Islands
  14. Vezok's Friend
    English and Biology Major are done, I aced English (14 out of 15 points) and wrote Biology today.
    16 pages of Neurophysiology. Killer.
    Anyway...27 days to go.
    I need to find me some strength. This graduation-thing siphons off most of my energy.
    PS: Yes. Purple. Deal with it.
  15. Vezok's Friend
    So, everything was gone for 4 weeks now...And I had just gotten used to not checking here fequently... 
    Well, at least I'll commence writing here, in my blog, again. Which brings me to my first point: I think I need a new name for this joint. And I could use some suggestions.
    I am not really in the mood to recount everything that I did over the last 4 weeks, but here's a short summary: I've started my job on July 1st.
    I am working at the hospital now, in anaestesiology and surgery. Most of the time I am in the wakeup-room where people are brought ater surgery for post-operative monitoring, so one of the first faces you'll see after leaving one of the 6 ORs here will probably be mine.
    I've also been inside the ORs, assisting a little in preping the patients, I also attended a few surgeries and I've seen some things you wouldn't want to hear about.
    One positive side-effect of working in a hospital is that most day-to-day problems you face become minor compared to what some of the patients go through.
    So,I've got work, enough free time, money an a tasty plate of Spaghetti. Seems like everythings going the way it should.
  16. Vezok's Friend
    Charactersheet for a young adult wyvern I skeched a couple of weeks ago. With a little uplifting line to go along with it.  
    "You are young. You are brave. You are free. The skies are yours to conquer."
  17. Vezok's Friend
    Hello BZPers! How are you? Fantastic!
    Are you on an awesome trip like me?
    Could you blog about it like me?
    Should your Blog use dragons, fantasy, Sci-Fi and ridiculous TV-ads?
    I don't know!
    Do you like to read about adventure?
    Do you want a blog that looks like it can bring out an awesome entry
    right out of the room of one the most famous BZPers (LK)?
    Of course you do!
    Swan dive!
    Into the best blog of your day!
    So BZPers, should your Blog look a bit more like this one?
    You tell me.

  18. Vezok's Friend
    So. Who am I? The aeon old question. But Who I am is just a derivative of what, and what I am is an artist here on Bzp! (Btw. V for Vendetta quotes rock!)
    And beeing an artist that's what you propbaly know me. Some of my other nicknames include "Cörv", "C-man clueless", "VF", "Veef", "Beef", and generally that pain in the neck with the colour-scheme ruining golden Metru Hau I stole from Lhikan.
    And aside from the cool facts that I am/was a lifeguard, a sailor, a diver, swam onle 3 feet away from a sharks nose, touched a seaturtle (Yes you PotC fans, seaturtles. Tied together with hair from my Hobbit-feet!) swam with Dolphins and was on two Safaris in Africa, there are some facts that make me blush.
    First of all: There are facts that make me blush.
    I am shy and if you ask me to show you my sketchbook while looking over my shoulder you should be prepared for a Gollum-eque chest-clutching "my prescioussss" show. Same goes for asking me to play the trumpet solo in front of an audience. No chance in Karzhani.
    Secondly: I can get excited like my old 4-year old self in Legoland Billund and should you ever witness that event, I am a mentally sane person with momentary fits of crazy. For example a new movie coming out or generally the first new Bionicle-set of the year release. Or sometimes randomly for no reason when the sun is shining.
    I tend to air-drum along to the rocksongs in my playlist. And I am good at it.
    I sometimes hum or sing (quietly) along to them too. I can't really sing, therefore it's more like a mumbling.
    I am, in fact, cuddly. Interpret this as you wish. (Fine, just imagine me like JD from scrubs)
    My favourite animated movie is Happy Feet and anyone dare say anything against tapdancing penguins is gonna get a breath of fire in their faces. Speaking of which, Finding Nemo, Shrek and Iceage rock too.
    I got watery eyes during the ending of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. And during Forrest Gump. Admittedly I was younger then, but still.
    I've got one more:
    I like the song "back for good" by Take That. So take that and be quiet.
    I am in no way a creep, I am not drunk while typing this, I just wanted to give you all (well, I know nobody bothers to read my entries anyway) something to laugh at.
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