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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Vezok's Friend
    Yay ^^ My very very last exams in Maths and German have come and passed and I think I did a decent job. 
    So now there only remain 5 subjects to study for from now on, and two of them I can do single-handedly.
    No news on Art however. I've been drawing stuff, but not colouring. Might take till the weekend before I decide to do that.
    Just little updates. I'll see you guys around
  2. Vezok's Friend
    HAL, my trusty Laptop is injured. Injured, because it is not a software but a hardware problem. He doesn't like lateral movement much these days. To make it short: Something is up with the display connection to the boards inside, either with the connection to the graphiccard or with the cable itself. There is no data-loss and everything is still performing well but it quite frustrating to have your screen fail on you just because you lifted the Laptop up so the SD-slot was easier to access.
    So I called the company, I'm still in the warranty period and just traveling a lot is not a good argument for bad treatment of a laptop because...well, because that is what you do with Laptops, you take them with you.
    Today they are going to come to pick it up. Shipping and repair is usually taking up to a week, according to the guy from support.
    Which means this: This week, my ability to be online and to work on my art is severely compromised. I will try to keep up here and in other places but I'll be rare.
    The week after, I'll be on holiday. I do not know wether or not I will have the laptop then but I prolly won't take it with me.
    Long story short: Don't expect to see me much the next two weeks. Though I will try to be around.

  3. Vezok's Friend
    Toa of Kenn just linked me this: 
    A TV special on the inner workings of Bionicle
    It's a german TV feature on the design and production of the 2008 Bionicle sets from start to finish, including the reaction of the kids that test it.
    Get a unique look at the Prototypes.
    And to wrap this awesome short entry up: My favourite statement has to be the little boy that says "Before the only had sword, and now there is weapons that can fire...like pumpguns. Bang Bang, you know!"
    Explains a lot if you ask me.

  4. Vezok's Friend
    I am currently buys helping the team with preparations for LEGO World in Copenhagen, which will start on the 12th of Febuary, (so even before NY Toy fair, for those of you hungry for news).
    It's apparently a public event, so if you happen to live in or are in Denmark at the time, seems like a cool thing to check out. Also there will be a display which I had my hands on, so it will also be the first time something I built at work becomes public.
  5. Vezok's Friend
    Three weeks pass quickly. Even more so when you have so much fun at work that you start looking forward to Mondays (Crazy, right?) It's been really cold here this week in Billund and I think I saw the sun about three times in total. And this was the view (or lack thereof) on the way home from work tonight. It's just missing the sirens for that real horror game feel.



    On the upside, quite a number of the new designers have banded together and organized a number of activities despite the lackluster weather. And in addition, I've been assigned my first set at work. Super exciting! Also, if things go well, there might be pictures from an upcoming presentation. I'll have to see if I can share those.


    PS: Had to add a disclaimer box for legal reasons.

  6. Vezok's Friend
    I went to see Rock of Ages the day before yesterday, which is just my kind of musical. They even gave out fake cigarette lighters for maximum Audience participation...if only the audience would participate MORE! To make it short, a musical about 80s classic rock? Totally awesome condensed into 2 hrs!
    Scott Pilgrim. If you stumbled across Kohaku's Blog this morning like me, the man speaks the truth and naught but the truth.
    In my opinion, the BEST adaption of a Studios opening logo to a movie ever! And a totally cool movie to live up to the expectation.
    Hard Rock Café...need a say more?
    Keep rockin' people! 6 more days before heading back over the border to Maple-leaf country.
  7. Vezok's Friend
    I just remembered somebody today, who reminded me of how prescious life actually is. 
    In 2004 I was in Africa with my mom, who is/was involved in a healthcare project in Tanzania.
    We met some great people down there, including a Medical Assistant who worked in the Healthcare center my mom helped in.
    A year later he contracted the HI-Virus and despite medication died a few months later.
    Our time on this little blue planet in the milky way is so darn short sometimes...
    I don't want to encourage discussion with this entry about any ethical dilemma or issue, I just want to raise a little awareness of the fact that it is important to cherish the good moments in life.
  8. Vezok's Friend
    When you try your best, but you don't succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need
    When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
    Stuck in reverse
    When the tears come streaming down your face
    When you lose something you can't replace
    When you love someone, but it goes to waste
    Could it be worse?
    Lights will guide you home
    And ignite your bones
    And I will try to fix you
    High up above or down below
    When you too in love to let it go
    If you never try you'll never know
    Just watch and learn
    Lights will guide you home
    And ignite your bones
    And I will try to fix you
    Tears stream down your face
    When you lose something you cannot replace
    Tears stream down your face
    And I...
    Tears stream down your face
    I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
    Tears stream down your face
    And I...
    Lights will guide you home
    And ignite your bones
    And I will try to fix you
    "Fix you" by Coldplay
    A darnit I love it when the guitar kicks in halfway through the song!
  9. Vezok's Friend
    First of all: LK, I read your blog and I just wanna say two things: First of all I wanna thank you for having me over, and secondly that I was never at any moment annoyed with you (only concerned when you weere hiding in your room)
    Now, live from Brickfair, it's VF reporting in. I can just say it is awesome. I talked to official Lego employees and I am hanging out with some of the most amazing people!
    Or like Darth Vader said, this is the purgatory for Lego Fans!
    I can't write any more...it's just too much to list.
    PS: If you guy think Nukaya's squeaking is adorable, you should hear Kohaku
    PPS: It has been declared, by the men of the union of manliness, after consulting with Isaiah Mustafa, that Kohaku does squeal in a manly manner!
  10. Vezok's Friend
    ...at least for 3 Nights. 
    I finally made it to Montréal again. Now, since the Hostel I will be staying at is solidly booked until the 23rd I am left with 3 nights in the Airport Hotel.
    This is pretty costly, but I guess one time I can do this.
    And honestly, who doesn't want to feel fancy sometime? ^^
    And since this is the francophone part:
    Au revoir mes amis ^^
  11. Vezok's Friend
    No. Not an actual saying, just a songtitle by R.E.M. 
    Anyway. I was looking through the basement a few days ago and found my dads old guitar. Or not his guitar, just a guitar we owned. Anyway, I tuned it with some help and maybe if I invest enough time I can actually learn to strum a little.
    It's just more difficult to switch chords then I initially thought.
    And before any of those of you who actually play guitar for real feel inclined to give me tips: I've really just barely started. ^^
    Anyway, keep save everyone (yes. Everyone.)
  12. Vezok's Friend
    Just before I was getting ready today to leave the house I suddenly found an e-mail in my inbox, telling me that today's class is not happening since our prof is sick. 
    I was looking forward to Drama/Conception...oh well,tomorrow then^^
    So, I have another full day, to procrastinate, play DAO and get ready for Nanowrimo.
    Oh yes, and I also have all the time for a good breakfast now...maybe a second even?
  13. Vezok's Friend
    So today we got our certificates of acceptance today that will allow us to attend the finals and actually graduate. Except for a friend of mine. Because one of his grades is one point of. Darnit. He doesn't deserve that.
    How do you help a friend with a problem you have no influence on?

  14. Vezok's Friend
    Ok, this is in the music section, BUT, for a different reason then to share lyrics.
    I have an investment dilemma...well, that 's the only word coming close to the situation. A friend from the orchestra offered me that I can buy his old trumpet for 1000 bucks. it's just 1 1/2 years old, so pretty new, top condition, in matte gold.
    Against it I have to pit my old trumpet of the same brand, 10 years old, in shiny gold.
    So, do I stick with my old one or buy the new horn?

    EDIT: Ok. After playing it for a while and testing it, I decided it wasn't worth paying the 1k for it.
    Now I still have my dear old Sella ^^ She's still shiny after all
  15. Vezok's Friend
    I know Necro is probably going to want to flay me alive for this...with his mind, but I've decided to re-install ME2.
    For another playthrough. Playthrough Nr. 6 or more by now.
    Now, chances are I failed and forgot to make a backup up my original safe-file and will need to recreate Alexander Shepard (As seen in my Avatar) and play through ME1 AND 2 or I did make a backup on the external HD...let's hope for the latter.
    In any case though, ME2 came with such a buttload of DLC (15 Releases, 7 of which are additional missions each taking another few hours to complete.)
    Which I am downloading. Right now. All at the same time.
    Edit: Nooo...Alexander Shepard got killed during a total system reboot ;_;
    Seems I need to go all Lazarus on the Game. Well, seems I will need to save the galaxy twice this month then...

  16. Vezok's Friend
    Today a friend of our family invited us to come along to a concert held by a band of their friends. ^^ Mostly classic songs, with some stuff straight of the charts ("sweet home alabama all summer long"), but I knew 90% of them anyway and tried to sing along as good a possible with a jaw that opens only 30° -.- But anyway, this was a great way to start the holidays
    They played for 4 hours with 5 minute breaks for the smokers every 6 songs or so, during which they let the classic christmas songs sooth the audience ^^
    Maybe those are cheesy, but dang, now I am in a holiday mood.
    Speaking of holidays, I finished two pictures today, one comissioned by a friend whos in a punkband. He asked me to design their logo as they didn't have a proper one yet.

    The second is my obligatory "merry christmas" picture. Yah, the quality isn't that great but I have other stuff to do as well.

    Tomorrow I will devote most of my time to a picture that needs to be done on time for a very close friend of mine
    I want to thank Silver~Dragon in advance for helping me out a bit with the choice of motive.
    And on Monday my dad will take me along to a graphics hardware store to get a new tablet for me ^^ I am thinking Cintiq here *is hyped*
  17. Vezok's Friend
    Today, after 13 years of war, we, as one person, stand victorious.
    Our continuous efforts, strategic thinking, endurance, persistance (and superior firepower) brought us this success.
    We may have lost comrades and friends along the way and we honour the fallen with laughter and shouts of joy.
    For today, we have beaten Al Gebra and all it's Biological, Chemical and Physical Warfare. We stood up to the religion and philosophy of our enemy, we mastered their Art and music and their language and assimilated it into our one mind, and in this final campaing over the last month, no matter how hard it was, we dominated the educational system, finished school and mocked those who still aren't done yet with it.
    And I, as a veteran of this conflict, all I can say, all I can ask is: What comes before Part B?
    Part A(y)!
    Schools out I survived my last final!
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