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Status Updates posted by Kaxix

  1. Just a few days ago. :)

    Read the new Bleach chapter as soon as it comes out tomorrow because it should be very good (I read a spoiler line :( )

  2. Just wait for Ichigo arrival in FKT. Then with the next saga (there should be at least 2 more arcs) Bleach will return awesome. As for Naruto

    -Sakura looking for Sasuke (What?)

    -Killer Bee vs Kisame (I really hope Kisame wins)

    As for the new manga, I'm happy the mangaka's back.

    Have you ever read Bakuman?

  3. Kaxix's returning. :P

  4. Kisame ;_; I hope he lives but his fight was so lame...

    Ichigo seems really confident...let's see.

  5. Last week chapters: I agree they were both kind of boring. Not much to say. :|

    Bleach 427: ok chapter but at least we know something new about Ra-man.

    It seems that Psyren might end next week or the one after it. :( (I can confirm that direction reading the spoilers)

  6. Let me know when you'll make the new version. :)

  7. Let's say Psyren-Naruto-Bleach for this week. :|

    Yeah, I saw the message ;(

  8. Let's see if Sasuke arrives to Konoha soon.. I hope so.

  9. Let's see what Uki is going to do. If they fight together I don't think we'll see any of their bankais. :(

    As for Naruto, there wasn't much in the chapter.

  10. Long time no "see"! :)

  11. Long time no see... man...? :S

  12. Magnetism.

    You need only one post...

  13. Maybe there won't be winners in this battle... I think it's too early to have Sasuke defeated and I really don't want Kakashi to die (again).

    Sakura is a lot confused. She still loves Sharingan-boy so why did she go there? No one said to her to kill him with her hands.

    ;_; Bleach........

  14. Mayuri vs Ishida?

    It wasn't a bad battle at all. :)

  15. Me too. It seems he completely removed the adventure-battle part in his stories.

    I still have hope (a bit) though. :)

  16. Me too.

    Recently it seems that all the characters he draws have the same face (especially students). Is it only me or it's only because I want a Sven 2.0 :3 so bad?

  17. Merry christmas to you too! :)

    Buon natale e felice anno nuovo!

  18. Merry Christmas.

  19. More BLEACH.

  20. My favourite character is Zetsu.

    However I think currently the story has become a little worse...

  21. My favourite on is "Hero's come back". When I saw it I was following only the italian version of Naruto and we were way behind in the episodes so it was a surprise for me.

    Flow is probably my second favorite. I didn't like much "Blue bird".

  22. My interest in Bionicle is going down in this period. That's way I was offline during this period.

    Anyways have you read the latest spoilers?

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