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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. I tried to once, but I realized that RC doesn't work on a 360. So no.

  2. I used to watch Andromeda, but then I couldn't find it anymore >

  3. I voted you up, up, and more up.

  4. I wanna crab. I am hungry.

  5. I was quoting a song which is a theme song to a show I was watching ^^


  6. I wasn't mocking anyone though, or a general group.


  8. I wish I was able to stick around long enough to witness your promotion D=. I just hope that you don't get crushed under the pile of work you have =P

  9. I wish I was on the same time you are on >

  10. I would prefer land. I only have one character so it will be Vrax. :)

  11. I wouldn't whip you.

  12. I'll have to get my Xbox fixed first, cuz it died recently ><. but sure i can do that.>

  13. I'll help you if I get the C4 this time.

  14. I'm 6', if you think that's tall =P

  15. I'm a little what? C'mon say it.

  16. I'm awesome too? :o

  17. I'm good, and you?

  18. I'm here for boredom... meh

  19. I'm In yOuR PrOfilE GiVing YoU FoOdZ

  20. I'm more interested in the community and site related topics, so that's where most my posts came from =P. But if you do enjoy what I write, I would also suggest member Dyski's Documentary in Completely Off Topic. ^^

  21. I'm neutral. I like both ^^;

  22. I'm one year older than GG... well one year and six days...

  23. I'm with Smeags on your Avvie size. It is soooo biiiig.

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