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Everything posted by Pyroi

  1. IC(Draebe): The toa of water shot quite a bit of water at the flames, dowsing them.
  2. IC(BM): "Well, then what? I suppose that the most logical place to go would be the Turaga's Hut thing. The Sanctum, or something like that?"
  3. IC(Zand, 'Voriki'): "It's no trouble. I would like to help you build this place." He reached for his ax, and promptly swung it into a tree. "So, would you let me assist?"D was setting up his hut, which now had a rudimentary table and bed in it. "Woo! Now I need a chair, for looking menacingly at passerby."
  4. IC(Draebe): Before the lasers could reach Odhran, an orb of water intecepted them. Refracting the light, the lasers were shot off in a completely different direction. "Tsk tsk. Don't you know? Water refracts light!" Draebe flew up, wagging his finger as he did so.
  5. IC(D, Zand): "Okay, my hut's finished...who's this guy, and what are we talking about?""We are talking of a name for this settlement. Zand Giels." He extended his hand to D, who shook it after a moment of hesitation."Oo! Oo! How about Awe-koro!"
  6. IC(Zand): "Of course I do. I was speaking of the fact that your group dosen't even have a name for this place."IC(D): "And...just a few...more...smothingnesses..." The toa finished making his little hut. It was blackened, and only slightly taller than a toa standing at full height. "Okay...home sweet home."
  7. IC(Zand): The Vortixx raised a single eyebrow. "Erm...It would be very hard to get people to come here if the way you pitch it is 'Oh, hello Mr Matoran, how about you come to the Settlement! It's name is non-indicative of where it is!'"
  8. IC(D): The to of lightning was completely ignoring everyone else, and just placing his bag of rocks in such a way that it could be used as a shelter. To keep the hut steady, he lightning-d each layer of the rock together, and when he ran out of rocks, he went back to the Ta-Le Border base to pick some more up.
  9. IC(Zand, D): "Zand Giels. So, what are you planning on naming this place?"D arrived on the scene, teleporting with a sack of Igneous Rocks to build a hut with,
  10. You're all fools! I took the Original Tuck, and replaced him with a Flesh Duplicate! You're making clones of a clone!
  11. IC(Mardi): "Shouldn't you help your...assistant?"
  12. IC(Zand): "Settlement? I thought that seven villages would be enough for this island. There already are murderers all around the island...that's irrelevant. Hello, Madrihk." He extended his arm out to the leader.IC(D): Flames surrounded the toa as he put the finishing touches on his new mask. There was now a natural eyepatch on it, and it was heavily reinforced, virtually indestructible. He placed the mask on his face, and welcomed the surge of power. "OH YES! Here we go!" He gathered his weaponry, donned his cloak, and was off, back to Lake Pala.
  13. IC(Mardi): "Yes, very alive. I'm a master of Illusions." She tapped her mask.
  14. IC(Mardi): "Well...wasn't expecting that to work so easily." She deactivated her mask, and the flames faded away. "Listen, Neirak, Compassion, whatever you're calling yourself these days, I'm sorry for yelling at you, but Love...she's gone a bit mental. And by mental, I mean she's infected."
  15. IC(Mardi): "I've got one chance..." The toa began to activate her mask, creating the illusion of a forest fire around her. Hopefully, that would attract Compassion to her.OOC: Looky looky! Mardi, looking for Neirak!
  16. IC(Zand): "Well, of course I'm safe. Zand Giels. Hello."
  17. OOC: Aye. Gone off to other parts, with Lyica and Mirr. Lower my char count. TARDIS ex machina, I suppose. Wait...IC(Zand): "I see. Well, let me get over there!" The Vortixx began to run towards the ILS.IC(D): "That's very hot. Well, good enough to piece this ting back together. Although...I could put in a few more attachments this time..." He pulled off the Ruru and got to work, melting it down.
  18. IT's like everyone keeps forgetting about Ignotus' Starscream Vizier.
  19. IC(Zand): "Are you talking about me!?" The Vortixx yelled at the top of his lungs, which was very loud, a trait that was passed through his family. "Because if you are, I suggest you let me get over to your encampment!"
  20. IC(D): It had been a while since D visited his secondary huts. He had a few of them around the Island, usually at the Wahi Borders. He kept various extra supplies in them, usually bits of small tools, and a small supply of food. This one was made out of a natural cave in the side of the Mangai, and wasn't that far from a lavaflow. He gathered some tools for manipulating the boiling rock, and went towards the flow.IC(Zand): The Vortixx continued to walk throughout the wahi, depressed and saddened. He sighed as he reached a clearing in the jungle."A lake. Brilliant." The Vortixx looked around Lake Pala, seeing a group of people. "What is this?" He began to walk towards the group.OOC: Let's throw in another char for the ILS.
  21. OI! Members of the Spectrum. Love's infected, and you're all just standing around, looking at her.
  22. IC(Mardi): "NEIRAK!" The toa of the Green gasped for breath. "It's no use...I'll never find them...urgh...Love's infected, and I'm completely USELESS!" She slumped herself against a tree.IC(Infected!Love): "Despair, nothing to say? Of course not. You're always CRYING!" Love prepared to slap Despair across the face with a vine.
  23. IC(Agira): "You! Kraal. At attention! We are to evacuate the area now. Go find Lord Ignotus and tell him." He spat out the words Lord Ignotus as if they were poison.
  24. IC(D): "You already have a lightning-y person, so I'll just go forging. See ya!"
  25. IC(D): "Do you think you could remove this mercury in my leg?"
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