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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Necro

  1. See how they smile like pigs in a sty, see how they snide.

    I'm crying.

  2. Is that Jimi or Prince in your personal pic?

  3. Shall we find out?

  4. iments to run, there is research to be done, on the people who are, still alive.

    And believe me, I am, still alive.

    I'm doing science and I'm, still alive.

    I feel fantastic and I'm, still alive. While your dying, I'll be, still alive. And when your dead and I will be, still alive, still alive, still alive.

  5. Now these points of data make a beautiful line, and we're out of beta, we're releasing on time, so I'm glad I got burned, think of all the things we learned, for the people who are, still alive.

  6. And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun...

  7. Eh, I'm planning to get automail arms, I can just get replacement legs too I guess.


    If I can make a recommendation though, use a spork. It'll go much quicker.

  8. You have a fun blog AA. I'd RSS it, but I don't have an RSS reader. >

  9. *Thinks* Eh, I can transmute the automail to giant spike, so lets go with that.

  10. Aww, I needed those to poke stuff with... *Eats EW's legs* Just to settle the score. =P

  11. Dude, seriously, unless you want to get banned, quit spamming.

  12. ... >

    @Xae comment #1: Wewt portal. Not wewt my processor being 100MHz too slow to run it. >


    @Xae comment #2: ...Adding that to my quotes in my sig...

  13. Eh, to tell the truth, I'm not sure. I guess after I lost the RPG I was still kinda upset and when I saw ya, I guess the revenge drive I had kicked back in. Then I realized it was an RPG from months ago that only had a few weeks left anyway. Sadly, by then I had posted the comment. Apologies about that.

  14. @DVD(Heh, DVD, never saw that before): Heya. Quick question; you seem to know more about Queen than me, do you know if and when Queen + Paul Rodgers is coming to America?


    @TPTI: Huh. Now I can accuse my English teacher and my brother of giving me false information about people they say are British. Of course David Tennant is actually British, unlike Dante.

  15. @DE: Not sure whether to lick or exorcise my hand now... =P


    @TPTI: Not sure of his name, it was the one who said "The hottest circle in he** is reserved for those who remain neutral". Huh, I get the feeling this guy didn't like Switzerland too much...

  16. ...how is it that, by not liking any root beer and many other things involving things like this, I manage to remain neutral? Man, if that English poet was right, I'm in hot water... =P

  17. In response to your PM answer to my previous question;


    I figured, but what exactly do sed characters look like, and can you pick them when forming a band for the Band World Tour mode, or is it just random like on the other consoles when you don't have all four members for the band would tour mode?

  18. If I recall, you have the PS2 Rock Band. Seeing as it and the Wii version are supposed to be similar, I figured I may be able to get some answers from you. What is the cast of pre-made characters, and do they have any real rock legends cloned in it? (ie, Xavier from the GH series is a clone of Jimi Hendrix) And can you proivide images of at least a bit of the cast?

  19. @EW: ...What exactly did Neccy do?


    @Xae: ...DP?

  20. Feh, it was a joke. And besides, I just need to crawl out of the den of CoT for 34 posts.

  21. @TPTI: Eh, I've been wanting to visit England for a while, suppose that'll be my next out-of-country trip.


    @Xae: Feh, I just need to hack your account and do things to get your post count lowered. =P

  22. Err, once more, I don't recall. >

  23. Huh, so I was right...any way other than getting some US dollars converted to pounds and sending them to you to get some of those bottled to get them?

  24. ...I was going for a record. =P


    Quick question for TPTi; Brian May, George Harrison, Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, it seems every great guitarist is English. Is there something in the air over there?

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