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Status Updates posted by MacGyver

  1. There seriously is something wrong with you, no?

  2. So glad you noticed :P

  3. Actually I'm a real fan, those whose names are macgyver after me are ripoffs =P

  4. Flintlock pistol is win :3

  5. Good for you, and did you mean I lost my proto, or what?

  6. Now, isn't it, dear? The most useful thing ever, no? Much better than the nuclear bombs those nice Koreans made, no?

  7. Yea, isn't he just awesome?

  8. Happy Lunar/Chinese New Year and enjoy your week-long vacation.

  9. And the affiliated one is me! *throws confetti*

  10. You decreased your own proto? 0_o

  11. You`re cool.*giggles*

  12. You mean Billi Joe Armstrong? Yeah, I think Bono's starting to look like him a bit, now that you'd mentioned it.He's definitely growing younger by the minute.

    Could it be magic?

  13. Never! I'll never play.

  14. I just didn't know what to reply. =P

  15. I would've spent all day in my room if the day was warm at all...

    But I guess that's just the geek me talking XD

  16. So... You visited The Conceptuary yet?

  17. It is indeed, a wonderful name.

    In fact, it's so wonderful, I can feel the jealousy seething unconsciously from your pores.

  18. SoulsAlight, do you know they sell BIONICLE in your national science center's souvenir shop? How awesome is that?

  19. Dude, awesome avvie.

  20. Are the headers for each "Agnihotra" chapter made from Alchemy?

  21. Oh cool you have an xkcd banner featuring the "Staple Gun" comic!

    That's awesome really.

  22. You probably wouldn't be able to even pronounce the translated words of Knights of the Old Republic, so don't bother.

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