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Status Updates posted by MacGyver

  1. Your avveh is Sasuke's sharingan eye thingy, right? The Mangekyou or something?

  2. Pffft, seatbelts are for weenies.

    And the sword's working well fine. If not for it, I wouldn't have been able to survive my encounter with the symbol sharks.

    Also, check my epic out.

  3. John Theddius Myers in in Antartica? Woot!

  4. Wherever did Lady Cynthia Corriander Barrington-Smythe ever went?

  5. Yayyzorz! I got a white persian cat and a black kitty with cute little gloves! Yayz

  6. Thanks! So, my present?

  7. Your profile didn't say that you were interested in Bionicle. That is weird.

  8. Alright! Jack Dalton! Awesome avvie!

  9. I got a dragon! Wait, what? 0.o

  10. Happy New Year to you too!

    BTW, I has made a comedy! Care to see it?

  11. Remember those bloodstains in your closet? Do't ask about them



  12. So, check out my epic.

  13. MacGyver would make something awesome out of pins, chocolates, and Duct tape.

  14. Enjoy your newest and most awesome by far Seal of Approvals.

  15. So, I should go listen to U2 now, huh?

  16. We shall inform you when we are ready for the first move

  17. I heard there were rumors that you are awesome?


    This is sudden, but hi.

  18. Soooo, I heard you were supposed to be awesome?

  19. I use saliva, of course.

  20. Ohh yeah... I kinda remember you too! You were the person who drew the "Vine Swinger" pic, right? I loved that pic! It's good to see more of BZP's old artists are returning.

  21. Oh cool, you live in Denmark!

  22. CONTINUED: And yeah, MacGyver and Supernatural rock.

    Not so keen about Sam though, you know with the whole demon-power thing.


    So, this means we're friends now?

  23. Congrats! You have been promoted as my Official Art Mentor!

    So what are you waiting for? Teach me already!

  24. Actually it's a little bit of both. I mean, every time I start writing stuff for Mayuri, my writing skills stop working. It's kinda like, I know how it's going to happen, but I don't know how to put it into words.

    Also, sorry for replying late.

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