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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    If the roads weren't as dangerous as they have been the last few days I would've already driven down to Target a few times to see if they have any of the Protectors/Toa out. Pretty excited for them, though part of me wishes my friend still worked there so she could tell me if/when they would put them out (she quit like right after my family moved back to pursue an education across state, so I mean it was definitely for a worthy cause).
    Just reminds me how I haven't bought a constraction set since like the first wave of Hero Factory (I just had Breez, I got Von Nebula as a gift and that thing is like half put together, I keep scrapping bits of him for parts).
  2. Noxryn
    Well, I went to Barnes 'n Noble and purchased the last two books to the TCR trilogy, sadly they still do not carry the next book to TSST...
    before I start with TCR sequels, I need to finish reading the third RA book...
    TCR= The Clone Republic
    TSST= The Soldier Son Trilogy
    RA= Ranger's Apprentice.
    Other than that I have done NOTHING today...
  3. Noxryn
    WELL maybe i'll play this again ~may have half a profile ready to go and waiting on an answer or two on some questions about technical thingies~
    it's 3am im really bored ok
  4. Noxryn
    I've had a... well, I'll say it wasn't a very good week overall. Some drama (not here you silly nannies) popped up that upset me (but I'm over it, thus why I'm all good), had to work in a library for 15 hours of Spring Break (not that I don't like libraries, but cleaning shelves hated my back with a passion... and cleaning books... let's just say some of them were really gross and I'm a wuss), and I got into a dumb argument (no nothing here again you sillies) which... let's just say it was dumb and leave it there.
    and BZPower had a bit of drama go on, i think it's stupid it's even "drama" but whatever. I think my signature accurately displays my opinion.
  5. Noxryn
    So I bought Halo 4 at midnight, well more precisely, nine minutes after midnight. I just got the normal edition -- Limited was sold out, and I wasn't shelling out 350+ for the console (even if the design is cool, and the harddrive is massive).
    I was actually in the line around 8:30ish my time, ran into some friends and we just talked about Halo, he went on about The Walking Dead, boyfriends, and some career related things. Was fun, also ran into some other people I know and just talked about random stuff for the most part. It was my first midnight release thing, and they had some copies of Halo 4 going on a massive screen for some people to play, but otherwise it was mostly this massive line (I was near the beginning of it, as most people showed up around 9 and 10).
    So I got my copy (number 91) and then picked up a thing of mountain dew. Why I did this I don't know, but I ended up drinking the whole thing in that week and in conjunction with playing so much Halo... yeah, not healthy (going to the gym tomorrow...).
    But I:
    - Beat the whole campaign on Legendary solo the first day, found all the terminals too (still need to grab some other achievements).
    - Beat the current Spartan Ops episode on Legendary
    - And got up to SR - 34 (prolly to be 35, or even 40, by the end of Sunday)
    I'm having fun. :B
  6. Noxryn
    The main bad things that happened is that my back hurts, but it always hurts, then again today it's been in the most intense form of pain. The dog left me a six hour old present in my room, I was really ticked after that as I happened to retch when I walked in, lucky me that I was carrying a bucket at the time (Don't ask, long story).
    Now I'm on the junkeh comp which has missing keys and stuff as the other two more "optimal" Comps are downstairs and I really gag halfway down the steps.
  7. Noxryn
    Today was a full mail day for me, quite exciting!
    - Got my jacket (and it FITS! So happy about that! -- Pics may come, I need to take some I feel okay with. Right now it's limited to this one, but that's not that great of an image)
    - Got my passport (For my Senior year graduation, we may go to Italy... may, depends on how things are financially)
    - Got my debit card (Old one expired and the bank was derping about sending out my new one, so I went there, ate their free cookies and sorted it all out)
    - Got tons of college information... just advertisements, but I figured to browse through them this time rather than never open them.
    So, yay! Mail and such!
  8. Noxryn
    When I reply to comments in my own blog... is that normal? I just like to as I dunno, go nothing better to do...so yeah, do you think it is strange?
  9. Noxryn
    12 hours of testing, done, finally. It sucked due to what I had to write with (I have a bit of a pet-peeve when it comes to using wooden pencils... is all <<), and the Math section was horrid as it was all Geometry/Algebra 2 stuff, and well... I'm in Algebra I, which means I never learned the content. Kinda ticked me off a bit, mainly because the state-law (for some weird and, IMO, dumb reason) is to have this particular test appear on the transcript (It's those state-tests where they just test you in order to evaluate the school, more or less, and they never really "counted" before. I guess they never counted because not everyone learns what's in the booklets...)
    So that's one third of my stress gone.
    Now, I have two essays (the third is more or less a Short Story than an essay) and they're all due on the same day. Personally, I find the one essay (This whole "I believe..." thing) to be kinda silly. All I went on about was a book, just because it took the time and it filled the paper, but still covered the subject (Which was, my subject was... I think it was something to do with writer's and authors I admire. I dunno, it started one way and ended differently -- I need to re-read my draft again). The second essay, well, it was actually moved to be due right before Spring Break. This particular essay is the one that'll decide where I go next year, meaning, whether I just go into English II (Standard) or if I go into English II (Honors). Personally, I'd much prefer the latter as with that, on top of the other two literary classes I'm taking (Creative Writing/Journalism) it'll probably compare for what to expect if I can get the grades and the recommendations to get into AP English in my Junior year. So yeah, some stress there with "WhatdoIdoWhatdoIdo."
    Also, I've been getting some frequent headaches throughout the week, which don't help with anything... same goes for stomach pains, though at least I haven't had any obscure and oddly placed muscle twitches .-.
    The third thing is a whole story-thing I really need to think of how to finish up... it's like, halfway done... and that took like, a month of work. Basically, I need to make the second half sound as good as the first part, but I have under a week to do it in. If I don't finish it, at all, it just won't be graded so I'd be rather stupid to hand in the half I did and not the end.
    Then there's some dramatic stuff on BZP which just comes with things. But that's not really the big part, the above stuff was more the big part in my stress levels.
    All I got now is some actual tests, from my classes, to look forward to next week (Hint of sarcasm here), but for me, I tend to be rather good at Biology for some reason.
    My mind is just a pile of mush right now.
    Also: Sister playing the Simpson's Movie for the eighth time... it gets to you ._.

  10. Noxryn
    I think that instead of the overused ax in horror movies, they should use a ice pick, or a chainsaw. Chainsaws are just kewl, while ice picks aren't done so much.
    I will go off and commit redrum nao.
  11. Noxryn
    Reading some posted information on my school's website, I was apparently supposed to request a locker weeks ago... during my lunch period. I know that they were shouting about something, but in the lunchroom you can barely hear yourself think. So now I think I should get this all straightened out so I'm not like "Umm... what do I do now?" on the first day of school ><
    And I also get all the new teachers for classes... I hope they are nice ._.
    Oh, and I really am begging that the ten page essay is a creative writing thing... I mean, I can't write another essay about "The Wonders of Paper".
    You sit down for two hours trying to write a five page report on paper [Paper being the topic]. It... was the most boring and dull two hours of my life. That was sixth grade too ><
    Oh, and looking back in sixth grade to my current handwriting... it's just... wow. I wrote normal sized in sixth, but now I write so small that I've had a few complaints from teachers about it. I don't get it, I can read it fine, from a distance, but no one else can. Gah, you people should have heard how my group stumbled with words when trying to read the article I hand wrote. I had to get up there and read it out loud myself, and I hate doing that.
    My excuse is that I save paper.
  12. Noxryn
    So today I learn that our French class has the choice to go to Paris [France] over summer break. Looking at the whole thing, I'd miss a day of school, but it'd be awesome regardless of that small factor.
    Now the question is...
    Can I go? I don't know, it costs $2100 [which isn't that bad, going to BFair was a little under that to be honest] and it more depends on whether or not both of my parents agree on it. The fact that they never agree on anything makes it hard, but oh well.
    Oh, and I learned that the place where my mom works -- her boss is trying to schedule a four day conference in DC early August, early as in from August 4 -- 9 and if that goes through then plane tickets and hotel tickets are free which brings the cost of going down to $600 -- $700 dollars annnd because of the dates, that would mean that I'd get to go to BFair 2010. This is not set in stone, and I'd probably only be able to go to BFair in August of 2010 if the conference is scheduled for the area. If not, then my France trip will probably suck up the money to go anyways... or maybe not, depends on how things end up playing out.
    An interesting thing; my friend from Texas went to NYC and had incredibly long hair [Last time I saw him -- he was bald] and I just learned that he's going into his High School's ROTC program and has to shave it off anyway. Just an interesting tidbit is all.
  13. Noxryn
    I really miss having a huge, really open field/meadow that had all of these flowers, enwreathed by amazing, and magnificent trees that smelled of a very potent pine. No one ever went to this area, so I did a lot, and it was really nice to just have some music on your iPod/MP3/Whatever and just lay in the grass and flowers, staring at the sky as clouds passed by, with nothing but the sound of the trees and your thoughts. It was so quiet, so peaceful, and probably one of my favorite places I've ever been.
    I miss it so much ;-;
  14. Noxryn
    I feel more prompted to post this as BZPower, as a whole, seems to fall into this pit fairly often with a variety of people.
    Religious discussion is not allowed. The rule goes further to nix religious statements, quotations and so forth. (Even though, these days, that does seem more lax although I am fairly certain no official alteration to that rule has occurred).
    It's not a rule designed to slight people who are religious. It exists because religion is one of those things everyone argues over to the point of near tearing out someone's throat, verbally. Absolutely no eye opening, wonderful, well developed discussion will occur over the subject on a forum dedicated to Lego. By and large, discussions about it belong where there's a large base with a vested interest in the topic who actually studied the subject (Even then, odds are most contributors never took a class on any religion anyway, so the value there is questionable at best). If someone really holds a burning desire for religious discussion, they can speak to a religious leader, other members of their community, or find a platform more suitable for it. Easy as that.
    A lot of people seem to think LGBT related talk is comparable to religion and should be banned because it offends some individuals of some religions. Straight up, it's not. Being a person is different than believing in something. If LGBT content was 100 percent banned, like it used to be, an entire section of this community wouldn't be able to open up about themselves or talk about important details of their life that other individuals can freely discuss with no consequence: that's not fair and it's not equal treatment of members. LGBT individuals can't post bible quotes, or statements, just as non-LGBT members cannot. But LGBT members can talk about significant others, post romantic stories, art, etc... just as any non-LGBT member can.
    The two situations aren't comparable and trying to force them to be just because you don't like some people is irritating at best. Hopefully people can understand that.
  15. Noxryn
    Well...I would like to say today was not my day for a bowling game. I lost with a very pathetic score of 29 -__-; and the next game I bumped it up to 39 -__-;...that did not make me look good at these games...
    I finished Rogue Clone, and the third Ranger's Apprentice book, I'm now on The Clone Alliance (Last in the series)
    I loved the part so far when a gigantuan mercenary named "Ray Freeman" just left a military briefing to go to the bathroom, and never came back. Colonel Harris (Main character) made a bet with a Naval Intell Officer that they wouldn't find his mercenary partner.
    The next day the Naval Intell Officer was all ticked and handed over the 100$ owed. I found that quite funny.
    A Kewl part in the last book (Rouge Clone) was in a gigantic space battle with the Confederates, Mogats (MOrGAn ATkin) believers, and the Japanese group from Ezer Kri who had a planetary name change denied by the U.A Republic.
    The U.A had a ship called the Droctrinaire which was a monolithic ship as advanced as they come. Fleet Admiral Bryce Klyber was supposed to commandeer it-but he met an untimely death and the ship was handed over to Admiral Che Huang, and his Rear Admiral Thurston.
    Thurston kept the giant ship in one place and used it as a fortress when he should have been manuevering with it. What happened was that since the ship was pretty much unmoving, and only shooting, a kamikaze Mogat ship with a Nuke on the bow was able to broadcast (Turn into energy and shoot at speeds fast enough to cover millions of lightyears in a moment) right in the center of the monolithic battle ship, the result destroyed both ships and the nuke took care of the nearby fighters.
    U.A fell, but not fully.
    It was a kewl and fun to read space battle.
  16. Noxryn
    In class a student asked if they could tell a joke, answer was yes and here is how it went;
    "What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?"
    "I don't know, what did the farmer say?"
    "I lost my tractor."
    How it was said and the timing of it all was perfect enough to make everyone just laugh a bit at that.
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