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Status Updates posted by Jiigoo

  1. Also, I think you forgot Mangosteen in your interests.


  2. Also, Oblivion is an extremely awesome game. But I have yet to buy it, since I only played it at my friend's hosue :P

  3. ALso, once Maj/Brickshelf works, I am creating a new Procrastination Nation topic, since the original failed miserably. :P

  4. ALso, viola is much awesome-er than clarinet. >:D

  5. although if you're procrastinating, then it's ok. :)

  6. and also i think my kit topic just died a while ago (totally on accident, and not in any way related to my procrastinating skills)

  7. and go start the comics of the koth


  8. and i am getting over that the viola COMPLETELY OWNS the clarinet. :)

  9. and its also a religion, but yeah...

    Anyway, I cant go on Steam because my sister's making a science video on this computer (she'll be back soon, so I don't get a computer D: )

  10. And now for something completely different.

    Monty Python is the epic.

  11. And since I'm too lazy to post in your topic, I'll just say here that your latest three comics were epic. You've really improved since MEEP, I've got to say.

  12. And, no, the first line of the previous comment was not spam, it was only the neccesary sound effect of me coughing/clearing my throat obnoxiously loud.

  13. because


    you still can't

  14. before i get impatient

    O WAIT


  15. But I wish the sold REAL mangosteens here where I live, that would be EPIC (You really need to try real mangosteens, Eljay, if you haven't already.) :P

  16. But if "the game" in your name (lol rhyme) is "the game" that I'm talking about, the game is epic.

    So actually, if this is right, then ~Ferret~ and Blademan just lost the game too. :D

  17. but twilight does suck

  18. But, Kothra, both of the people in your av/personal pic look like they're playing some sort of flute/clarinet-like instrument. I should copy you and put violas inplace of both of those.

  19. Cheez-it land was blown up with a bomb, after school started. ;-;

    yeah, I'm dieing of home work....I hardly have--no wait, HAD- time to do anything. I just got done with my work, so I'll be starting a new comic season for the New Year.


    (fcp lol)

  21. comic(s)


    the jiigoo is getting impatient

  22. COMIC

    the jiigoo is getting very impatient

  23. congrats and lol at your sig



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