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Toa Fanixe

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Posts posted by Toa Fanixe

  1. IC:


    "Beautiful, just beautiful" Robalta said, slightly with awe. She took a few moments to admire the Mashtet carvings. To the Vilda's eyes the Kavinika was well-behaved, not howling but purring at a waning moon and then looking warmly at herself. And the tree stayed for a long period of time in it's adult state, standing tall and firm and providing many bio of shade before withering under the pressure of time. 


    "But I don't think anything like that could drive art critics crazy. They're all mad to begin with!" Laughing softly at her own joke, Robalta continued marching on. 


    "My daughter would ladore one of those carvings, I just know it. Such an angel, but she's gone on that expedition to Mata-Nui, so I'll have to wait before I ask for you to make one for her. Oh and my nephew Kulrik would too, but I just have no idea where he is at the moment, First Sons do tend to be busy with their own affairs. It's a shame, I hardly see the boy, and I'm sure you'd like him. But here I am, droning about my family. Do you have any? Any that survived the, well, the incident?"



    "Don't want to make your brother mad, I understand" Kulrik said, grinning. "Come on then, lets get going!"


    The First son walked with others to the geyser that had just moments before erupted with green-lit water. The geyser was actually large vertical hole, maybe a dozen feet in diameter. At the bottom water collected and grew hot from underground thermal vents that fed into a fissure. Every so often the temperature rose so drastically, and enough water had collected in the fissure that the pressure rose and steaming water came flying out into the air. Now the geyser was in it's 'resting phase,' so Kulrik and the others had a least a few minutes to examine the space.


    Embedded into the side of the wall, halfway down, was a large round disk of marble.

  2. IC:


    "To study them" Soraph said, unsure why Dakte was acting so angrily. 


    "Like you said, I saw what they did to that Toa you met, Labelle. And I know, I really do, how evil and dangerous they are. But there are other Parakuka out there, latched onto good people that don't try to drown every stranger they meet. By learning more about these creatures we might be able to help those people, and rid the last traces of Mata-Nui from that being Makuta."

  3. IC:


    The idea of some parasite latching onto her back and worming it's way into her consciousness was disgusting to Soraph. The mind was any Dasakan's most sacred place, even more so for a Willhammer. All her life Soraph had learned the intricacies of the mental plane and it was as much real to her as the ground she stood on. For a slug to invade that space was... profane. And yet, the Parakuka was strangely intriguing.


    Curious, Soraph extended a mental probe and approached the parasite's consciousness.


    :Who are you?:


    The Parakuka could talk. They were sentient. But their minds were organized differently, it was a cacophony of shrieking sounds and distorted images, as if they'd been viewed through a looking glass. And there was wave after wave of greenish miasma, a dark evil that threatened to drown Soraph's thoughts. She gulped down so to say, since that wasn't actually possible on the plane, and started to speak to the creature.


    :My name is Soraph. I am a Dasaka, I'm standing on the docks nearby. What's your name?


    :I am Fen. What is Dasaka?


    :We are similar to the Toa on this island. I was wondering what exactly -


    :Stupid-ugly-girl! I'll latch your filthy body and suck you dry! You'll be skin and bone when I'm done, I'll feast on your energy and then I'll move onto your ridiculous family, you'll wish you'd never been born you-


    Soraph instantly withdrew, shocked by the vile viciousness. She was overcome by a strong desire to throw up.


    "Those things, those Parakuka are evil. Pure evil." she told Ayiwah and the others. "I touched their minds, and that's the first thing I felt. "Commodore, if these things are just the spawn of Makuta, we should be thankful the master is gone. If there are any of his followers left on Mata-Nui, we've got to be very careful with them. Now, if you don't mind, I think I'm going to go rest."


    The Vilda princess focused her mental energies once again on the Parakuka, both of them this time. She issued a single command, her Willhammer skill ensuring it would be carried out. :Follow me:


    To defeat an enemy, you must study her first. 


    Soraph walked back with the others to the submarine, periodically repeating the command for the parasites swimming beneath the village.

  4. IC:


    "Maybe we should head back to the ship so those who need to can rest and recover. Then in the morning we'll continue exploring refreshed and with a clear mind" Soraph suggested to the other Dasakans.


    She walked the short distance to Tarkus, laying a hand on the Menti-Toa's shoulder to catch his attention.


    "Do you think you could help me bring those things to the docks?" she said, pointing to the two Parakuka gliding aimlessly on the water's surface. "I can immobilize them, but I haven't got anything to carry them in and one especially looks pretty big. I'd really appreciate it." If all the males here were anything like back in Kentoku, a brief touch and one of her beautiful smiles was all it took to have them running to help her.  



    Labelle's arm continued to bleed from the stump where her left hand had been. But she didn't feel the pain. She didn't know she was bound and being carried.


    There was only darkness, and beyond it, the sickening squeal of glee.

  5. IC:


    "A pleasure to meet you all, Somei, Ashka, Kavina" Robalta said, nodding to each Mashtet in turn. "Let's continue on, shall we? Raiyo, feel free to socialize."


    With her maidservant a step behind, Robalta picked a place beside Somei and began leading the group in a slow walk.


    "I loved those carvings of your clan, I still have one that was given to me by instructor back during the Menti training, though it'd long still faded. Maybe when you come to Oki you can renew it. Do you have any Mashtet carvings with you? It'd be such a pleasure to see one again."




    "Was not. Shuuan, Seigyo, don't you agree it was clever?"

  6. IC:


    "Some sort of cult is involved then? And one that's just a little bit sick, too....well, let's hope that's all we have to deal with while finding the rest of the Keys."


    Kulrik got a proper look at Jiyu now, including the scarf Shuuan was using to - badly - bandage his arm.


    "You'll have to take of that as soon as we get back" Kulrik grunted. "Wouldn't want it to get infected, or for your your arms to match your eyes, now would we?" The Vilda First Son actually thought it might be a good idea. And why was Shuuan tending to the big oaf? For all they knew Kulrik had hit head and suffered a concussion when he fall to the ground. And they all knew where HIS loyalties lay. Shuuan should be over here looking after him, even with that vexing attitude and those ridiculous words that came out of her mouth and...


    Kulrik breathed hard.


    "Ok, so let's assume these cultists wouldn't just attack us out of the blue, which means we must be close to the next Key. Really close. But since we don't know exactly what we're looking for, the search could take a while, so let's try to be smart about this. The sword told us to come here, it's a Key to the power and a key to the next location. Maybe..." He raised an eyebrow, his thoughts unspoken.


    Kulrik unpacked the blade and removed it from its sheathe. It still surprised him how heavy it was, requiring two hands for proper use though it looked like a common enough sword. He swung it against the ground. As usual, the stone set in it's centre glowed red.

    Less than hundred yards off a column of water erupted from a geyser, dyed green from a light source below. 


    He smiled. "Looks like things might be getting hot."

  7. IC:


    "Me and Raiyo are here on some clan business. I need to talk politics with the those bright young Dastana twins. And maybe the Rora afterwards. Depends on how things work out." Robalta said the last with a bit of frown. She disliked the state of things in the Empire, especially whatever row had happened between the Rora and dear Relisai. Now Robalta needed to follow the Warden's advice and that mean't seeking Relisai's freedom.


    She smiled again.


    "But seeing as Raiyo has never been to Sado, and it's been years since I've been here myself, we were hoping to find a little fun too. But who knows that will happen? Oh, I'm sorry again, what were your names?"

  8. IC:


    "Seigyo will only be safe once the state of the Empire is back to normal, and this quest could be the best way to do that! For all we know, one of the leading clan's are close to this 'power,' and that's why tensions are running so high. We need the Keys and the power they promise to make sure it isn't  abused by either side."


    Kulrik looked at Jiyu with scorn.


    "I can't help it if I was ambushed on the mental plane. I don't think anyone would have been able to resist for long. So if you're done questioning my prowess, leave us or join us. Just make a decision already."

  9. IC:



    It felt like every time Jiyu reared his overly large head in Kulrik's life, bad things happened. The Vilda had never disliked his Herupa counterpart, but now the giant was sorely testing his patience.


    "I understand, Toroshu Nihonei. And thank you for your offer; in the coming days, we'll all need as many friends and allies as we can get."


    Kulrik nodded at the two corpses.


    "Did they say anything about who they were? Why they attacked us?"

  10. IC:


    "What?" Kulrik asked, his voice full of surprise. "Independence from the Empire? That's never been done before. The Umbraline wouldn't stand for it, they'd have an army to bring the Dastana to heel in a month. And the Fursic, they'd just be waiting to pick up the spoils after the fighting, or even join one side or the other."


    He paused, thoughtful.


    "We've got to hurry and find the rest of these Keys. Otherwise, the months ahead will be the bloodiest history has ever seen. And we can start by someone telling me what's happened here."



    Robalta sighed in slight dismay.


    "Simple sellswords, from such a renown clan? I suppose there's business for it nowadays, what with what's happening in the Empire, but still. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I knew some Mashtet Datsue, they were good friends of mine. I hadn't seen them in some years, but they always sent me a little carving or such on my nameday.


    "Hold on. You said you were going to Oki? Why don't you work for me, just for a few days.I've got some business here on Sado, and some protection couldn't hurt. After that I'll be returning to my clan's castle on Oki and I'll be able to pay you for your trouble. It's the least I could do for my friends' memories"

  11. IC:


    "How awful" Robalta exclaimed. "As if you lot haven't been through enough. Honestly, some people in this Empire just have no heart, none at all. Why, if were a hundred years younger I'd give them quite a piece of my mind...." 


    Her voice trailed as she recalled a pleasant memory where she deposed a particularly arrogant young Fursic male. The look on his face after being bested by a beautiful, and seemingly harmless, Vilda women had been priceless.


    "But what do you do for money now? How do you survive?"

  12. IC:


    "Excuse me for not expecting a Willhammer attack in the middle of nowhere, Herupa Jiyu! And what are you even doing here? I thought you were busy on Sado making nice with the Dastana leadership? Rather convenient of you to drop by right when we're attacked."


    Kulrik gave Shuuan a dark look. Everything was very confusing right now, and her infuriating nature was just so... infuriating.


    And strangely enough, he didn't like it that she was tending to Jiyu's arm. He shook his head. It was a stupid idea, why in the world would he be jealous...


    Then another figure appeared and began talking on the mental plane.


    "Ok, really, can someone explain what's happened? I think both me and her" Kulrik said, pointing to Saritsu, "would like to know what's happened."



    "I understand completely. This whole business in the Empire, it' no good for anyone's health. I'm Vilda Robalta by the way, and this my handmaiden, Raiyo. And you are...?"


    Robalta's eyes widened in disbelief.


    "You are Mashtet! I'd recognize those colors any day! My goodness, I didn't think any of you were left. The clan is here one day, gone the next. It was the talk of Oki for quite a few months, no one knowing what to make of the disappearance. I'm happy to see that some of you are still alive. Are there any more of you?"

  13. IC:


    Something was wrong.


    When she'd been on Sado during her Menti training the small island had always been ripe with life, especially the Markets. People were always busy honing their skills or filling their purses, and the only place one could truly find any bit of quiet was the Gardens. Robalta hadn't visited in years, but she knew that not even the recent turmoils in the Royal Family could be responsible for this.


    Right up ahead were a pair of Menti and a Datsue.


    "Stay near, little dove "Robalta whispered to Raiyo. "Things aren't quite the same on Sado as they used to be, and we must be careful."


    The Vilda Datsue spoke up loud enough for the strangers to hear.


    "Hello there. You wouldn't happen to know what's going on here today, do you? I've never seen Sado like this..." she said in a friendly tone, with a hint of caution.

  14. ooc: The Parakuka are actually PCs, so I'd rather they not be killed in one sentence




    Soraph ran over to her clan's Datsue, eyes wide with worry.


    "Mako, what were you thinking, you're not as young as used to be, you can't just go fighting everyone on Mata-Nui, you could had have been hurt, killed even!" She finally took a long breath. Mako seemed to be unhurt.


    "Are you ok?" she asked a bit more calmly. "Is there anything I can do?"


    One of the Parakuka, Lawl, was  sliced through, his long thin body in pieces. The other two creatures had managed to dodge Arasaka's attacks and, in all the turbulent waters and the blood of the comrade, were able to escape notice at the time. Now they were feasting on the corpse, their forms visible just under the surface of the water.


    "We should probably catch those things" Soraph said. "We're supposed to bring back specimens to the Empire. And I think we're going to have to learn all we can about this place."



    Images flashed. Smells. Sensations. It was all a haze, and Labelle could do nothing to stop the steady onslaught on her consciousness. She wasn't the least bit aware of her body being bound and carried.

  15. IC:


    I really shouldn't be sleeping.


    I really shouldn't.


    There's important stuff to do, I had better wake up.


    Kulrik did wake up. His upper torso rose from the ground and looked around him. The others were standing with weapons drawn. Jiyu was bleeding and two corpses lay on the floor dead. Very dead.


    "What'd I miss?" the First Son asked. He wasn't sure he wanted to know.



    "Hmm, you know it's been ages since I've been here last, my dear. And one's definition of fun changes quite a bit from when you're a Dasaka and when you're Datsue."


    Her stomach gave a small growl.


    "I'm filling a little peckish. Why don't we get some fruit to snack on and then we can head to the jewellery section of the markets? I'm sure we'll find some entertainment along the way and if not, we can go check in on the Gardens. There's always some interesting animals there.

  16. IC:


    Seconds passed. Ten. Twenty. Forty. Then a minute. And another.


    Labelle felt a pit of guilt deep down. She had liked Dakte, he was so nice, he'd been kind to her, then he'd ruined things, now she was drowning him. Drowned him, the Toa of Water corrected herself. The Dasaka had to be dead now, she was sure and his lungs full of water, food for the hundreds of fish and other creatures that lived beneath the surface of the sea. 


    But who cared?


    Labelle felt so alive. The warmth had suffused her entire body and blocked out all the pain, filling her joy and ecstasy. She could hardly contain herself, she just wanted to started jumping and laughing and feel the world on her skin. All she had to do now was get the others inside on the couches, and when they woke up they would all be friends. Dakte will have drowned in a tragic accident, and Labelle would have to get rid of that darned bird.... It would all turn out all right.

    She moved to Tarkus and pulled him from his chair. It was a jerky action and he tumbled to deck floor in Labelle's hand. She might not have felt the pain, but the injuries to her arm and back were every real. Labelle gulped. This was not good. This was not good at all.


    With great effort she lifted the others from their seats and brought them to the edge of the deck, arranging them in a parallel line. 


    Sighing in exhaustion, Labelle looked at her handiwork. What to do now?




    What was that? Oh probably nothing, and besides, she had to figure out what to do with her guests, and that stupid bird was still squawking at her and trying to tear her arm apart.




    The Toa of Water turned her head now and in a few seconds saw a form rushing at her. It was another Dasaka person. She'd broken through Labelle's front door and was now crashing through the back with one of those mental swords in her hand. Well, that wouldn't be a problem. Labelle had already dealt with Dakte and his powers, one more foreigner wouldn't be snag. And Labelle wouldn't even have to explain this one's disappearance! She could just cut up the body and spread it on the ocean floor, nobody would know.


    Arisaka was almost right on top of her. Labelle raised an arm in defence and:HELLO THERE.: She froze for the slightest instant, then heard a swipe before she dropped to the side, leaving one leg outstretched to trip her assailant. She was watched satisfactorily as Arisaka did indeed trip, falling into the same hole Dakte had.

    Things were working out perfectly. She'd drown Arisaka just like Dakte, make sure she was never found and then everything would be all right. Wait a minute. Something was wrong. Labelle looked at her left arm in terror. Her hand was missing. No, not missing, lying on the deck a few feet away. She whimpered and fell onto her back. 


    She was truly deformed now. Labelle had been ugly ever since the surgery, but she'd been whole. For the most part anyways. But now the stranger had taken a part of her away, it was gone forever. Strangers, she realized. There must have been another foreigner that screamed inside her head with those strange abilities of theirs. Karz, for all Labelle knew the entire expedition was here and ready to kill her. At least she wouldn't be broken for much longer. It was a shame, she'd just made great friends. 


    Take the strangers down with me.


    No, I probably shouldn't.


    Do it, Sadism feels amazing doesn't it? Imagine what it'd be like bringing them with me to the grave.


    It does feel good...


    So good! Their families will miss them so much, treaties between them and Mata-Nui will be blown out the door and I'll be the cause of it.


    I'll be the nexus! I'll live on in the history books for all time, I'll never be forgotten. I won't die, I'll be immortal!


    Do it now! And who knows, I might even survive this. Healers will come, I'm sure.


    No, I'll bleed and drown. Alive they can punish me, but dead I will haunt them for eternity. Nobody will stop me.


    Maybe I shouldn't do this.


    I should!


    Summoning all the strength she had left Labelle created a surging wave underwater and directed it at the stilts keeping the house afloat. Some houses in Ga-Koro were light enough to rest completely on the giant lillypads of the village, and some had special pumps to keep them high and dry. And there was some that were so heavy, and eschewed that particular technology, that they rested on stilts that kept them propped up above the sea. This home, as large as it was in this affluent neighbourhood, used stilts. 

    The flowing water hit the stilts at the back of the house first, knocking them aside. The entire house and platform it was attached to tilted, the end of the deck dipping deep below into the water. Bangs and crashes were heard as furniture and glass fell forward and downward. A large aquarium on the second floor, in her bedroom, came flying through a window and crashed onto the deck. It broke open, spilling it's water into the ocean along with the creatures housed within it.


    Labelle felt herself slide into the water. She didn't have any power left to resist the pull of gravity. She just knew her friends had slid in as well. And in another second or two the wave would hit the stilts at the front of the house and the whole thing would sink down. Everyone inside, the strangers, would perish. She began to laugh even as the water rose and swallowed her. She was giddy. This was all too hilarious, and that feeling of euphoria just kept on growing within her. Labelle never wanted this to end, she kept on laughing and the bubbles of air continued to rise....


    Worsh was small. So small. He had never had a host before, not a real one anyways. She couldn't quite remember when he'd been born. Created?  It didn't really matter. Those thought's didn't cross his mind. All Worsh though about was hunger. That, he could remember. It had been hungry for as long she could remember. A deep gnawing hunger. He'd swum around, feeding on small fish. They were ok. They kept it alive. But Worsh knew he needed something bigger, something stronger, something smarter. Then he'd wounded up in that pool, stranded with the others. They were mean. And bigger than Worsh. They'd bullied him, eating all the fish. Worst had nearly starved.  Then something had picked Worsh up, carried it away and put him in a cage, again with others. Worsh hadn't had any fun then.


    That was a few weeks ago. Worsh was free now. The cage had broken and Worsh swam happily in the water. 


    He sensed blood. Worsh was good like that. It just felt so different, the smell of it was so intoxicating. Not all blood was so alluring, but this one was. Worsh twisted his body this way and that, hunting for the source.  Worsh felt something. Big, warm. Bleeding. Food. 


    Insinct drove Worsh. He slithered this way and that, feeling his way around Labelle's body. It moved to her back, sliding across it, up. Higher. He felt a small bump, Worsh positioned his mouth just above it. He aligned his body with Labelle's spine. Worsh quivered in anticipation. He knew exactly what to do. He bared his teeth and...



    Labelle's body, underwater, went rigid. She stopped laughing, her face was no longer riddled with joy. It was frozen in shock as  it punctured the back of her neck. Something was driven into her, Labelle could feel it wrap itself around her spinal cord, becoming entwined. It hurt more than anything she'd ever experienced before. A moment later and more sharp edges propelled themselves into her, hooking into the Toa's flesh and filling her with dread. 


    Worsh the Parakuka squealed with glee as he enmeshed itself into his first host. He felt her body roll beneath him and follow suite as he curled into a more comfortable position. He began to drink in the juices, and extended his body and mind deeper into Labelle's, and the two became one, and darkness overcame her.


    The other three Parakuka swam on. With a bit of luck, they would find hosts as well. 

  17. IC:


    "Ha, yes they are!" Robalta laughed. "Why, back in my day I had suitors come to visit me every other evening during my Menti training. They were different back then, real gentlemen. Some were rich, some came from very noble families and some were as handsome as the moon. Nothing like a Vilda though" the Datsue said with a wink.


    "There's a reason we are the most attractive clan in the Empire. Though I wonder if maybe it'time for the rules to change....In any case Raiyo, you better watch yourself in the capital. Some of those First Sons tongue's might sound sweet one moment, then as sharp as a serpent's the next. Unfortunately, the politics breeds all sorts of nastiness in Dasaka. It's really such a shame."




    Robalta pointed to towers of crystal that reached up into the sky.


    "Here we are Raiyo" she said, disembarking with her handmaiden from the ferry. She handed the Dashi a small pouch of coins. "Sado, the jewel of the Empire. I think we can have some fun shopping before getting to business, don't you?"

  18. IC:



    Labelle was vaguely aware of talons raking her arm. She knew the bird was there of course, she could hardly have missed it flying right by her face and all that squawking, but the Toa of Water just didn't care. Pure joy ran through her and the troubles to her body seemed inconsequential in comparison. The wound in her back, now the bird. It didn't matter, none of it.


    All that mattered was keeping Dakte under the water, and keeping the Hunger fed.


    But at the back of her mind, a nagging thought told her that with the damage being done to her, she wouldn't be able to keep this up for long.


    She absentmindedly slapped at Kama, trying to wave the bird away, while keeping her full attention on the Menti.

  19. IC:


    "Ah, there you are. I was wondering how long it would take to tell the whole castle I'd be gone. Not too long, I now know" Robalta said with a small chuckle. "Let's be off then."


    The Datsue began the walk to the docks and Raiyo quickly followed after, a few steps behind her mistress.


    Robalta paused.


    "Not like that, my dear. Come walk beside me. At my age you don't need all that business with honour, you just need a good friend."


    She beckoned for the Dashi to move forward.


    "So tell me little dove, have you found any young boys that catch your fancy? Surely you must, I remember when I was young..."




    Kulrik breathed. And slept.

  20. IC:



    "You know nothing, Dakte. You don't know what it's like...the pain. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to."


    Even as she spoke, Labelle began to concentrate. She was able to form a thin block of water just below the sword, hidden from the Menti's view by the blade itself. And she felt the water beneath them bend itself under her will.


    "I am innocent. I just wanted to make some friends, but then I had to do what I did...I'm sorry, but there was no choice. You have no idea..." she pleaded.




    The block of water pushed against the metal and lifted it up, away from herself. Labelle wasn't fast enough though. Even as her elemental abilities drew the weapon away from her it's wielder drove it forward;it sliced down her back. A thin strip of red appeared, but a mix of adrenaline and  elation filled Labelle so completely she didn't even register the pain. At the same moment a pedestal of water ascended, breaking through the wooden deck beneath Dakte and lifting him in the air. It rose faster, enveloping him, then changed direction and brought Dakte back into the sea through the hole it had made. 


    All Labelle had to do now was think - think very hard - and keep the water pushing him down. He wouldn't be able to lift himself with his telekinesis, so this would just take a minute or two...




    Soraph ran outside, chasing after her fellow Dasaka.


    She caught up to them, and found others from the expedition already forming a group to look for Mako and the others.


    "They're somewhere over there" she told them, pointing in the signal's direction. She wasn't sure if they'd already figured that out. "But I can't tell how far. We'll have to keep stopping though to search the area for the minds."


    There was fear and worry in her voice. As much as she joked about the Datsue at his expense, he was a dear friend. One of her only friends really. She wouldn't let anything happen to him.

  21. IC:


    Three's body soon bore a myriad of injuries. Bones were broken, ribs were shattered and blood poured out of a dozen gashes. Soon it stopped resisting completely, but still Jiyu attacked it. Finally he stopped. The corpse tried to move, but bones and muscle could no longer support the deceased body. Three budged slightly, but it was of no use. It stopped, and whatever life-force had kept it 'alive' departed.


    Two fared just as badly. Her sword dropped from her arm, which was now useless, so she tried to claw at Nihonei's face with her one good arm. The Menti made short of work her, quickly removing Two's ability to attack. 


    "Rrrragghhhh" was all Two could snarl. Sensing her own defeat, she collapsed onto the ground, dead. Again.




    Not too far away, One fully deactivated her Mask and slid from a rocky outcropping hidden by mist and steam onto a canoe. She held an arm to her cut belly and signalled for Six to paddle them away. Six did just that. 

  22. IC:



    Three was prevented from grabbing Shuuan by Jiyu's assault. There was a sickening crunch as the bones in her lower left arm broke, as well as one in her skull. She slashed at the male Menti with the dagger in her right hand.


    Two swung her sword at Jiyu's shoulder blade, the attack intending to cut off the limb. 

  23. The Dasaka Master post describes it more as radio, broadcasting in all directions. That would make it pretty difficult to find someone without continuous transmission.


    Though, I feel like there'll be another way to find the fight in Ga-Koro soon enough

  24. IC:


    Labelle felt a force around her waist, pulling her towards Dakte.


    Those mind powers again....


    She didn't have time to think, only react. She ducked beneath the swinging Soulsword, then let her momentum continue to propel her forward and tackled the male Menti. Labelle wrapped her arms around his abdomen as best she could and pushed the both of them towards the deck's edge, towards the water.

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