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Posts posted by Noxryn

  1. a continuation, probably


    - keeps the massive, convoluted and underdeveloped world that has so many things to recall and categorize from it, most of which are useless side-details rarely revisited.

    - keeps the wretched gender restrictions on matoran tribes and reinforces the 1/6 female rule

    - new, young fans would easily be turned off by the massive wealth of information they would have to consume in a dry manner in order to accurately comprehend what is going on in the story that's being sold to them.

    - parents, younger kids, would likely not respond well to the grittier, darker aspects of Bionicle (which I'm not sure stopped with bara magna or continued) -- ie: Pridak's bloodstained face.

    - you have a ton of characters, most of whom are poorly developed, explained, and have the personality of a rock or a common trope

    - lacks a unique identity to draw people in, as it basically turned into a run of the mill sci-fi that slowly started to weed out the concepts of mysticism and mystery that permeated the early story for it (which is what drew in a lot of fans, initially)

    - incredibly repetitive


  2. the only acceptable fad are tuggles


    miss those things so much


    those droyd things I recall were also pretty cute and fun to make and caught on like wow


    (i'd credit the creators of them but I honestly cant remember who they are)



    I guess if you wanted to manufacture a fad you'd have to make a simple, cute, easy to build thing that has wide appeal (granted those are the only fads I actually ever remember)

    • Upvote 3
  3. I always liked the idea of a genderfluid Vakama, though I identified a lot with the character in 2004 due to their anxiety and self-confidence problems and it was another way to feel connected to the character in hindsight... despite how Vakama's personality completely flipped the next year. Otherwise, I really do like the trans-Tamaru headcanon (and I did like how Makaru utilized it in the flavor text for his MOC). Additionally, I've heard a female Lewa headcanon somewhere (I can't remember where :c ) but I thought that sounded pretty cool and interesting, and headcanoning some more of the Mata as female helps their whole 1/6 thing (and I just like Lewa being a lighthearted, sort of careless bit of comedic relief... who also got some decent characterization early on). But aside from them, I haven't come across many other headcanons, and it's been a while since I've really tried to put my own ideas and thoughts creatively into Bionicle.


    Personally, I also like to think Nixie is genderfluid... but that's again since, when I was little, I loved who she was in the MNOLG games since I was heavily interested in astronomy and she was an astronomer. Though, I feel a little selfish with that one since there's very little female representation in the line to begin with and changing a female scientist in the story to something else feels a little bit... well, er... selfish, of me.

    • Upvote 2
  4. i don't like them


    while now i live in an area that has like every type of store, in the past i didn't and it always kinda sucked to be all "oh wow this set looks so cool" and be unable to obtain it because the store isnt in the area.


    of course there's ordering online, but when i was little i wasn't allowed to order things online (and getting something ordered online needed a powerpoint presentation). but it just feels easier when all the sets are made available at all relevant retailers.

  5. i'm not a fan of his writing, largely later on as his characters kept to the same sorts of archetypes and most were fairly flat and underdeveloped (and a lot were useless and just kinda -there-). i dislike the process he had to writing, which was make stuff up as he went (at least for the serials) as it caused a lot of issues with the plot, with implications his writing created, and... well, to me, it made it seemed like he didn't really care about the story that much.


    kinda in the same vein with all the canonizing he allowed BZPower to do. it by and large felt like he didn't want to write the stories, or develop the world, so he decided to let the fans do that instead (with results i still cringe at).


    i don't know if he ever read criticism, like that of the Orde Ordeal (im kinda tempted to just call it the Ordeal), and i really dont know if he ever cared that his female characters needed more work, that his characterizations of them needed more work, that he wrote them incredibly similarly or within the boundaries of overdone and trite archetypes. the fact that, by and large, there seemed very little change made me feel like he didn't really care that much about the criticisms, about how his story was appealing to some fans (at least the serials, since, tbh, he didn't really have to care at that point).


    i'd rather have an enthusiastic writer who wants to put together a fun, neat story that has an interesting and unique plot and atmosphere. someone who cares more about their work, who thinks critically about their work, who takes in and filters criticisms made of the story in order to try to make it better/remove problematic issues from the story as they crop up. someone who might take risks and make unconventional and interesting characters (no not vezon, vezon was terrible) that help represent a wider swathe of fans.


    and someone who makes an interesting, compelling antagonist who isn't purely evil because "we need an antagonist to do stuff" like... like give the antagonist some interesting goals, interesting dreams -- maybe they believe they are helping the world somehow, but through a largely misguided means? or something (if Pokemon could pull that much off in White, i feel like i can reasonably expect lego to put some effort into the antagonist and their goals/ideals).


    and no. more. canonizing. sprees.

    • Upvote 3
  6. 1) no, Teridax was a weak character and a weak villain

    2) maybe, though if they brought back "Makuta" i'd sorta hope they choose to stick with keeping them (singular) like they were presented in the original story originally (kinda like the alternate, dark, balancing force to Mata-Nui rather than a power hungry scientist)

    3) since i want a villain with a different personality, with more quality and effort put into them, and without the name Teridax, i suppose i sort of would rather have a new makuta if Lego is deadset on having them... and definitely not as a species.

    • Upvote 2
  7. I wonder if BZP will have any more direct influence on the story (not the main one though) like we did before. Considering Greg isn't such a big part of it as he was before and how the story presumably goes through the whole team I would imagine we would have less of an impact. Maybe it's for the best. The story team can focus on doing what they want to do rather than having to directly cater to us which could end up negative at a later time.

    I really, really, really, really, hope we don't end up with BZP being told we can canonize stuff, or request stuff to be made canon, again. While there are definitely good things that can come of it, in the last iteration everything canonized was anything that required imagination to think about and after you have it canonized as "this and only this" the imagining and random "what if this was ______" stuff goes out the window since we created our own concrete answer that didn't need to exist in the first place.

    • Upvote 1
  8. It's overrated and bad.


    On the merit that it has a more interesting story (I'm only on Mars, so there's that) than most AAA shooters, brighter environments, includes a fairly healthy dose of non-dark humor (a lot of item descriptions can at least make me smile) and doesn't seem to take itself 3000% serious all the time (and actually has notable female characters, for once)... I'm enjoying it. The world's not as large and open as I thought, but at the same time it would have surprised me had it been (as if it was a large, expansive world like a MMO the graphics would likely need to be dialed back further for machines like PS3/360 and possibly on the current gen systems, too). 


    It's fun, fast paced and I've been enjoying the PvP aspect of it along with the story missions, patrol missions, although I do wish the skirmishes were a little more... complicated? But I guess Bungie wanted to make sure people who aren't friends, aren't in a fireteam together with communication, could beat them (I'm presuming raids will be harder than the skirmishes so far). 


    But, for what it is: It's fun, has it's own atmosphere and artistic style, though it does remind me a bit of Halo meets Mass Effect (artistically speaking). Still kinda wish customization had more options and some of the more drab environments were less drab (though the Moon's sky is pretty and fun to look at). 


    Of course it's all opinion, and one subjective viewpoint probably won't carry onto the next person, etc... 


    But I mean, I get to play a purple robot lady who has a spaceship and is basically a space wizard and I find that neat.

  9. For anyone interested, I've created a group/clan for BZPower: Bravo Zulu Posse. I'd love to get some groups together for Strikes/Raids/Crucible.


    So far I've been having a lot of fun in the game, although I've only played for a few hours. I look forward to sinking a lot more time in it moving forward.


    see if you played on playstation you'd have access to a level 20 loser who spends too much time playing this game (me)


    And the female gardener is a stereotype.


    I hope you're not implying that, because it's a stereotype, it's suddenly terrible to have a gardener who's a woman.



    If it's your only female character, or a character who falls into numerous other tropes and stereotypes, or is surrounded by stereotypical portrayals of women that hardly vary from one another...




    Of course, female characters who are gardeners can have a wide variety of personality and can actually become interesting, strong characters on their own... I don't have confidence that this would happen in Bionicle based on its prior writing. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. I'm not gonna lie, I liked the collectibles when I was younger -- the mask packs were pretty cool and I liked the collecting aspect of something. Then again, I usually get into collecting things (like trading cards, little dragons, books in a series i particularly like) so it might just be my incessant need for little splurge-level items. 


    Either way, masks would be cool, or "others" like kraata-esque items, or krana-esque items. Projectiles could be neat if they were like, the kanoka disks? Like, having a design and coloration, code or something that sets them apart from one another and actually worth collecting... versus like, zamors, which came in a stock set of colors and there was really no "collecting" them. 

  12. iiiiiii'm not gonna lie, i would be kinda sad if i couldn't subscribe to it (i've been tempted here and there) but at the same time i kinda figure i wouldn't miss it too terribly and, anyway, if it's allowing Lego to focus on the younger demographic i think that'd be the better route for it (considering younger kids generally have like, less access to the internet and forums and all that and it'd be a solid way to get them information if they wanted it and stuff). 

  13. they were... eh, alright i guess? i don't really have strong opinions on them one way or the other, i was mostly sad that Takanuva wasn't gold and stuff and that the Rahkshi's head and spine were connected (i was so excited to make like, a full-size yellow rahkshi)


    not really a fan of the agori build they went with, though (it's not really pose-able and kinda flat, like... er, well mata were less pose-able but at the same time they had some added features like gear functions to make up for it, whereas the stars lacked the pose-ability and didn't really have a nifty feature to make up for it). 


    i said tahu was my fave, i dunno who gresh actually was, the yellow rahkshi kinda bummed me out b/c of the aforementioned thing, takanuva's color scheme was kinda monochromatic and dull imo, and like gresh i just wasn't paying attention to the skrall (i can't remember the piraka). 


    (was also sad none of them were bohrok)


    (i mean they can transform and roll out  :smilegahlok: [well they didn't look like smiley faces but you get what i mean])

  14. New frontpage, new everything, really. The site needs to undergo a massive overhaul even if it means we won't be able to access it for a few days. I saw we wait for the new Bionicle next year, then revamp the entire website to fit the colour scheme that's used, that way we have the best chance of drawing in new members. 


    i can understand updating the front page (if nothing else just updating what doesn't work on there anymore), but everything else has already been updated before and that was a long arduous process that we don't really need to undergo again (like, this forum has basically everything most other forums have, if not more... a little sterile in design, but that's my only complaint and it's only a personal complaint since i get critical about this sort of color scheme in rooms >.>;; ). 




    though if i was to change -anything- hmmm... like, if it were feasible, some more forum designs would be pretty cool to choose from... or like... mmm... some more contests would be pretty cool? dunno if there just have been a bunch in the library forums i didn't notice, or something, but those and art contests and blog contests and cot contests would be kinda nifty. (i do get they take a -lot- of work and time, im just being all wishful here). 

    • Upvote 1

    I don't think it matters whether Bionicle 2015 is dumbed down or not. It's completely irrelevant to one fundamental fact: we are still a community of Bionicle fans. The new fans will find us, one way or another, because we're the biggest fansite out there. We need to be welcoming to them, no matter what form the new Bionicle takes. The new fans will be fans of the new Bionicle, so we can't go slamming it or them if we expect them to stay as part of our community. 

    Yeah, something tells me that ain't gonna work. If that were to happen, best case scenario is that the old guard ditches this place because BIONICLE is dead to them, leaving this place to those who do like it. Worst case scenario is that we have the second round of the BIONICLE vs. Hero Factory: BIONICLE Sr. vs. Jr.



    or just have some discussion about the pros and cons of the new series like how we've been having generally solid discussion about the old line. (like, yeah some people will prefer the old line in some respects, but like, with how much smaller the community has become i don't think there'd be that level of animosity again unless we got a super-influx of new members who are super-super passionate about the old line and decry everything in the new line with disrespectful rhetoric, but we have mods and staff to deal with that if it were to happen). 


    no reason why old fans and new fans can't chat about it together and act within the rules, even if they prolly won't see eye to eye on every subject. 

  16. I could argue that even a supported argument doesn't equal a truthful argument. In reality, truth is relative from person to person. That doesn't mean that the truth each of us derive is real true. But since each person determines what he considers true, we can never conclude a finite truth. You see, if the perception of truth changes from person to person, any statement can theoretically be right or wrong.




    Truth isn't subjective, that's sort of why it is called "truth."


    For example: Gravity is a scientific truth, so too is evolution (both of which have theories accompanying them regarding the how and why, not debating their existence) and you can't say "Gravity isn't real" or "Evolution isn't real" because that contradicts actual science -- research, experiments, discoveries and observations that prove its existence. Well, you can say that they aren't true, but that statement is then false regardless of what level opinion it is as observable nature dictates otherwise.


    Right now, in this debate and topic, there is an abundance of evidence and support behind precisely why Bionicle is (at least kind of) sexist and it is a morally objectionable position to take to actively be and behave as sexist -- granted, no one is inherently above any other person on such superficial factors. 


    So, Pomegranate isn't right on the basis "I'm right and you're not": Pomegranate is right on the basis that Pomegranate has gone through the effort (as have many others) to compile support and evidence regarding their position, while debunking and refuting the scant tatters of evidence people try to bring up to debate with. When supporting a statement with solid factual evidence, it starts to become less of an "opinion" and more of a fact... and one can't say a fact is wrong anymore than they could say the Sun goes to a solar rave every Tuesday.

    • Upvote 6

    ... isn't it interesting how a majority of the "interesting characters" people create are arbitrarily male? I think being conscious of how accurately your story reflects reality in instances like gender, when applicable, does not contradict creating interesting characters. Contradict isnt quite the word I'm thinking of, but I can't for the life of me think of the word I want.



    I see what you're saying. But make up a sentence in your head with a subject.


    I came up with, "He went to the store." He. Whenever pronouns are used at random like that, it's often a male pronoun that's used. I guess authors come up with ideas like that - and automatically come up with a male protagonist. And they expand on that idea.


    Or at least that's my theory.




    To be fair, though, someone reading the sentence is completely free to critique it since, you know, nothing that writer creates is flawless in the first place. And if every sentence they thought of was with "he" and that's how they designed their "interesting" characters, then I doubt their characters are quite as interesting as they make them out to be since they're not trying to set their content apart from what's already been done to death, or have it appeal to a wider group of people by hosting a multitude of genders within whatever story they intend to tell, likely losing the interest of anyone who isn't male (thus it's not universally or objectively interesting in the first place, defeating the entire point). 


    And then you can go into "Well, why do people go to 'he' as a default? Isn't it a bit of an issue to automatically assume male when no gender is specified?" and so on and so forth. (To be honest, most statements I come up with of that nature use ze or hir, or they/they're [sometimes she/her], as those are usually pronouns I ascribe to myself and thus relate to them more easily and readily than to he/him -- I've not studied a lot on this particular aspect of this discussion before, so I can really only provide that anecdote).


    The thing is though, saying Bionicle is sexist for having more main male characters is like saying Monster High is sexist for having more main female characters. It's less about sexism than more about appealing to their target audience. In the latter's case, its for pre-teen girls. In Bionicle's case, its 8 year old boys. No matter how many girls like Bionicle, or even how many of us older fans, the only thing that truly matters to Lego in the end are the 8 year olds that the line is targeted towards.


    I'm mostly ignoring the statement I didn't quote since it's already been explained that just because you feel you are an exception to the rule, doesn't mean that rule doesn't exist. 
    But here we go:
    - Monster High is not on the same level as Bionicle. By this, I mean: media, child media, is heavily dominated with male-oriented lines and content where you see the male characters act like heroes, who do the impossible, break the unbreakable, who are fawned over and idolized as what "masculinity" is (y'know, beefy, strong, mud playing, saving, protectors, etc...). Whereas girls aren't featured in those lines, not because girls aren't fans of those lines or because girls can't be fans of those lines, but because those who create and market those lines don't think girls belong in them as they're adhering to an incredibly archaic view of who women should be (Lovers of pastels, of fashion, of frills and peace and kindliness and cleanliness, of politeness and so on). I don't know Monster High, but I'll point at My Little Pony: This is a female-oriented line that tries to inform young girls that they can be whoever they want to be, they don't have to adhere to the traditional society archetype for who they need to be (but if they do, that's not a bad thing) and it exists to empower young girls who are rarely, if ever, empowered in this type of media whereas boys are all the time.
    Gendered marketing is silly and a waste as, time and time again, many "boy" toys end up with pretty hefty female followings (Like, there was a statistic around about how 44 ~ 46% of Marvel fans were female, and nearly half of all gamers are female -- a study that was done with Call of Duty if I'm recalling it correctly, I can probly dig it up). If anything, lines and toys and media would be harming themselves by not trying to appeal to female fans alongside male fans, since by and large women are making up large percentages of some prominent pieces of media that are traditionally marketed and seen as "boys club."
     Why couldn't Bionicle (to keep things a bit more closely tied to the topic) have a gender neutral marketing campaign? One that tries to pull in girls and boys? Why not give into what female fans of the series want and represent them more, make them feel a bit more like they belong and are wanted? Why not write strong, interesting female leaders? Inventors? Scientists? Side characters that aren't lazily lopped in with a trope, or kicked to the curb after a few short appearances? Why can't Lego care? 
    Just because "Bionicle was" doesn't mean "Bionicle should be." 
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