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Toa Fanixe

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Posts posted by Toa Fanixe

  1. IC:


    :Oh, I can think of quite a few things you're lacking in: Kulrik responded angrily. :Just remember I was the one that bought that scarf for Shuuan, before you just go and steal it.: There was a venom in his speech that surprised Kulrik - he knew it was ridiculous for himself to feel this way. Women often went weak in the knees when the Vilda First Son set his charm in action, soKulrik had his pick of  any number of lovely Menti in the Empire. So there was no reason for this jealousy to rise up in him, not when he was so completely out of Shuuan's league, yet jealousy did indeed rear up it's ugly head.


    :And before you wander off visiting your homeland, me and Shuuan are going to the Library and figuring out where we'll find the next Key. Understood!?:




    "I'm afraid that's not entirely possible. Me and my dear friend have somewhere to be, and that place isn't here. Leave us alone. Now." Relisai commanded with the authoritative tone that came so easily to Toroshu.


    She readied herself for a battle of the mind, extending her senses to the area around herself.

  2. IC:


    :If you say soooooo: Soraph replied. Playing around in another's mind, she felt far more comfortable and at ease than she had for weeks. It wasn't natural for a Willhammer, let alone a Vilda, to remain cooped up in closed quarters for weeks at a time. Here she was on a nice large island with plenty of ground to run on, and in the Toa's mind she could roam freely. Dashi were restricted to the physical realm; they could never understand how much richer the unseen world was.


    :You mentioned something earlier: Soraph began, dancing from emotion to another. :Surely you must have feelings of... attraction for someone?: she asked, a glimmer of a blossoming tree manifesting in Vakua's mind as she did so.

  3. IC:


    :I know all that, silly. I've got your whole consciousness right here in front of me. I could turn you into a babbling little child if I wanted: Soraph teased. :But you're wrong you know. Thought isn't clear or unambiguous, it's quite the opposite. Even memory isn't. In the mind, everything is all muddled up, thoughts and emotions and feelings all wrapped around one another. Speech and writing, those are concrete. Oh people can lie, but if they do, someone will find out eventually, they always do.


    Soraph's mind dance fitfully around the Toa's consciousness, spreading the scent of spring flowers as she did so.


    :Are you sure you don't want to speak? I could help you there, if just a little:

  4. IC:


    Arsix barrel-ran into the pompous fool of a Hogo. Relisai wondered why the Dastana Toroshu had resorted to such mundane action - they were Menti for Zuto's sake.  The Vilda's lips curved. How simpleminded the young were, so caught up with their newfound titles. Both Rora's still had so much to learn.


    A shadow skated across the ground from Relisai's side toward's Arsix. It was fairly bulky, but there was no mistaking the sliver that extended from it - the shadow of a thin blade. An assassin! Relisai had only a moment to act to prevent the Dastana's murder. Reflexively, Relisai gathered the psychic powers around into physical force and flung it at Arsix, pushing her forward even faster into the Hogo and away from the blade strike.


    It was turning into a real fight.



    Kulrik was about to argue with Jiyu (again), but Shuuan beat him to it. The First Son's heart fell with each drop of Shuuan's eyelashes.


    What was wrong with this woman?


    "Right... thank you Shuuan." With a gulp, Kulrik moved behind the Plangori and attached the necklace around her neck. "Now don't go wandering off, we need you close to continue finding the other Keys" he warned Shuuan. 


    An explosion sounded off in the distance.


    "What was that?"

  5. IC:


    :Aelid appears to have been quite the instructor. He'd have given my own back in the Yards a run for their Dragons: she told Vakua, a chuckle resonating throughout his mind.


    The Vilda woman continued her search though the Toa's memories. Many were darkened, hidden or even erased, it was too difficult to tell. Most everything before Mata-Nui, like Vakua had said, was a blur. Everything after their arrival, though, was much more readily accessed. Soraph sifted through them, watching Vakua meeting his teammates (again), hearing his thoughts and emotions as they swirled around.


    :You're a good heart: Soraph said softly. :Better than you know, I think. I've seen the minds of many males, and yours is without many of their vices. A shame you don't speak. Why don't you try?:

  6. IC:


    Robalta heeded the Menti's instructions and projected a picture of her sister via Ideatalk to the surrounding Mashtet. The image of Relisai wasn't perfect- Robalta still thought of her as her little sister, and the mental image reflected that - but it was close enough. 


    "Go, me and Raiyo will keep up if we can, catch up if we can't."


    She exhaled deeply, the course of events taking a toll on the aging Datsue. She placed an arm on her maidservant's shoulder to steady herself.


    "Come now my little dove, didn't I tell you we'd have an adventure?"



    The ferry was just pulling into port while Kulrik and the others stood on the bow. He gazed at the capital city so many had fought over, bled over, died over. Sad was such a little bit of inconsequential land. It held no natural resources,  it had no strategic military value. And yet, it lay at the heart of the Empire, and so at some point along the way it had embodied the heart of the Empire's soul. All because of a silly little throne.


    Kulrik would never sit on it. If history had gone differently, perhaps. An idea floated in his mind that males had once ruled the clans, or something. Truth to tell, he hadn't been paying very much attention to the material when he was being taught - the instructor had cut such a striking figure in her battle armour.... Yet now Kulrik was risking his life to secure a dangerous weapon that threatened the very system that confined him in social chains. He almost laughed aloud at the thought. He couldn't imagine any other male, let alone a First Son, would be so thick-headed.


    Speaking of which, what exactly were Jiyu's intentions on joining this little party? Kulrik still didn't fully trust the one-eyed giant. He also didn't forget Jiyu's attempt to kill him in a duel of honour. The Vilda First Son had a feeling that before all the Keys were found, he and his Herupa counterpart would be butting heads again.


    The captain started barking orders at her crew, cutting sails and turning hard to port. The ferry docked with thud and plank was laid connecting the boat to the island. As the four Menti descended from the ferry onto Sado, Kulrik marked the time. The captain was pretty, and had reminded Kulrik what exactly he was fighting for.


    "I guess we should head to the Gardens so Jiyu can have his arm properly sorted out?" Kulrik suggested. "Oh, Shuuan, do want to hold onto the necklace? I don't think it's the best idea for me all the Keys to be on any one person."

  7. IC:


    Robalta looked the Mashtet ladies. 


    "That mess is coming from the prisons, and while I don't know if my sister is involed, I do know she would take advantage of the situation to try and escape. That's why I came here to Sado - to negotiate with the Dastana's for Relisai's release."


    The Datsue shuddered - she had no stomach for all this intrigue and backstabbing. She didn't understand why Relisai and the Rora couldn't have just made up and be over with this mess.


    "We need to go and help her. Guards are probably instructed to kill prisoners first and ask questions later, so we must hurry. I assure, you'll be well rewarded, either by us the Dastana or both. Now go! Me and Raiyo will try to keep up, but there's only so much we can do." A look of desperation and pleading was in her eyes. "Please, save my sister."




    "That doesn't make any sense" Kulrik said with a shake of his head. "If that were true, then why did those fanatics attack us outside of here? Why not just tell us outright where the Keys were and how to reach them? There's too much we don't understand here, too much darkness with not enough light. What we need is more information."


    Kulrik stroked his chin.


    "For that, I reckon we need to listen to what this second Key has to tell us. And for that, we need to get back to Sado and find a reading room in the library."


    He motioned for Jiyu and Shuuan to follow him, and they did just that. The party of three exited through the widest tunnel, following it in a fairly straight path until it ended abruptly at well furnished pool. It was constructed from marble, with a mosaic decorating the edges and steps. Kulrik carefully descended into and found it deep; he couldn't find the bottom. He instructed the other to join him, explaining that they likely would have to swim out of here. Seconds after the other Menti entered the water grew unexpectedly hot, and all three were sucked downwards into an underwater jet stream. 


    Nearly a minute later they were deposited on a nearby beach, Kulrik coughing up water and Ideatalking to have Seigyo come find them.


    The Vilda stared out at sea to their next destination: the ferry to Sado.



    ooc: Timeskip to the ferry entering Sado's port, if you want.



    ​Relisai saw the Dashi appear, a Dastana by all appearances.


    "I hope you have a bigger rescue party coming" she whispered to Arsix. 

  8. IC:


    "I see."


    LoJak still didn't like it. 'Expand the Empire's horizons?' That sounded a lot like conquest to the former mercenary. From what he gathered, this Empire had a habit of mistreating it's population, and any new lands conquered would be treated even less kindly. LoJak wanted to ask more questions, but the foreigner's were giving vague answers. 


    He would stay close and make sure nothing happened, to them or Mata-Nuians.


    "Crystal towers... that's sounds a lot like our towers of Ice in Ko-Koro. If the village were not under control by unsavoury fellows, I'd suggest you head there next. Would you like to visit a local temple instead?"




    Soraph's 'hand' passed through the barrier as she felt him wince in pain. It was slight, but forcing oneself into the mind of any psychic, even this peculiar case, was bound to cause some discomfort. The Vilda princess tried to be gentle, as much as any Willhammer could. Thne rest of her form on the mental plane entered his mind and her consciousness joined with his.


    It was mind-melding of sorts, though the connection was entirely one way. In that instant Soraph could feel everything Vakua did, see out of his eyes and hear out of his ears. 


    Thoughts, emotions, fears, they all flew by, each interconnected and yet separate. A malicious Willhammer would play on these, severing some chords, strengthening others. Create new ones to keep and enemy out of the way, or walk a particular path. Even turn on one's own family. It was a difficult thing, made more complicated by the intricacies and vastness of the mind.


    Memories flowed by ripe for viewing. All Soraph need do was concentrate and 'pick' one up, and there'd it be. 


    She started on one that looked interesting.

  9. IC:


    "Actually, sitting down would be better. For a Toa, you've got a good head for psychic energies."


    She motioned to a fallen log on the floor which she sat across from on a flattish rock that emerged from the ground. Once they were both seated, Soraph reached out with her hands and placed them on either side of Vakua's forehead.


    Soraph emerged onto the plane, as usual in the form of her body composed entirely of wood, vines, plants and in certain areas, flowers. She approached the bubble that surrounded the Toa consciousness, his own feeble and untrained protection against attack. 


    : You have to let me in. Calm yourself and lower your defences: the Vilda whispered across the mental divide.

  10. IC:


    Robalta looked worryingly at the source of the sounds of screaming and explosions. It was coming from the area of the capital's Prisons. 


    "She wouldn't have secured her escape without me, would she?" Robalta said quietly to herself. "Oh, but she always had the patience of Kanohi Dragon when we were younger." She sighed, as much from exasperation as concern. She turned towards the Dastana to ask him if he would help, but he was suddenly gone.


    "We need to hurry there" the Datsue told Raiyo and the Mashtet. "I think you all might be getting bonuses." 



    Kulrik nodded and flew over to the statue, lifting up the necklace from around her neck and held it up the light of his Soulsword. Surrounded by invaluable crystal pieces on either side, a single dusky stone lay in the centre. A bit smaller, it greatly resembled the stone that was inlaid in his own crystal sword Key.


    "That could be our ticket out of here" he told the others while pointing to the largest tunnel exit. "It looks the part."




    Relisai snarled at the Menti that deigned to try and stop her escape.


    It was a Hogo guardswomen, one of her stupid little pets that were little better than mindless gnats. 


    "We're trying to get past what's happening back there" she yelled to the Hogo while hiking a thumb towards the jail. "Some prisoners have escaped and are causing a bit of trouble. Best you do your duty by running to the Rora and making sure she's safe" she said over the din of the ruckus. 


    She didn't stop running, keeping stride with the Dastana Toroshu as they made their escape. 


    More quietly, she spoke to her partner in crime. "We can go through the Gardens to reach the lower levels of the city where we'll be loss amongst the commoners. From there we escape to the docks and leave her wretchedness' city."

  11. IC:


    The floor didn't collapse, and no spikey death traps sprang to kill anyone.  


    "With the last Key there weren't any traps. I don't think we have too much to worry about here" Kulrik told Shuuan. Even as the words left his mouth, a worrying idea came to the First Son. Why was finding all these Keys so easy?

  12. ooc: This dungeon was going to last a while longer, but for the interest of the event on Sado (which I think you guys are pretty eager for), I'm speeding it up.


    Shuuan probed the tunnel ahead in search of potential enemies, but any such persons had died decades earlier. There was no presence around but the three Menti themselves.


    As the group moved onwards the tunnel slowly descended deeper and deeper below the surface of the earth, curving at some times to the left and some times to the right. The walls become increasingly studded with large crystals, and Kulrik had to dim his Soulsword to keep the glaring reflections from blinding them. Whatever else, this place had been a mine for the Children of Zataka Kulrik thought, a potential avenue for the wealth that had helped them build these enormous and intricate structures. 


    The tunnel opened up into a circular cavern that dwarfed the Menti. The ceiling was over thirty feet high at it's highest point, in the middle, with crystal stalactites descending almost to the floor. Other tunnels left the cavern at various points, though one in particular was bigger than the rest and could accommodate three wagons side by side. But what drew the eyes of all three Menti was the statue  next to the portion of wall opposite the tunnel they'd used to arrive here.


    It was roughly Menti height, cut from a single piece of flawless crystal, and was the most beautiful peace of art any had ever seen. It depicted  a single female Menti dressed in royal clothing and a banner in one arm, an upraised sword in the other that pointed to the largest exit. Despite the inorganic material she appeared wholly lifelike, and if Kulrik could say, attractive too. The Vilda First Son almost wanted to walk over and plant a kiss on her crystalline even if it made him feel foolish. Her necklace interested him the most - it took a discerning eye to realize it hadn't been fashioned from the same crystal as as the statue.


    "The next Key" Kulrik whispered, as if too loud a sound might turn everything here to rubble.



    From the corner of her eye Robalta saw one of the Mashtet - Maripi? Somei? oh, her memory wasn't what it once was, and names especially had always been difficult for her - tense up and ready her weapons again. The Vilda Datsue had to try and defuse the situation, she hated fighting.


    "Perhaps you might then know we could find your First Son Jasik? We've come a long way to speak to him or sister, and any help would be much appreciated?"

  13. IC:


    "That sounds perfect" Soraph said, beaming at the Toa of Magnetism. She ran forward and slipped an arm between Casanuva's, letting the Toa properly escort her. 


    The group of Mata-Nuians and Dasakans exited the Koro peacefully, making good time as they trekked across the short beach and into the mainland jungle towards the waterfall. Soraph thought it was exceptionally beautiful- there was nothing like it back in the Empire. Oh, Oki had a few waterfalls, small little things with streams of water that fed into pools, but nothing so grand as Naho Falls. That giant Kaukau statue!  It must have been almost impossible to build. No, the Vilda princess corrected herself, impossible for the Empire. Here, they could just have a Toa of Stone flap his arms around and the structure would build itself. 


    She felt the littlest bit jealous of the natives here, the way they could mould nature to their will.


    Of course, getting into people's mind had it's fun too.


    They reached a small clearing a short distance away from the bay, close enough that that waters edge could just barely be glimpsed through the thicket of trees. Another minute or two of walking and Soraph could dive straight into the water.


    "Why don't you go on and I'll Willhammer Vakua here, and when I'm done I'll send him back and call for Casanuva? It's peaceful here, and this is easiest when I'm alone."

  14. IC:


    "Wasn't there something about Dastana Jasik being cleared of that crime?" Robalta asked.


    She used her Willhammer ability to project a question into Somei's mind. :Are you sure this is First Son Jasik? I'd hate to be mixed up:



    The Vilda First Son felt a stab of jealousy when he saw Shuuan touch Jiyu's arm and ask about his well-being. That Herupa was a giant oaf, why in Karzahni would Shuuan care anything about him. Kulrik was the one trying to save the Empire, he was the one that deserved her attention.


    Kulrik shook the thought away.  There was no reason for him to care what Shuuan did, she was far too ugly.


    "I'm sure he's fine, we should hurry and find the next Key as quickly as possible. The last one was pretty easy, me and Ageru Kilanya just had to walk down a tunnel like this one and unlock a door, so I doubt we'll find too much trouble."  He waved his Soulsword to spread light in the tunnel, and was met the glittering reflections of hundreds of small crystals embedded in the walls, ceiling and floor.

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  15. IC:


    "Him or his sister...?" Roberta's eyed narrowed as she looked the male up and down. He didn't compare to her nephew Kulrik but he was indeed handsome, and he was dressed well, and his Kanohi matched the description.


    "You're right of course, it must be Dastana Jasik. Thank Zuto-Nui, if not for these ruffians we would have missed him."


    She raised her voice for the Dastana First Son to hear.


    "Greetings Dastana Jasik. You were just the man we were looking to see."



    "No worries. We've got at least another minute. Maybe two" Kulrik said with a grin.


    He and Shuuan flew Jiyu into the hole of the geyser, and already began to sweat. Even without the burst of water, it was quite hot.


    "Over there" Kulrik nodded towards the large circular stone embedded in the geyser wall. Slowly, the three Menti flew into, and as their bodies pushed against it it began to slide backwards. They continued for several feet, 10 at least, until the stone would move no more. They were now in a hollow tube perpendicular to the geyser itself. Kulrik noticed that to the left there was an opening, an alcove of sorts. He told Shuuan and they flew into it.The moment they were clear the circular stone propelled forward, filling the tube and blocking the entrance. Kulrik put Jiyo down and summoned a Soulsword.


    The entrance they'd come through was now completely blocked by the side of cylindrical massive stone. From their standpoint, there was no fulcrum with which to move the stone back again.


    The Vilda turned the shimmering weapon in the opposite direction. There was a tunnel  that led away from the cave they were in.


    "Looks like there's only one way out."

  16. IC:


    The Willhammer had an expression of surprise and fear on her face as the falcata rose and produced a gash up her right in the middle. Her face was now split by a line of red, and the Willhammer collapsed to the floor. 



    Robalta sighed in relief.


    "You Mashtet showed up just in the nick of time, I'd say. Me and Raiyo here wouldn't have stood a chance by ourselves. Finally, it's all over."


    Another figure appeared in the Markets, a princely male wearing a black cat with red-gold trim along the wrists. Robalta wasn't quite sure who he was, and more importantly if he was friend or foe. Personally, she was exhausted from this battle, and desperately hoped it wasn't the latter.


    "Hello there, stranger" the Vilda Datsue asked Jasik. "Who might you be?"

  17. IC:


    :I can help!: Robalta shouted back.


    She looked intently at the last Dashi, turning her energies against the enemy's mind.  The Vilda Datsue knew she couldn't send this opponent away outright like the last one;  she was tired from travelling and the last attack had spent her powers, and this Dashi was too bloodthirsty. No, for this opponent Robalta had to be more subtle. 


    :Your sister is hurt. You should bring her to healer. Quickly:


    The Dashi paused her ferocious onslaught, blinking as different thoughts entered her mind. Her sister was hurt. Maybe even dead. She really should go get  healer.


    "I'll be back soon. Don't move" she said with tears in her eyes. She ran off towards the lower levels of the gardens.


    The Willhammer's lip curled in satisfaction as she watched Ashka turn on her family.

  18. IC:


    Labelle was completely still, though the Parasite on her back continued to wriggle and squirm against her back. She moaned quietly, feeling pain as her mind continued to be ripped apart and sewn together with Worsh's.


    Fun fun fun fun. Eat fun eat fun eat fun.



    "Asa?" Soraph asked. Akimoto seemed on board with venturing outside Ga-Koro, but Soraph hadn't quite gotten Asa's attention.

  19. IC:


    "Good thing he's not the one doing any carrying then" Kulrik said.


    The First Son looked to Shuuan, nodded in understanding, and two Menti activated their Kanohi. They slowly hovered into the air.


    "We should fly straight into that 'door'" he told the Plangori Menti.



    The sharpened weapon slide noiselessly across Scar's neck, and an instant later her head drooped down, lifeless.


    The lone remaining Dashi ran off after the illusion, slashing when she got close enough and swearing when she apparently missed. 


    :Kill your sisters!: the Willhammer commanded forcefully once more.

  20. IC:


    "It's not a problem, Vakua can definitely come along. In fact, it'd be better to have him - while we're out there I can Willhammer your minds to make sure it's safe to have you aboard the Ryuu."


    Soraph turned to her fellow Dasakans.


    "So, what do you say to the tiniest bit of exploring of Mata-Nui?"

  21. IC:


    "Onwards and downwards then" Kulrik exclaimed happily. Bending downward he wrapped his arms around Jiyu's (huge) waist while Shuuan moved to grab the giant's armpits.It wasn't exactly the highlight of his day, but it was progress towards recovering there rest of the Keys.


    "Seigyo, you're going to have to hold on to me. Unless you want to stay behind and guard. But we would miss you" he added affectionately.




    Thrown to the side, one Dashi's butcher knife skewered another in the throat. In a raspy gasp the injured Dashi fell to the ground, dead, while the other howled at her sister's death.


    "I'll kill you for this! I'll kill all you traitors and 'shtet pox!" The lone standing Dashi whipped out the knife from the corpse and ran at Sumei with death in her eyes.



    Scar felt the naginata slice deep across her heartlight. Too deep. She staggered backwards, trying to make sense of what was happening to her. The world was already becoming dim. The halberd was heavy, so much heavier than it had been moments ago. Scar dropped to a knee, using her weapon to steady herself. She wouldn't let the scum win and bring dishonour to her house. Carefully, she lowered the halberd, lining up the point at her enemy. Summoning all the strength she had left, she telekinetically flung it at Maripi. The halberd harpooned towards Maripi's upper legs.


    The Willhammer was ready. Activating her Kanohi the chair bounced harmless off the Hau's shield, as did the falcata. She drew psychic energies around herself once more and lashed out at Ashka's mind, a single thought battering against the Dasaka's defences: Kill your sisters.

  22. IC:


    "I see. And how did your people come to learn of Mata-Nui in the first place? You couldn't have just sent vessels to wander in the water blindly."


    The Dasaka's answers were short and lacked much information. LoJak understood that the foreigners were just as wary of him as he of they, so he decided to give them more time before he passed any judgement on their intentions. For now, he would remain around them and make sure everyone was safe. In all likelyhood the Dasakan society was as peaceful as they said they were, but... their arrival now, when Ko-Koro had just fallen...it was too dangerous to be naive.




    :Maybe more than just a look: Soraph Willhammered into Casanuva's mind, leaving in her wake the scents of summer wind.


    "Why don't we take a walk outside this village? I can't wait to see these Rahi I've heard all about" she told her fellow Dasakans and the two Toa companions.

  23. IC:


    LoJak looked down in thought. The way these Dasaka described their homeland made him feel ill at ease. From the sounds of it those at the bottom of their caste system were little better than slaves, and their society seemed too focused on power. Everyone on Mata-Nui knew that such a fixation eerily similar to Makuta's own.


    Part of him told LoJak that these foreigner were his charge just like all Matron and Toa, and should be afforded the same kindness and respect, but another told him to be cautious.


    "I hold you'll excuse me, but could you tell me why you've come to Mata-Nui? What is it you're looking for here?"



    Soraph rubbed Casanuva's arm in comfort.


    "I'm so sorry. I know how hurtful it can be when someone you thought was family turns out to be such a monster. But I hope you won't be leaving for that Ihu-Koro place too soon, you only just got back! There's still so much to do" Soraph said with a gleam in her eye.


    "Aren't you hungry? I'd wanted to try some of the local food here before but the whole kidnapping thing happened. It's about time we made it through a meal without some terrible tragedy happening.

  24. IC:


    The wooden table slammed into the three advancing Dashi and knocking them to the floor.


    With her opponent's temporary lapse in concentration Robalta surged past the Dashi's meagre mental defences. In an instant the Datsue could feel the malleability of the mind in her hands. Just a few forceful commands, nothing too harsh and... there. That particular crazed Dashi wouldn't be bothering anyone else for the rest of the day.



    Scar deflected the telekinetic attack with a burst of energy of her own, but before she could respond she was struggling to keep hold of her weapon. 


    "Poxy 'shtet! " Scar spat at Maripi,and with a great heave wrenched the halberd back firmly in her grasp. She started backwards to a distance her long-reached weapon would be better suited for, and readied to strike again.


    The Willhammer, still removed from the fight, took a deep breath and began aiming her energies for another attack against Maripi.


    The two Dashi that still had their wits about them slowly picked themselves up, their anger inflamed by the hurt they'd suffered, began running at Raiyo.



    ​"I wouldn't want to be the one grabbing him by his armpits. I rather like breathing..." Kulrik muttered slightly to himself.

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