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Shadow Kurahk

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Shadow Kurahk

  1. Whoah, haven't talked to you in a long time. Now to reply to something yuo asked quite long ago: "Oh, yeah, I remember. That's okay - do you have some sort of messenger we can talk on? I've got AIM and MSN."

    I only have a Gmail, but if I do create an AIM I won't be onthat often...not that you really want the answer anymore, but...you know... )

  2. Whoah! :D I've been looking for another Armenian here on BZP! I recall you went to the Glendale Store event, right? I heard you mention your name, but couldn't get to meeting you. How awesome it would've been. :P

  3. Why do your name and my signoff sound ridiculously similar? o.o -SK

  4. Wow, it seems as though we have another Deathnote fan among us BZPeople.

  5. XD I suppose you're right then. :P And about that request, err... >.> PM me about it.

  6. XD That was waaay back. :P I think I'll go back to -Lawliet- sometime soon, or maybe something else. I dunno for sure. :P

  7. Yay for childish foreign guitarists! I'm sure you know what I mean... :P

  8. Yay! You got it!

    Next one is coming up.

  9. Yeah, I realized earlier...

  10. Yeah, Requiem's mine. :)

  11. Yes I has a BS01 account. :o

  12. Yes, I'm a pretty big fan of Deathnote. I just began re-reading the series.

  13. YES! His name was changed to Devastator in tghe movie. I'll put up the next question.

  14. Yo. You wanna be friends?

  15. You can just call him EteJtmof. or even just ETE. That's what I call him.

  16. You have a request in the shop. ;) Just thought I'd let you know.

  17. You have facebook? O.o

  18. Your av looks likes it has a giant nose. XD

  19. your never on AIM! D:

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