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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I might not be able to get on the internetz till Thursday, so yeah if I'm not around I'm not dead, or anything it's just that Comcast is taking their sweet time to get the internet in and the little thing I use to connect to the internet may have to be returned soon.
    This is a Might if it's for sure, well you just won't see me online.
  2. Noxryn
    This goes to the tune of "Numa Numa" and no I didn't make it up, I just found it. ^^
    Hello, it’s true
    Your Dell, won’t boot
    And I made, something that runs
    To show you, that you’re screwed
    Hello, hello
    My PC, it won’t load
    I will not pay, your lousy bill
    And I throw it at the wall
    When you leave my screen it fades to grey
    Turned it on today, now my data’s gone away
    When you make my PC load and play
    Then your lousy bill I’ll pay
    My PC, My PC, My PC, is on fire!
    My PC, My PC, My PC, is on fire!
    I know, it seems
    My bill’s extreme
    And I bought
    Something to fix the colors, on your screen
    Hello, hello
    My PC, it won’t load
    I will not pay, your lousy bill
    And I throw it at the wall
    When you leave my screen it fades to grey
    Turned it on today, now my data’s gone away
    When you make my PC load and play
    Then your lousy bill I’ll pay
    My PC, My PC, My PC, is on fire!
    My PC, My PC, My PC, is on fire!
  3. Noxryn
    Imma gonna make another entry for something else either later tonight, or tomorrow... or maybe even Sunday.
    Oh I be going into an actual house tomorrow and am leaving this tiny apartment =D

  4. Noxryn
    Is if all the RPGs I'm in all hit the huge climax at the same time... there'd be a huge amount of characters for me to kill off and I wouldn't feel guilty by leaving some alive and some dead. ^^;;;
    The thought just struck meh...
  5. Noxryn
    Omi is awesome.
    Well today as many of you could probably guess I hadn't gone to school. Parent says I'm sick, I said "Ok" and I shtay here bored out of my wits for some of the day (not really =P)
    What hit me as odd was that BZP was active enough to keep me busy even during school hours, when normally from past experiences it isn't so much. That struck me as weird and shtuff, but still.
    I learned that we ran out of normal lunch foodz so I had to make myself something... first time it caught fire, second time I did it right... I'm horrid with a Microwave, Oven, dishwasher, or washing machine....
    Omi is awesome.
    *walks away*
  6. Noxryn
    Absolute madness broke out. A friend I made at school was sent to the hospital during school hours. Why? Because some moron thinking he's "All that" decided to throw him to the ground. It took me every ounce of will power to not through this guy out the window, trust me at that early in the morning and seeing that happen really ticks me off.
    I would have sent him to the hospital, but no, I'm better than that and so I simply composed myself while proper help arrived. Person in question was suspended for an unknown to me amount of time.
    Things like this tick me off, they really do. Especially when the guy's twice the size of a person and decides to knock him out of the way.
    I had to get that out, of course I wouldn't go straight and resort to violence, that's just not me, although this made me go dangerously close and whatever illness I caught only helped to disorientate my thoughts...
    Well with that said, I'll put a entry on a happier note when I find something I can talk about.
  7. Noxryn
    I dread sleeping. I hate it now for all it holds for me are horrid images that stay implanted in my mind the next day. According to some it turns out I talk and thrash about in my sleep, doesn't help in any way to know that, in fact I wish I was still oblivious to that.
    I'm only frightened in sleep, when I'm awake I simply know that it's all fake and can't possibly happen, of course I have asked myself... if it's probable.
    Of course it is somewhat far fetched, but depending on how you see things it could be probable. Of course I can't go in detail or even discuss it here, but I had to mention it as in a way it frightens me for my health as there's no way such things can be healthy.
    I think whatever it is I caught (I think it's a cold, but I wouldn't know not having been sick for seven years) had something to do with it, but that's all speculation. Of course I will not be able to tell a doctor of such nightmarish visions of what can only be described... well it actually can't be... not properly however.
    Besides for my sleepless nights, my grades in school have been solid As so far, that's good. Even my tests are As and A+s, on my French I scored little under one hundred, Math is still unknown, but I got a perfect in History.
    Of course, over the internet I can actually act like nothing big happens as that's just how I am, I tend to forget about things until they loom over my head, and that's the one aspect I hate and yet like about me. It keeps thoughts of these recent horrors away, but it also keeps me from remembering to do things. All I can hope for is that these are just simply stages, of which I'll just get over.
    I just can't shake the fact that no one else I ever knew had such dreams at night... I dunno what to think of it, but I just had to say that to get it all off of my chest and so I can carry on with life and stuff.
    -If you leave a comment let's stay out of dream discussion... I doubt it will as I simply just refferred to that I had nightmares, but still... I'd be forced to lock up the entry.
    Well... g'night whenever it is I feel good enough to go to sleep.
  8. Noxryn
    Lewk at wut I wrotez =D
    War Among the gods
    Pweeeeeeze weave a wittle comment thingy so I know if others like it or notz?
    Oh and I found these lyrics to the song from the Mercenaries commercial, and I wrote out a god-battle while listening to the song ^^
    Oh no
    Oh no
    Oh no
    Yo yo yo
    Oh no you didn't
    Sucka tried to play me
    But you never paid me, Neva
    Oh no you didn't
    Payback is a' comin'
    You will be runnin', foreva
    Oh no you didn't
    Until I get my vengeance
    I will never end this mayhem
    Oh no you didn't
    I'm a mercenary
    You ain't got a prayer, you owe meeee
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didnt
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Didn't you oh no
    You didn't pay me what you oweeee, me
    So now its over for you
    Yo yo
    Check it out
    Oh no you didn't
    First you tried to trap me
    Then you bust a cap in, my ######
    Oh no you didn't
    Such humiliation will bring annihilation, at last
    Oh no you didn't
    It will be delicious when I get vicious, tomorrow
    Oh no you didn't
    There's no seccond chances
    You will do the dance of sorrowwwww
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didnt
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Didn't you oh no
    You didn't pay me what you oweeee, me
    So now its over for you
    What a foo
    Aight common
    Oh no you didn't
    Betta watch your back boy, keep runnin'
    This aint just a game, I'll never stop comin'
    I got my arsenal
    I put out the call
    And when I'm finished ya'll
    You'll be a rag doll
    Fool tried to diss me
    Now you're gonna wish you were dead
    Oh no you didn't
    After I deliver your blood will be a river of red
    Oh no you didn't
    Better be aware when nones there to defend you
    Oh no you didn't
    So many wish to kill its going to be a thrill to end youuuuuu
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didnt
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Oh no you didn't
    Didn't you oh no
    You didn't pay me what you oweeee me
    So now its over for you

    Copified and pastified from another site of some sort.
  9. Noxryn
    This all at the same moment, and I felt like typing up a entry to try and rid myself of such things;
    - A sickish like feeling, why? I don't know... it may be from something I've simply wrote and actually felt sad about.. maybe, and no I have never wrote something to where I feel any sort of emotion towards, although according to others they do. I suppose I finally broke that limit, and felt bad for what I wrote, but fixing it... well screw that. It would ruin everything, and in a way this is technically a good sign, I just don't like it so much <<
    - A tad bit somewhat angry, of course not enough for it to make me seeth and destroy stuff, just enough for me to feel a bit frustrated over something I cannot control, and simply put I am torturing myself with the thought and it just won't leave.
    - Frightened; not anymore, but earlier... it was a dream yes, but so freakin' realistic I woke up screaming. I don't know what caused such a thing or why, and no this has absolutely never happened and no I am not sick nor do I have any "disorders" nor have I watched/read anything to trigger such a thing. In short... heck I don't know how to say it in short. However, I will refrain from talking about it as such discussion is not allowed on BZP... it was just an experiece I felt like sharing. So do not ask about it please.
    - Sad, same reason with the bit of swelled anger, however I cannot control this as I cannot bring the dead back to life, nor can I reverse history. It will pass over time... but I hate the year it's taking to finally ease up. I have a gut feeling part of this actual reason has something to do with a few recent nightmares- of which I normally enjoy as it gets my creative side going... but these last few... I just don't even wish to talk about them. And for the reason for this "Sadness and Anger" is the same reason why I had to leave DotT and TFD for a period of time. I wish it never happened.
    - that's it for now.
  10. Noxryn
    Ah today, much less things happened than yesterday. However I have two tests tomorrow, one on a bunch of explorers in early American History (I really want world history, or some class on mythology however) with questions with where they went, what year, and who they worked for.
    Math as well, I'm more confident in my math abilities as I've been doing better in that class.
    I am still seperated from all MoCing parts which is really starting to get to me, I miss being able to create my little creations and put them up in places.
    A Scar Night RPG may possibly be underway, POSSIBLY not DEFINANTLY.
    Alright with that out of the way, I snuck around and got my book back from parent confiscation (Been staying up too late reading recently, and my parental guardian would like it if I rested, however I don't anyway as I just can't...)
    I am no longer going to go to Brickcon, originally I was going to go, but then I had the choice of attending next years BFair instead. Of course after much thought and such I decided to go to BFair because some staffers here I would love to meet got to BFair and not Bcon.
    I will do something to stand out.. probably a large nametag saying I AM SPINK. with a white hat with SPINK on it in large black letters, maybe red letters (red light travels faster) so people know that I am Spink and not some random walker arounder.
    I am looking forward to 09 and I really cannot wait for it to arrive.
  11. Noxryn
    I is happier nao.
    Why am I happy? Here's a list
    -I bought Iron Angel =D
    -I officially love Wednesdays at my school (An hour walk in the morning for health class, a period where we do whatever ((I tend to catch up on my writings with that time)) and a thirty minute period of reading at the end of the day. Oh and other than the two "Free periods" and Health, I only go to three other classes =D)
    -I actually finished the rough draft of the completely revamped DB prologue I've been slaving away at all day, and everybodeh loves it, although some dun like the blood and that I killed a character that early and was rather mean towards a family of harpies... but meh, I like it the way it is so far ^^
    -I had my vision and hearing tests done (20/20 both eyes, as for the hearing they didn't tell me the results... although I did space out for a fraction of two seconds and... may have missed a beep or two...)
    -We all went out to eat and went to a few stores (To get my book, last copy left =P)
    -My comp broke free of Comcasts evil adds, and now works on the internet again (I was using the "Clunker" earlier to get things done)
    -Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd I made a doodle of Iril... chibi man, but the hair looks decent... and the face looks ticked ^^
    And since he's the god of the Maze, I drew a very complex maze all over his robes... I dunno what he actually looks like, but I made a guess. Everybody in French class liked it... even the teacher liked it =P (Although I was told to get back on task <<)
    -Art class wasn't today... and I don't have a printer to get the pictures of Fish I need for it... I'll improvise however, or come up with some really good excuse... I hope the former more than the latter.
    -I actually got eery question right on my math shtuff after only reading it for a day, while everyone else who had been learning this for three weeks got at least two wrong =P
    -People here think that it's "cool" that I have puny hand writing, and that I write stories and doodle bloody battle scenes... works for me however ^^
    Sooooooooooooooooooo I had a good day.
  12. Noxryn
    I need to
    -focus as hard as possible on school this year, didn't last year so much and messed up in some things, not too badly however, but I need to improve there.
    -Get working on DB SR1 again, progress was halted after I scrapped everything and I've been stuck in writer's block and I need to end that.
    -Buy Iron Angel the next time I am at a book store.
    -I really need to be more responsible for somethings, that will become number two priority just under school stuff.
    -Go to a Brickfair thing in the next two years... I hope more for this than need it.
    -Start off art and such and get better at it, tutorials and such have helped greatly, but I'm gonna need an actual teacher at some point in order to be good at it <<
    -Plan further ahead... I don't plan. That needs to change.
    -Stick to a schedule. Life is crazy as is, and BZP along with other sites keep me busy... I need times to sort out my day outside of school.
    -Get a bedtime. I can't keep going to sleep so late, that'll just hurt my chances with anything.
    -Become more acquainted at school so I don't feel so nervous going there (I've only been there for one day, day two is tomorrow and geeze I am still so nervous ><)
    -Keep promises, and stick with what I do on the web as well in life. It hasn't been so easy, but I've manged in the past by some miracle.
    -Save money for bigger things in life rather than blow it all on my small hobbies. Books are exempt cuz they help a lot.
    -Be more careful about health and such... I've been slacking off lately and eating too many sugary foods for my own good.
    -Write some more in order to get ideas flowing.
    A few things I need to do/get done or the like.
  13. Noxryn
    So for newish things that happened so far would be;
    My sister got a Wii, but I use it more... go figure =P (It's Brawl and I has fun with it, lots and lots of fun)
    I got Animated Lugnut cuz he was on sale at Target for half off, or at least that's what the sticker soemone put on him said <<, in the end I got him for the sticker price... which was ten dollars and I am not dissapointed, I just dun like the mace... and the legs are a bit wobbly, but he's still kewl.
    No I didn't go out to the store, that's the story my mother told me when she got back with him =P
    A little while ago I purchased a book called "Scar Night" and so far I am not dissapointed in it. *I was looking fo rit at Borders and found it behind a magazine rack, it was six bucks so totally worth it*
    And the day for the first day for my school keeps getting moved... now were looking at tomorrow, or after Labor Day weekend...
    Aaaaaand now I'm bored which is why I typed this short entry up about things.
  14. Noxryn
    So why Blargh? you may ask well that is simply because I did something very stupid, and shouldn't have done in the first place if I had valued my health...
    Basically someone offered me twenty dollars (This someone is a friend) if I ate a incredibly large bag of Resees Pieces in five minutes...
    well I did and I got sick out of it. Sometimes I do stupid things like that, the funny thing is that I haven't been sick within the last seven years, and when I make a RPG character sick... I get sick the same way for the most part (Through eating food that doesn't agree with you) and so I spent all of these mindless hours thinking up an entire little side event in RotT...
    The highlight of the day is that I was able to get my hands on my first Animated fig. I bought Bulkhead with the twenty dollars from the bet... and so far I think he is a very neat little toy.
    I dun feel like reviewing... so no.
    Getting more readers for my SS in CoT called "The Tale of Two Sisters" would be nice... very incredibly nice...
  15. Noxryn
    Well I finally got out of my previous temporary area of living, and am now in a new temporary place of living which is an apartment in Denver. The apartment was bigger than I expected, and everyone has an actual room here including a bathroom, kitchen, and living room.
    It's quite nice, oh and here we get the treat of a flat screen TV... something I've never had in any place I lived before ^^
    Some downsides were that I couldn't haul my 360 here as it wouldn't fit in my luggage I brought on the plane, so rather I brought my lappy which is the only way I ever get on BZP...
    I hope to find those TFA figs I've looked for in two other states (Texas and Arkansas, who didn't have what I was looking for <<) and am now going to try one of the many Targets and/or Wal*Marts in the area.
    If I do not find what I am looking for, I'll probably be in the news for destroying a large section of the city =P
    -Back to school this Monday, of which I'm still a bit nervous for, but I'll get over it sooner or later... the fact that there's a bus doesn't really help -__-;;
    If the school itself has it, I intend on taking art classes, along with any classes I can to improve my art/writing skills, which need desperate improvement upon ><
    Not too much has happened... all I hope is that the people I end up having for classmates are fun, nice, and easy to work with... I may or may not get my wish, but hoping hasn't killed anybody (At least to my knowledge...)
    I am incredibly, incredibly excited for Brickcon... although I wish I was going to Brickfair cuz all the staffies and people here on BZP I would like to have a chance at meeting are going... and Makaru along with a whole bunch of others are going to have a party of awesomeness and epic fun... I hope one of them brings a camera and takes pictures of their awesome time...
    Although Brickcon is coming up as well, and while I'm in Seattle I may as well go visit some relatives who live in the area 'tis should be fun. *Is intending on wearing something with the name "SPINK" written on it in very big black bold letters*
  16. Noxryn
    I at the moment am working on another SS which is featuring Anavrin and Vex ten years in the past. I dun care if you know who they are or not, things are explained in it. =P
    In other news; I'll be off to my second to final destination tomarrow and am hoping luggage doesn't get lost and bad things don't happen on the plane... that would well... be very bad. =\
  17. Noxryn
    Well this morning I redid that dropship I made, which is made out of AT-TE parts. It is a small ship- probably about nine inches long and six inches at its widest point.
    I maight take a whole bunch of pieces and make a gigantic transport and then take a picture of it (Whenever it is that my camera decides to work <<) and then tear it apart to make that AT-TE which I haven't done... yet.
    Then I beat my sister in a game of chess she insisted on me playing... it was an interesting game more because I was playing with my little sister who tends to cheat from time to time.
    Then I skipped lunch and we all went out bowling due to the horrific weather of earlier. Unlike last time I scored a 109 in the second game, and a 97 in the third. I can't remember the first ><
    I really have nothing else to put into this entry... ah well.
  18. Noxryn
    Blarghit blargh blargh blarghity
    School starts this Monday... I'm going to be surrounded by a whole bunch of people who don't know me and vice-versa... again.
    Sometimes... I hate surprises.
  19. Noxryn
    I'm in a mood to go post something very emotional and involving things to die, I dunno why... I thinks it's influence from the music I'm listening to, some drawing shtuffz and a tad bit of somethings I plan on writing in the future.
    I've never been very compelled to type something up where a favorite character of my own dies... I am not going to cuz it'd give too many things away to quickly... perhaps I'll type up a very large list of characters nao...yeah that should do the trick.
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