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Blog Comments posted by Zahd

  1. naruzad1.png

    See if you are able to clear this up for me, greg.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    If Mata-Nui IS the matoran universe, what is the ocean that he is rising out from,
    and what covers the rest of that planet?

    And how can there be a universe on a planet, though I could see how you might use the
    "earth microbe in big being" explanation.

  2. naruzad1.png

    Hmm.. I thought this was funny, while yet being interesting.

    I decided to play along, and here are the laws that I would impose on BZP:

    -Age requirement of at least 11 years. This is an absolute must, and if one seems to be
    younger than that age, they will not be allowed on BZPower.

    -Bad spelling or grammar will result in loss of proto, and repeated misconduct in this area will lead to a ban.

    -Anyone who is going to be banned should be able to go before a "trail and jury" and plead there case.

    -Price to become a premier member is reduced and more benefits are added.

    -Avatar sizes will be increased from 64x64 to 80x80.

    -Allowed banner size will also be expanded.

    -Cut off line for topics will be raised, meaning topics will automatically be deleted sooner.

    -Members will have the ability to delete their posts, though moderators will be able to dig them up once more.

    -Names cannot contain more than a certain number of numbers/symbols/letters

    -Word filter will be a little bit more lenient

    -A minimum number of words per post will be applied so that members don't boost their post count by
    posting single worded answers everywhere.

    -And many many more

  3. ---~§~---




    Well to be honest, when I first started dating her, It was because I was attracted to her good looks.


    But as the years passed by, I started to learn how deep and thoughtful she was, and

    that's what I respect her for.


    Anyways, why do you care? o.O



    Z A H D



  4. ---~§~---




    Full Premiership, eh? Well, as much as I want to donate to this site, after two whole years of being a part of this

    community, I'm not sure that this is the right time to do it.


    I might get it in the near future, or I might never get it. Only time will tell.



    Z A H D







    Hmm... I see what you mean about the font, I'm going to change that.

    Scan lines opacity will be decreased.


    Now for the drop shadow... well it doesn't ruin the picture, nor does it contradict it.

    I'll try a couple with the shadow, some without, and pick the group that looks better.


    Again, with the font, do you think that any of these might suit it?:





    http://www.1001freefonts.com/brandnew.php <-- That's really similar to the font on your banner



    Z A H D



  6. ---~§~---




    I wish. No, I don't own Photoshop, I've never been into buying things when I

    can use free ware. I made it using GIMP, which is pretty decent.


    BTW, I never really intended for it to be a banner. If you notice, the "banner" is

    split into three parts, each an individual image. I just put the three images together.

    Each image is a "button" that takes you to a different link.



    Z A H D



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