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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I've been doing it a lot lately. And it hinders my volume of speech and makes my voice sound all sickly cuz it hurts my throat and stuff ;_;
    Oh, and I got bored and completely wrote out three out of four realms in Demonic Beginnings which was fun. I skipped the boring old Mortal one. I did the other three though ^^
  2. Noxryn
    I got a new laptop that was actually paid for and that I'm not leeching off of people I know B)
    It can play Gears of War cuz that's what the Best Buy dude said.
    And it has lights... sooo many liiiiights...
  3. Noxryn
    I was hoping Farenzic Sciences would be one of them... oh well, some other time down the line then.
    And... I has no idea what classes to take for High School
    Too. Many. CHOICES. @_@
  4. Noxryn
    I bought Skrall when I went to Target - only three were left... and lotsa Yetraxs... and Taks and all those 08 shtuff. *waits for crazy huge sale*
    He's kewl... although he's kinda expensive ._.;;;
    I like the buzzsaw shield thingy... and the sword shoots stuff. I shot myself in the eye with it.
  5. Noxryn
    I just cleaned out my sister's old room, which was literally filled with toys, garbage, and all sort of whatnot. Twenty four bags I filled up, two for garbage, ten to give away, and the rest is what she wanted to keep [Took forever to get done].
    Oh, and we might get a cat [Depending on how our dog acts around the cat, and vice-versa]. I forgot what the name was going to be though... I dunno if we decided on one, when I think about it. I was originally pushing for Gizmo, or Jinx =P
    -- Didn't update epic due to being busy with homework, house work stuff, and some other stuff.
    I feel bad about the time I've put into Platinum... even though, it's mostly cuz I'm trying to level my Gardevoir up to 100... fooouuur more to go.
    So yeah, that's basically what I've been doing; Homework, Housework, going on errands with family, and playing Pokemon Platinum. Oh, and we watched Trick 'r Treat, as well as the first Nightmare on Elm Street [saw the rest, though =P]
  6. Noxryn
    I have to go to the Dentist today, and I really hate dental people cuz they forget to remove metal, sharp, bands in my mouth.
    Tomorrow I'll either not sleep at all, or go to sleep about 8:00 PM Mountain Time, cuz I got to get up very early on Friday to catch a plane to Houston, where I get to see all my friends again -yay. That also means that I may not be on BZP as frequently, which isn't overall bad, but just saying. However, if I am gone like... completely from Friday - Sunday, and RPGs are requested, don't PM me saying "Look at it" because I simply don't have that ability. And if I do get PMs asking that, I won't kill you, but it'll just annoy me as a person who does too much at once. (Book, random writings, BZP, IM, Email, talking to IRL people, reading through stuff, etc...)
  7. Noxryn
    This entry is an "Update" entry which I don't feel like explaining at the moment.
    Current updates in my life/internet life/writing world/imagination land are the following, all in a basic list form... kinda basic XP
    Real Life Stuff:
    -Was a part of the eighth grade class picture. The short man who took the picture wouldn't stop talking though, he'd probably be better as an entertainer on some show rather than a photographer to tell the truth. I got to sit through eight pictures... and I didn't even get a seat, I got to sit on the steps to the bleachers which really left me sore afterwords ;_;
    -Other things that day was our normal schedule. I like the Wednesday schedule, though I hate that P.E and French are a part of it. I'd rather have it; Advisement, Math, Science, and then Social Studies, oh and the end of the day Advisement. Advisement is a period of time before and after school where we all get to do some last minute work, make-up, or just read/draw. The last one is only about thirty minutes long, but the first is a full hour.
    -I loved the fact that our "Test" in Math class was easy, short and to the point. I think I completely aced it, since word problems in the current lesson have become one of my strong points. I'm no mathematician, nor will I ever be, so even the smallest achievements are big ones when it comes to me XP
    -I took the bus again, that was actually fun. Got into a long discussion about some of the most random stuff. It's also fun when your name is the same name as the person you're talking to. So the end of the convo was all liek "Bye Josh", "Bye Josh" and we did that repeatedly [Different contexts] just to annoy everyone around us. Quite fun, actually.
    Internet Life Stuff:
    -I talk to lots of people. Disky always... somehow gets me inspired to write something with our discussions which is a plus. Other people I talk to generally repeat the same thing "Hi." and when it gets to typing "Hai" five times after, things start to go fast.
    -No COT RPGs have been submitted. Less work for me... YAY
    -Was promoted to Forum Moderator on a site who shan't be named. My name looks funkeh in their weird color though.
    -Bothered some people.
    -Updated my offsite blog I just got a few days ago again. That was fun.
    -And nothing more!
    Writing World:
    -I came up with my favorite concept for something ever. The word is filtered and can lead to religious shtuff so I won't even hint to what the concept is. If you really wanna know, just IM me or something. Cuz at least there the whole thing would be understood than just "Wha?".
    -Still in the middle of the sixth draft to DB Ch 2
    -Reading some awesome books is awesome. Finishing awesome books sucks.
    Imagination Land:
    -Dreams are weird. Very. Weird.
  8. Noxryn
    I had the strangest dream last night that combined some reality, with some last minute discussions, along with my own little fantasy world.
    In the beginning of this odd thing, the character I created for my book- Anavrin- was basically caught after seemingly long hard efforts of work, just to break out and fly far far awaaaaayyyy. (Anavrin is a Harpy jsyk) basically, I was seeing things through her perspective, which was interesting and will be fun to end up writing something about.
    After going over two large foresty and shrub filled areas, the pursuers stopped with the ability of not going nay further, and she landed inbetween the forest place, and what appeared to be a farmland with really big crops.
    Someone to the side screamed, which caught her attention and a large sized scorpion covered with some gooey shtuff had pretty much ripped this person's throat out and went inside for shelter from a large snake that was looking for the meal. In a simple way this made Anavrin (I could say me as I was basically controlling things, but it makes me feel weird doing so) feel curious, but had the wit to get up and fly away.
    This ended up with her inevitably getting hit by something and struggling in a small body of water (doesn't know how to swim in this case) and was thrashing about looking back on it you could say it was entertaining. I forgot how exactly she ended up out of the water, but her wings were sopping wet and she always constantly tried to dry them off out of the fear that the group of people she was getting away from would pop back up.
    -That was the end to the sequence when it all made sense to fit together, however the next part just kinda popped out of nowhere-
    This time, it was a male Harpy and once again I was seeing through his perspective of things, but this was set in the modern day world versus my made up fairy tale land. This guy had a similiar experience with water, and was trying to stay away from the authorities of whom thought he was a threat to the public.
    The feeling of wind on wings is rather interesting from what my mind told me, as i basically felt emotionally, and physically everything he did for the most part, and wet wings dun feel comfy- flying well to my mind of course- fun. (I have no idea what it actually feels like, but my mind conjured up a probable feel to it)
    And so, he ended up flying from people, and failed to recieve help from anyone and so he flew towards the home where I lived (previously) and stole the mail man's merchandise in order to find something useful to blend in with.
    ended up with a bunch of lego sets and feeling very ticked off. And that's when my alarm went off and I was all like "Kewl."
  9. Noxryn
    I think I get math. I taught all that I missed from Monday to myself and did my work without flaws.
    And I am very suckish at number-y stuff.
  10. Noxryn
    It's just an inexpensive thing I got, partly because I'm in the LGBST Club at my school, and partly because I just thought it was neat:

    I would've gotten the one with "Love" inscribed in the tag, but that one was only available on one website for about three times as much as I paid for this one.
  11. Noxryn
    Art ends tomorrow for the rest of the year, I'll miss that class.
    PE ends tomorrow for the next quarter, I won't be missing it.
    School ends to give way to Winter Vacation tomorrow.
  12. Noxryn
    I have a phone interview tomorrow for the school I settled on, and I'm kind of excited and kind of nervous since, based on the text message, I'm going to have to explain I'm transgender and I go by "Kit" nowadays (it's not legally changed yet, I haven't had the ability to put together the time, funds and scheduling for the next steps I need to take -- Court hearing/Publication of the change -- and I'm trying to work my gender markers on my forms of legal ID to female).
    Granted, I haven't been called by my birth name in years so it's always a bit disorienting to me when it's used to refer to myself.
  13. Noxryn
    *Totally rips Robo's idea, but says stuff that makes Spink not look like a total... something filtered*
    Demonata RPG - The Leader
    Okay, so basically in this I'm giving my own side to these RPGs and such, so it isn't just one opinion from one RPer who says stuff. Rather, in this way you can see other thoughts, other opinions, and such rather than just the one. I liked Robo's idea, thought it was great, and so decided to try this on my own.
    -Demonata: Invasion - The Review:
    Now, what I see is; Good description on the story, it does explain unfamiliar terms and allows members to understand the plot of the actual story, as well as understand the terminology that is used. It's easily findable, italics are used, as well as the fact that it is separate from the rest of the actual game. It really helps, and so far, there is no forseeable problem.
    After this there are the rules to the game. These rules are good, thought out and explained. I had no problems with the rules, though perhaps some explanation on "OOC and IC use" would be helpful, with examples, as that is generally the first question any new RPer will have (I know I did) by this, I mean provide examples on how they're used. Not everyone will get the "In character" though that explanation is acceptable. Though, other than that they're well done, and well organized, easy to find. I find these to be standard, and well said. Not exceptional, but well said and well explained nonetheless.
    The Punishments, the normal 3 strike you're out deal, not bad and pretty good. Having punishments after rules is a good idea, since it shows you why you don't want to break the rules, as well a showing before hand what will happen when rules are broken. Nothing wrong here, well done.
    Though, if you have punishments for bad players... then is there any motivation other than that to not be a good player, but an exceptional player? Rewards for great RPing, following the rules, being helpful and the like would entice players to want to be better. They'd want those rewards, and so would probably work to get them. Sure, some may not, but that's okay. As long as they're following the rules. Rewards are just something to make the "Be a good player" a little more... enticing, and a bit more interesting.
    Other things that would be good to have, is more... well, allowing players to do their own thing here and there, rather than being forced to follow the central plot. Freedom is a great thing to have, and it allows for more fun, and creativity from the players to shine through, and gives you an idea of how good they can function on their own. Plus, it deprives the need to have the GM on to get things done. Less work for the GM, less waiting from the players.
    One other thing that could be helpful, especially since you're following a central plot, would be a summary of what is currently going on updated into the first post. It then shuts down OOCs going "OOC: Can I have a summary?" repeatedly, and it's a great thing to have, since it would make members able to find stuff out on their own, rather than turning to players to understand what is happening.
    The characters are organized well, and since the length of the RPG Post itself isn't incredibly long, it makes sense that they'd be put into the main post, though generally it's better to have a second post dedicated to character profiles, since then you can expand the first post with ease, and not having to worry about running through the character limit (Character limit is number of letters, and symbols you use in a post)
    That's all I saw, all I thought could be added/subtracted.
    Though, it ran well, with some minor spelling errors from the GM ().
    Some things could be a bit different: To me, it seems, that the characters are put into random situations, and there isn't a load of thought put behind the attacks. The military who are used don't seem to have battle tactics, they seem to be a bit... unorganized and kinda out there to kill on will. Make them more of a threat, more percise, more dangerous and... more fun to fight.
    Overrall, I say that this is a fun RPG, but a bit too closed, a bit unrealistic military wise, which can be fixed by looking up battle tactics and reading some stuff on battles and war.
    I say that it is average, it doesn't go above and beyond when talking about species, locations, factions, rules, rewards, or punishments. Which is generally what the average RPG leaves out.
  14. Noxryn
    For members who type up TBRPGs, or Stories of any sort I would like you guys to keep this in mind.
    When you type it up and such, I highly suggest not using the "Reply" box on BZP, I would highly suggest using a Word Processor, or perhaps Notepad even. If you own neither, you can pick it up in a software disc (I do not know where to get it, if you can, off the internet) and download it. If you don't want to spend the money, then go over what you wrote with a Spell and a Grammar check and shortly after that go over it with your own eyes.
    Once it is in good grammar and spelling, and all that magic jazz, you can post it and have that feeling that people will understand the story/RPG. Several common errors I see involve spelling and the "Your for You're" and the "You're for your" i.e;
    "I see that your happy."
    "I hope you're mother is okay."
    Common mistakes like that are what can drive me up a wall at times. I read "You're" as "You are" versus pronouncing it as "Your" so I have to reread sentences that switch the two.
    Why you should have Good Spelling/Grammar
    - It will make you easier to understand, and that is what you want correct?
    - Members will be enticed to read the story you posted or join the RPG you made.
    - People prefer the ability to understand someone rather than read what one had to say and go "lolwut."
    - It's a great habit to get into, and your language teacher would be proud.
    Those are only some reasons out of a lot as to why, but using good grammar and good spelling is a very good idea in the end. Just keep that in mind when you're submitting an RPG request, or posting a SS.
  15. Noxryn
    I think I did something to my leg... I can't walk without the pain present. And it hurts a lot more than it did earlier ><
  16. Noxryn
    I'll start with the "Weird" part, 'cuz that falls right into the delay aspect. So, basically I ended up calling the Captain of the nearby USCAP squadron, at first the call went somewhere and to someone who said to call back later. Then, later, the line was disconnected and apparently wasn't reconnected in the next four hours. <__< Oh well, at least now I'll need to wait until Tuesday for my schedule to get mauled over to a change (Well, technically, about 15 days after Tuesday).
    Though, I'll be going on Tuesday (Instead of Thursday) cuz I decided that instead of going to a dull location on a weekly basis, that instead, I'll be shooting for the group at the USAF base. Cuz, that sounds a lot cooler, to me. =3
    Also been reading and looking into the history of the organization, and looking at some of their vids on other sites. Looks like fun, and this sort of volunteer work looks good on a resume~
  17. Noxryn
    All 4876 words typed for that unfinished SS... all... goooone... ;_;
    This is why I hate having a little sister sometimes. Soooo mean T.T
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