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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Necro

  1. Wait, what happened and why did it happen?

  2. Please get your blog back. It was fun.

  3. i can haz goateeburger?

  4. No, in response to TPTi, the comment deleted by the board message;


    Hrrm...*strokes nonexistent goatee again* Well, what little of a beard I already have already makes my face itch...though maybe for a week or two just to try it out...

  5. ...lol. Guys, you have no idea how entertaining it is when a board message comes up in the comments section. ^^

  6. Because he's also Vincent!

  7. *facepalms at his own stupidity, which is odd because often with matters such is this he is even less modest than Omi* Found it. Thankee. =)

  8. Err, the abbreviation stands for...?

  9. Same question as Mag, only add "where did ya get it?"

  10. *Strokes goatee he doesn't actually have*

    Hrrm...maybe, but she's often picky about this kinda stuff.

  11. Sweet. I have the money, I just need a way of convincing my mother, who has only heard the polkas and doesn't know their just sped up medley's of other songs that he's actually entertaining and I'll likely be going then as well. If you have any suggestions, please PM em.

  12. I don't because it not only makes Judaism look bad, but I have no problem with others beliefs and figure if I'm right, they get their punishment. If not, ah well, I plan to enjoy life.

  13. Stupid server.


    wrong and blasphemous?

  14. @Xae: Ah. What I meant by live is does he do that live. Also, are you and I still meeting at Weird Al live? If so I'd prefer to meet ya at the Friday show; better venue and cheaper tickets.


    @Koji: I respect your beliefs, but that doesn't justify shoving them in peoples face. How would you like it if I ran up to you and began telling you why my religious book says yours is wro

  15. Doesn't mean you have to offend people by it. At least say they are entitled to their opinions. Whether or not you like it, in the US, everyone, no matter how much of a minority, is entitled to them.

  16. Fair enough. The point with John still stands though.

  17. You. Are. Ownage-incarnate. =P

  18. I don't have problems with people having different beliefs than me man, but I'm Jewish, and I may be straight, but I don't like seeing other minorities pushed down, especially when sed putting down could apply to me.

  19. Never recall that one...did he add that verse on live performances?

  20. They sucked out my internal organs

    And they took some polaroids

    And said I was a darn good sport

    And as a way of saying thank you

    They offered to transport me back to

    Any point in history that I would care to go


    @BR: Heya. Need something?

  21. EV-RYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG! Black is white, up is down and short is long...

  22. It's Ono. And John would be if he was alive. He's not sadly though. =(

  23. Or did that papercut just kill you?


    Indeed Xae, I HAVE seen that music vid as well, and will keep referencing both it and the Albuquerque one! >=D

  24. Dang, Phob beat me to it...erm...I got nothing.

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