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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Sif

  1. Sif

    They Lost

    Ok, now they lost.
  2. Sif

    They Lost

    The Cardinals lost...
  3. Sif

    Name Change

    I changed my name back.
  4. Sif

    For Pocketmouse

    Hold on, it's not mine. I wish i had that many guys.
  5. Sif


    Burning sand is really fun, go download it. Now Really Go do it.
  6. Sif

    Sound Of Music

    Ya, i was thinking that too.
  7. Sif


    I have a whole bunch, I'll post them latter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 EDIT:Linked
  8. Sif


    Does any one even read this?
  9. Sif

    I Hate Snow

    Too true. It was 85 where i live a week ago.
  10. Today and tomorrow, my school might have a late start. I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. EDIT: we do, i am happy :D:D
  11. Sif


  12. Sif


    Splitting logs all day is hard work. But i get paid, also my arms don't fell great.
  13. Sif

    A Blog Entry

    I really don't have any thing to blog about. The new star wars is on tonight. Uhh... It's Friday Thats about it.
  14. Sif


    Categorized under life, because it is.
  15. pocketmouse is awesome

  16. Sif

    Pocketmouse Entry

    pocketmouse rocks! EDIT: Pocketmoust took over my blog, but it's fixed now
  17. Sif


    AAAAAAnd Zamor fit in Thornax launchers
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