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The Snake Master

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Everything posted by The Snake Master

  1. ______________






    Any thing else unique about

    you in the Comedy:


    If you're still interested...

  2. What are the charicters in "Stupid people" matoran of sorts or are they just a simple sort of charicter.

  3. Thanks, the second chapter will be up tonight.

  4. Kopaka: .....

    Gali: Your right Kopaka, you should file a law sawsuit

  5. O, kopaka is SO going to sue!!

  6. "....." I wonder if by now the rest of the nuva have copy righted that?

  7. Cool, that is a great comidy, its just so funny. LOL I'll read it now

  8. Lucky, we used to have a dog named that... Now what?

  9. Yeah, I'm more of a snake person. Do you have a favorite reptile that you couldn't really get? Mine is the Green Anaconda.

  10. You know I always wanted to own multiple herps. But my mom won't let me. :( Have you ever had a milk snake? If I were to get another snake, that would be it. Do you have a favorite reptile?

  11. Yeah, the red-sided garter snakes have great markings dont they.

  12. Who made the votes for pt?

  13. OK, sorry it took longer than usual to approve it.

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