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Status Updates posted by Windblazer

  1. *Pokes*

    Respond to my PM deathy! :P

    Oh, and I'm banned from Runescape for a while. :(

  2. "Windblazer's back!" Is what you saids.

    Why, I was never gones!

  3. Rawr I've been away waaay to long.

    And still away in the Real Uber Nice Epic Super Cool Awesome ownedage Epic runescape. :P

  4. But chicken wings taste good :o




  6. Wow, some else that hates Tahu. :P

  7. Live, Merc, Live!

    I command all of your chores to do themselves! That way you can devote them to comics! :P

  8. Hoo-Haw!

    Yer back! :D

    *Extreme overuse of dancing emotes*

  9. Prunescape is outta reach 'til april 5 or 6 :(

  10. Wut's a birthdai?


  11. yes, the photo that was made possible by the evil cat and his nefarious hat from vexorg-2 :)

    (Rick, you're fired!)

  12. Bwahahahahaha!

    I is in Carrot Wars!

  13. Revive Razor!

    And I want ur Razor kits too!

    *Fakes a glare*

  14. I saw I was on the second page of your friend list. All alone. :P

  15. *Pokes*

    Respond to my PM deathy! :P

    Oh, and I'm banned from Runescape for a while. :(

  16. Bring meh some of your unlimited ale! :o

  17. Oh yes, I want that one that you took for recruitment drive. :P

    *Looks around to make sure nobody else understands*

  18. Charlie Sheen looked at my profile back in June of '10


  19. My mommy no likes the overly gruesome skeletons on the various battlefields Lol.

  20. Or Life N' Root beer. That's what I'm gonna change my name to lol

  21. Hope you're still alive. :P

    (BTW, you write spooky stories. O.o

  22. Im a helpless.

    Help me already. :P

  23. Rest in peace

  24. Aha! Fellow watermelon warrior!

    No wait...

    Aha! Fellow banana warrior! :P

  25. O hai random guy who I does nots knows. I have determined'ed that you are random by your looking at my profile page for no real reason.

    Thakn you so much for aiding me in my scientific researchs and whatnots.

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