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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by .Colin

  1. I knew it was Rave Master! If you could make a link to it, that would be awesome.


    Back to boring projects. . . .

  2. No problem. Have a good Christmas?


  3. Merry Christmas ToM. Hope you have a good one.


  4. Merry Christmas Macku! I hope you have a good one with Turakii and the family!


  5. Sure. My GT is



  6. Hey chap. Haven't talked in a while! :]


    Happy Holidays.

  7. How's your PBZP line going?


  8. And a happy new year.


  9. When did you start playing live?


  10. How do I record things? I would get you the parts if I knew.


  11. When can I get your address Haru?


  12. My rarest mask would be a European Copper Huna.


  13. CAT LIVER!!!!

    Who did you get the av from my friend?


  14. The movie looks to be great, but it is on pause right now. 'Don't know why though.

    That stinks that you moved, oh well. We all have to sometime.


  15. Just wondering, do you like Halo?


  16. You live in Hawaii? Awesome. You surf? I live in Kailua, on Oahu, so pretty close. I am moving to Texas though, so I put that for my location.


  17. A Gorilla? I would have suspected the Decepticon symbol. Awesome name, ScorpionKing.


  18. Hey dude, love the awesome Avatar choice.


  19. Cool, you live in the Netherlands. Schweet.


  20. That cat is very lovely.



  21. Haru, I posted in your trade topic.


  22. What's your AIM? Mine is:





  24. Nice Comics.


  25. Olah, comosta?

    Kidding, I speak English. Hello.


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