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Shadow Kurahk

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Shadow Kurahk

  1. Murdoc Niccals? Gorillaz rock.

  2. Merry Christmas Icy J, and no, I'm not eighteen, I'm actually fifteen, but eighteen sounds cooler.

  3. It's more than a million.

  4. Yo. You wanna be friends?

  5. Toa of venom: wrong.

    Toa of chips: Right, but the correct explanation would be true because sheep burps contain a chemical that can destroy the ozone layer. Next one's coming up.

  6. Both of you explain your answers.

  7. Yay! You got it!

    Next one is coming up.

  8. 2. You got it, but I was getting the thought that you were beginning to guess.

    I'll put up the next one a jiffy.

  9. Thanks for friending me!

  10. Nope.

    Trust me, it's tough, but there's a secret.

  11. Banned Members are not to be discussed. Discussion will end now.

  12. I do that too, adventurer

  13. bonesiii, I hav been wondering for a long time, how do you pronounce your display name? is it (bones i) or (bone us ee), or something else?

  14. I absolutely ADORE Transformers. Who's your favorite Autobot? Decepticon?

  15. Hey, everyone there is a new weekly challenge up.

    The answer to the other one was the uvore.

  16. We meet again, mt friend (if that's what you consider me). I appreciate your activity with the New Members and once again, you prove that you are deserving of the role of administrator. I also appreciate your leadership aspects, as they represent you and how you act,

    Good Luck running the site. :)

  17. I have Yahoo Messenger, but my bro, Optimus, has an AIM. We can set something up.

  18. I would rather you stay with this name. It represents you and that you are really good here around BZP.

  19. I don't see why not DemonSlayer.

    And no, your not at the store. There is a pattern that goes forward in the alphabet.

  20. YES! His name was changed to Devastator in tghe movie. I'll put up the next question.

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