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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Sif

  1. Sif

    Allmost 2009

    5 minutes
  2. Why are Knights hiding in grass?---------------------Where else would they hide? Who's going around putting landmines in grass?----Landmine Layers. Why can't you kill theives?----------------------------cause there ninjas in disguise. Why are Zoras hostile, but the King isn't?-----------cause the king is Gellen with Dr sholls And WHY IS LINK'S HAIR PINK. ---------------------Pink is the new black.
  3. VOROX Most likely the best of the 2009 sets, Vorox drips coolness, from his head/mask/helmet which reminds me of a spider, to the brown and tan color scheme we haven't seen since 2006, to his stinger which breaks from the traditional humanoid form. This is my top set for 2009. Skrall is IMO the second best of the 09 sets. His sword/shield combo add to his role of being a gladiator or something similar. His black/red color scheme is an impressive choice. the only thing that brings him down is the location of his "life counter" in a strange place, one of his legs. Strakk is the third best 09 set, with his white and blue scheme and lethal looking ax, he is another great set. the only things that bring him down are the length of his arms and the blandness of his armor. Malum is, you guessed it the fourth best 09 set, although his mash/helmet/head thing and shorter arms are good there are several flaws in his build sech as the blandness of his legs, the lack of any real weapon, and the location of his Thornax launcher. Unfortunately Gresh is the fifth best 09 set. Apart from his duel swords theres not much good about him, IMO he's just an inika clone with a knights Kingdom mask. Tarix AKA the ugly duckling is the sixth of the 09 sets, honestly IMO theirs nothing good about this set at all, the combination of Light blue, Metru blue, silver, gold, and black is not good, also the Thornax launcher is in an awkward position, connected to the spearish weapon.
  4. Sif

    New Years

    Well new years is almost here and with it comes a bunch of bored people dropping a big ball of a building or something, I mean couldn't they find a better way to spend there time. oh well, anyway I'm staying up till 12:00 to watch this "ball" fall of a building and then it will be 2009 right...Wow totally just lost my train of thought. alright well i might invitee a friend over or something. K have a happy new year
  5. Sif

    New Blog

    Welcome to my blog. i will post stuff about my life and other random stuff. I like Bionicle and anime, uh... I'm a junior in high school. That's about all.
  6. Sif

    It's Up

    Nice, lets see how it does in the forums.
  7. Sif

    Kannagi Ep 9

    Ya » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «At least every thing worked out (kind of) in the end
  8. Sif

    52-pickup: Chapter 1

    Definitly good, i like tahu's song at the end.
  9. You like bionicle!

    Gives cake.

  10. Sif

    A Tsukasa fad hu?

  11. Sif

    20 Questions 14: 2004

    Is it mechanical? Yes
  12. Sif

    how did you lose your PHD

  13. Sif

    See For Yourself

    nice job. 3ed time in a row you have been the first BZper to get sets first. Do a review soon
  14. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «All of the karda nui makuta are dead, Killed in the energy storms. Toa Ignika "died" to awaken Mata Nui. Toa nuva are in Metru Nui Mata Nui's body is controled by Teridax. Mata Nui's spirt is trapped in the mask of life floating in space. Mata Nui is the Matoran Universe. Someone tell me if i forgot anythng.
  15. Nice poems the underground one and the war one are my favorates.

  16. Sif

    Battle Of The Nerds.

    Lucas, he would lightsaber bill before he could load.
  17. Hi my brother thinks your cool.

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