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Status Updates posted by Zahd

  1. *lol*


    Actually, I don't read you're blog and hadn't seen you around the General Art section in a long time, so I thought I'd ask why I hadn't seen your work in so long.


    Viewing your blog, I realize that you have done a lot of work which I missed.

  2. *noobish (its not nooblish)

  3. • Err.. no... its a small piece of a larger pic that decipted Satan. You know... I might change that sometime...


    • No, you are not the first to comment. :D I've had like hundreds of comments but I delete them periodically.

  4. Ah I see Omi, in that case, you both have certainly captured the looks of the characters... I knew they looked familiar somehow.

  5. Ah, I see.


    I usualy don't recognize your avatar characters as I'm not much of a PlayStation fan, but I'm always curious. :D

  6. Zahd

    Argh! Your signature tricked me! How dare you!

  7. BTW-

    Everclear sounds like a nice, crisp name.


    A tip of advice- Once you've found a name that suits you well (I think Everclear should do the trick), stick with it and never change it.

  8. Collect spriters?! I do keep my check list of prefered spriters and links to their work in a word document.. and I'll go with the glass jar idea!

    :D I'll throw in the couch, a tv, and a couple of ice cold beers- you're set.

  9. Cool, I hope school turns out good for ya.

  10. Dude... don't you EVER delete you comments?

  11. Dude//Talk Properly

  12. Excellent job with the new staff category.

    Great selection as well, they're all perfect members.

  13. Excellent review there- one of the best I've ever seen.

  14. GAH!!!!


    What happened to the ussually fantastic avatar?!?!

  15. Given that I don't break the rules again, no I wont be banned. However, I'm at the point where I really don't care...

  16. Glad you feel sorry for me, Phovos. :P


    I just hope I don't get banned soon...

  17. Glad you think so, they're one of my favorite animals too.


    Then again, I love all animals. :D

  18. Hardly. -_- Well, whatever you like Omi.

  19. Hello Arkahd, I really quite do enjoy your art! Keep up the good work buddy.

  20. Hello Biomech. We seem to be disagreeing on quite a few things these days.

    But its all good :)

  21. Hello Nikira, how are you?

    Just thought I'd say hi. I love your work, it's been a while since you've released anything serious.

    Is there a chance that we might get to see some of that fabulous work again?

  22. Hello Omicron, my fellow debater... the two of us do argue quite a lot on certain things...

    Anyways, what exactly is your personal photo?

  23. Hello Rayg, its about time I checked out your profile.

    Just letting you know- you are one my most well respected spriters.

    Awesome job man!

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