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Everything posted by Pyroi

  1. IC(Infected!Love): "Oh, well, you know. Lasting enviromental EFFECTS!" The vines that were swirling lashed out at the toa.
  2. IC(BK): The Knight came to her senses. The being that had mentally attacked her had let it's guard down. What was that? It couldn't have been that...Makuta thing the villagers keep talking about. People aren't stupid enough to attack a member of the Imperial Consortum."I believe you will know that I am that stupid."Your voice...it's different now. More male. And...like a...stupid...oh, blast."Like a stupid 'plasmoid' toa that you got curb stomped by last time we fought?"I believe you were called the Baron. What do you want with me?"A consciousness. I achieved sentience before Nitro killed me off."Nitro?"The being that controls us.Black Knight shook her head. "Impossible. I am fully aware of the limits of my existance."We shall see. Anyway, how about a cupcake?The Baron took over the body. "Oh yes, this will be a 'fun' outing indeed."IC(Draebe): "Guys. The boat is ready. We can get off any time now."
  3. IC(Agira): The mystix instictively shut his eyes when the flashes occured. "Sigh...Kraal, are you operationable? If so, hang on. The Stars shall Scream with my Power! Air Burst!" The air around the two started swirling much faster, preventing anything from getting at the two without heavy damage, or a mask falling off. One of the two.IC(Infected!Love): "Don't play dumb. I saw your display of crystal earlier." Vines swirled around the toa of the green menacingly. "You could be a...serious threat...to the forest."IC(Mardi): "Makuta Worshippers....what? Me and Compassion are from the Emotional Spectrum, and we're...erm...I think we're against Makuta."
  4. The group that got info out of Macku is the Mercenary group, and we're currently going to go mug ask Nuju for information regarding the temples. Come, join the morally gray group!
  5. IC(Pourge): "Interesting...a path." Pourge had found the mountain path into CRANE Academy, and was now following it.
  6. IC(Agira): "I agree, for once. Find the darkest place to hide in, they shouldn't find us there."
  7. IC(Pourge): The matoran continued towards the buildings. "What the...I don't remember this."
  8. IC(Agira): The impact shot hit the tree, just below where Agira was perched. The Mystix, stunned, jumped up in the air. "Karz! Resistance!" Agira flew off, circling the village for a place to land.IC(Mardi): "Listen, I don't know. Ask Compassion here."IC(Infected!Love): The toa jumped from the village, landing in the swampland below. "I saw you, toa! Where are you!?"OOC: That's the toa of crystal from another dimension she's looking for.
  9. IC(BK): The knight weighted her new Ta-koronan guard shield. "This should get me anywhere I need to go. The guard should be well-respected throughout the island." The toa left the hospital, heading to the charred forest.
  10. IC(Mardi): "Whoa whoa, hold up bub. She just fainted out of the blue."OOC: Bub...there's a word I'd never thought I'd type.
  11. OOC: Her.IC(BK): The arrows hit the back of her armor. "Hmm. Someone attacking someone in a medical location? How...poor." The knight didn't turn around.
  12. IC(Agira): The Mystix perched himself on a tree half a bio from Le-koro. "The Gukko...majestic things. They are, however, easy to disable with wind."IC(Mardi): "Well...a plant-o-mancer is a skilled toa of the Green. I'm not as good with them as she is. Anyway, my plan was to-" Before she could finish her sentence, she heard someone calling for Alissita. "Huh?"
  13. IC(BK): "My name is Moton...who are you?"The knight scowled. "I am the Black Knight of the Imperial Consortum. Now, what is this?" The Dark Knight grabbed the Ta-koro Guard shield on his side. "Very nice craftsmanship. I do need a new shield.""Wh-what!? You can't take that, that's Ta-koro prop-"Black Knight slapped the guard across the face. "I don't care. The Consortum overrides your...petty laws."IC(Draebe): "And...here's Ta-koro! Well, as close as we're getting."
  14. IC(Pourge): The matoran was cold. Very cold. His firestaff had run out of fuel to burn, making it impossible to burn. On the bright side, it could be used to hit things. In the distance, Pourge could see some sort of building. "Hello? Is anyone there?"
  15. IC(Agira): The mystix put the vial on his hip. "Come with me. Now, Kraal." The mystix flew off, moving the air currents around him to move faster.OOC: Agira to Le-wahi.IC(Draebe): "And...off we go!" The boat began to move, heading for Ta-wahi.OOC: Odhran's crew to Ta-wahi.IC(Lord): The toa of fire saw Agira fly off. He clutched his wounds. "Urg...Blast it...I can't take my revenge on him."OOC: Lord Exterminite open for interaction.
  16. Locus-Abeo is called the Blank Slate. This is an island on the planet Tabula Rasa, and is completely barren of life. Dangerous animals and fierce weather constantly plague the region. Xa-Koro is located in the southern desert area while New Metru Nui is on the largest archipelago islet. For the first time in history, players dealt so much damage to one of the locations (New Metru Nui) that it simply collapsed and the topic was locked. It was met with a mobilization of almost every neutral or good faction on the island to wipe out the people responsible. However, the Weavers showed up and expressed displeasure at the abuse the island was taking. The Society and their allies were attacked by the Weavers, and fought back. This resulted in a Season Finale Battle Royale With Cheese, with all attendant tropes. A brief summary of Locus-Abeo. I just want the Battle Royale.
  17. IC(Zand, D): The toa of lightning had a sleeping area ready now, a hammock of sorts."Nice bed. I assume you're Voriki?"D spun around, slightly astonished. "Eep! Knock next time!""On what? The volcanic rock you've surrounded yourself with?" The vortixx knocked on the desk D made for himself. "And I assume your job in this settlement is...?""Hah...don't really have one yet...I guess...collecting volcanic rocks? Mask repair? I...have no idea."IC(Mardi): "Listen, we don't have much time. Love is a...very powerful plant-o-mancer. She could do serious damage to the koro if she isn't stopped."
  18. IC(Pourge): The matoran got tired of waiting, and walked off towards the border, wearing a cloak to stay warm.IC(BM): "So, is that Ko-koro? It's...nice. Peaceful."
  19. IC(Draebe): The toa of water hadn't set the ship to move yet, mostly because of the minor dispute going on between the fighter and captain.IC(Agira): "Vortixx! What's wrong? Get up!"
  20. IC(BK): "Now, guard. Name."OOC: Hello, cooldynamyteproductions, my char is attempting to interact with your guard guy. The one that isn't dead.
  21. Actually, I would enjoy a war as well. Not just a skirmish between X and Y, a full on war. Between everybody. Even Tuck, without even being here.
  22. IC(BK): The dark knight walked towards the yelling guard. "What, a rahi? A single rahi is what alerted you?" Spite was in the knight's voice. "What a waste of time it was to walk over here." She rested her hand over her sword.
  23. IC(Agira): "There is no need, my lord. I thought it would be best to withdraw, what with the lack of most of our troops." Agira had flown to see what was taking Kraal so long. "And, besides, it is almost daybreak. I doubt Kraal will see very well in full light."IC(Draebe): The toa returned to his bunk, placing his newly found Falchion right next to it. He checked to make sure that his treasure hoard was still there(Which consisted of his original pay and quite a bit of alcohol), which it was. He then waited for commands to either prepare for a party, or move the ship.
  24. IC(BK): "So many people...my revenge will never be complete at this rate."I COULD HELP YOU WITH THAT.The sounds of the voice burned into the dark knight's mind, echoing for eternity within her brain. "Wh...what?"I SAID I COULD HELP YOU WITH THAT. I AM THE ONE, THE ALPHA, THE OMEGA. AND I AM OFFERING MY ASSISTANCE."Erm...what?"EXTERMINITE IS ON THE ISLAND. WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET YOUR OLD MASTER?"Lord Exterminite? But he should be back..."NO. HE WAS CHASING CARDINAL DRAEBE."Impossible. Draebe was killed."WOULD I LIE TO YOU?The Knight began to think. "No...I suppose not. Even though I just met you...I feel the need to trust you."THEN OPEN YOUR MIND TO ME, BLACK KNIGHT.The pain of a thousand suns burned into her mind, filling every crevice in it with the energies of a being long forgotten. The new hybrid tested it's controls over Black Knight's body."Oh yes...this will do nicely." The being chuckled, as Black Knight screamed from inside her own mind.OOC: Black Knight? open for interaction.
  25. Why would you even get Transformers 3? I saw the movie, and it was worse than...erm...ET for the Atari. Yes, two different mediums, but still.
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