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Everything posted by Pyroi

  1. IC(D): "Of course. Onyx, do you think you could do something for me real quick?"IC(Zand, Jeni, Mirr, Lyrica): "So...what now? Where do we go from here?""Well...home, I guess.""Zand...what do you mean by home?"The Vortixx stopped cradling his head. "Xia. The Continents. Anywhere but here."Lyrica bowed her head. "I see...so, how shall we do this?""No...you three go with Jeni. She will find the TARDIS, and get you home. You might all learn something in the interim. However...I shall stay. I have something to do. I don't know what it is yet, and I don't care how I do it...I'm figuring out what brought us all here in the first place.""Zand! You can't...""I can. I'm entrusting Mirr with you. Keep him safe...and I'm sure you'll be worthy of your Father's mantle. Now go." The Vortixx stood up, and walked into the jungle, as the three people who were left backtracked to the Kini-nui...to go home.OOC: This is me, taking Three people out of the game.
  2. IC(BM): "Eh, nothing really. Got the bag, came right back."IC(BK): "AAAARGH!" The knight activated her pakari, shattering the crystal into millions of minute pieces. "That...Mage...he will die painfully."
  3. IC(D): "Hey, Madrihk, you wouldn't mind if I went over to the Ta-wahi border to try and reforge my mask with some runoff lava?"
  4. IC(BM): "Thank you." He tossed the bag of heatstones to Knidia. "Heatstones a plenty."
  5. IC(Agira): The mystix walked over to Pulse's body. He began to take any weaponry on it. "Nice knife."
  6. IC(Mardi): The toa of the green heard Over Here, and had begun running faster in that direction. She finally reached the area. "Okay...okay...found you...gasp..."
  7. IC(BM): The toa of crystals had a sack of heatstones with him, and he approached the cable car."Beenden Sie Ihren Fortschritt! Only those with Ta-koro Guard Symbols past this point!"
  8. IC(Mardi): "No...this is bad...really bad...NEIRAK! WHERE THE KARZ ARE YOU!? WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY ON OUR HANDS!"OOC: Fantastic Christmas everybody.
  9. IC(D):"Most likely, they do not believe that they need permission to arrest me. They believe in a private system of 'justice' in which they have the right to attack anyone suspected of a crime, and anyone near them."
  10. IC(Draebe): The toa of water activated his Kadin, flying Odhran over to the other ship. "Okay. Need anything else? Alcohol? Backup? Alcohol?"IC(Agira): "Oh, my lord, the rest of the Mystix have fallen. I suggest we fall back and regroup, before the sun rises." He now was ensuring that if the air were to be altered around either him or Ignotus, he would make it more normal.
  11. IC(Draebe): "Please, everyone, choose. Fight against each other, talk about Mazuzu, or fight off the remaining birdies."While he spoke he thought about his own brother. Wait...I don't have a brother. Eh.OOC: Note: Draebe still doesn't even believe in Makuta. Or know his name.
  12. IC(Draebe):"I kind of had a hangover, and was mostly unconscious...you know how it is." While he looked at Odhran, something glimmered out of the corner of his eye, moving. He paid it no mind.OOC: That's the Zamor.
  13. IC(Draebe): "Well, you said she 'was no longer with us' and from that I inferred she had died. In no way had I thought you and her fought."
  14. IC(Draebe): "No, and that's why I'm so confused. I was informed you had died back when you left the crew."
  15. IC(Draebe): "Wait...what? Didn't you did Moylan? Are you a ghost?" The navigator continued to float over the pirate ship, ready to take out any of the Mystix that flew near.
  16. IC(Draebe): The toa of water flew at Odhran, picking him up. "So, need some help?"
  17. We are still at Lake Pala still trying to ward of Toatc's chars from attempting to take D to Onu-koro(A futile attempt).
  18. IC(D): "OH FOR THE LOVE OF...SOMETHING! Just give up already! You can't use your powers well against us, and neither can we! Just...give up! I'm not going with you, they're not giving me over! Not even Kethrye, and that's saying something!"IC(Infected!Love): The darkened toa of Plantlife looked at the Spectrum. "Well? Nothing to say? Yghari, the one I so wanted to be Willpower, not even mustering up a sentence? Oh, how the mighty hath fallen. The really angry new person, not even scowling at me? Well, I suppose that's to be expected. I am quite fabulous." The infection was now very visible on her mask. IC(Mardi): The festively-colored toa of plantlife ran away from the base of Le-koro. "NEIRAK! FEMALE SLAVE OF NEIRAK WHO'S NAME I NEVER LEARNED! HELP!"
  19. IC(Agira): The Mystix disengaged from the fight against Exterminite, flying up to meet with Ignotus. Staying out of reach of the swirling air, he used his own powers to stabalize the air. "For those who have fallen, the stars shall scream with our power! AIR WHIP!" A standard slash of accelarated wind flew out in Odhran's direction. "FEAR THE MYSTIX!"OOC: Ham Ham Ham.IC(Lord): The toa of fire laid against a pile of rubble, clutching a wound given to him by Agira's knife. "Blast it...why can't I ever win!?" A realization came to him. The Mystix were very similar to bats...a creature that cannot see well in the light. "Well...here we go. Imperial Training: Solar Flare!" He used what energy he could muster to send out a bright fireball towards the Mystix fighting Odhran. He then began to crawl to safety.
  20. IC(Agira, Draebe, Lord): "You are a complete [Cool Dude]! If you don't help get rid of these...things, then where will you go? You'll be too dead to go back to the Consortum, and I doubt they would want you back without my head on a silver platter!"Lord Exterminite was ignoring Draebe. Bit by bit, the village had a ruined sector, being grown and cultivated by the...what had the green one called himself? Mystix. For once, the toa of fire was feeling hate...and fear. Draebe...had he brought forth this mess?Impossible. He seemed to hate them just as much as he did."Oh, hello there. MORE PREY!" Agira smacked a claw across Exterminite's face, making a mark on his mask.'"I am not 'Prey'. I am Lord Exterminite, high ranking council member of the-""Bored now." A stream of fast-moving air pushed the boastful Lord into a wall. A stream of water then knocked the Mystix off balance. "What is this madness!?""The water subsides, falls before my very steps...I am the madness that pierces through complacency...I am Cardinal Draebe, and the Mystix are now my enemy! I will strike the earth with my power...and...ugh..." While he had been monologing, Lord and Agira had begun to fight. With Agira taken care of, the toa flew off to go help Odhran.
  21. IC(Agira, Draebe, Lord): "The stars will scream with the news of our conquering! Air whips!"The more innocent villagers ran in terror of the Mystix attack."Oh...Mata-nui...""Draebe! You will be brought to your crimes! Who cares of this island, you can all die for all I care!" Flames erupted from the ground, scorching Draebe's coat."Hey! That coat was a gift from the Museum of Natural Warmongering! I demand it to be fixed!" Geysers of water erupted, and doused the flames. "Tooroko! Don't worry about me, Odhran's in trouble! Those bird things are attacking the ship!"Twin air strips smacked the two toa in the face, startling them. Water fell onto the ground, no longer commanded by the power of Draebe."Run, run as fast as you can! You can't get away from me!" Jetstreams blasted several matoran into the destroyed part of the village, which was now steadily growing. "I'm the Mystix man! AHAHAHA!""Urg...Exterminite...truce?""No way in karz."
  22. IC(Agira): Agira sent out some sonic pulses, to attempt to see what was in the city. Feeling around with several pulses, only a bit of the city was ruined."Fool. Only this side is very destroyed. And I doubt that there will be no resistance. There are living beings in there, and what about what destroyed this wall?"
  23. IC(BK, BM): The mage walked through the streets, stepping on a crystallized floor as he did. That brings up bad memories. He then ran into a Knight, wearing Black protosteel armor, that, with all of the size it took up, was quite heavy."Out of my way, illusionist.""Someone speaking old matoran, on this island, of all places? Where are you from, dark knight?""The Imperial Consortum, you dolt."In a few moments, her leg was quickly crystallized. "I have heatstones to recover. Farewell, Dark Knight."
  24. IC(Agira): "So, my wonderful lord, what shall we begin with? Total destruction? A coup d'grace to the turaga? A mass invasion of all the koro?"IC(Lord, Draebe): "Nope! I'm just going to see whats available. Look for some alcohol, or cannonballs, or...food. We need those things."Draebe ran off into the most destroyed part of the place, which, coincidentally, is where Exterminite made his stand. The toa of fire jumped down into the ruins of the village. "Well, good riddens." At that precise moment, it seemed as if anything that could go wrong, did. Batlike creatures flew around the islets, alerting the people that it was night. The flames in the city were lighting it up very well."Here...we...go." Draebe pulled a dagger and a third Falchion out of the wreckage. "The third Falchion. Here, of all places." He put the falchion on his back sheath, and held the dagger for emergency purposes."What in the name of sanity are those!?" The mystix flew over the village, alarming Exterminite. And said alarm alerted Draebe."YOU!" They shouted simultaneously.
  25. IC(Draebe): "Free alcohol! Woo!" The toa of water flew down and began to run at the town, falchions at the ready in case of an attack.
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