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Blog Entries posted by ~ChanetheDemongirl~

  1. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    I finally got a bunch of comics done 2 CA's and 3 of ma own comics
    for the new RZ & Xan series WOOT ^^ So BR and Zero are covered in my comic dept. Anywho I have Tiranak's
    request for a redo on my Allaserria character to do and then JB's CA chapter I gotta write as a CA epic writer
    for him as well, and then a CA comic for Vahi. I miss the dude but I hope he'll turn up for his comic
  2. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Or brickshelf too? O-o
    It started ever since yesterday....I'm uploading an image in one of my folders and then it takes alittle bit right?
    Then when I get back to it and the image was not uploaded, and it messes the other pics I got up <
    And then when I refresh the page it puts the images in a file look instead of the image that it looked like before,
    I just tried brickshelf today and its doing the same
    Good to know photobucket's working
  3. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Facts and infomation are on the new contest content bar on my right.
    Now you can all cast your votes here after reading the facts about both Wildcats on the Spoiler in the content bar,
    and determin who would win? The Ocelot....or the Afican Serval ^~^
    And winner will have the persons photo under the contest content block or the winner's block as I should say.
    So let the best Boy (AKA contest competitor Kothra), and the best Girl (AKA contest competitor Chan'e)
    Win by fair votes
  4. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    First off I changed ma name :3 to:
    Chan'e The Serval Shapeshifter. Inspired by the African Wildcat the African Serval ;3
    And the will be no channge to my character's name in the comic's, if ya'll would please stick with Chan'eTheDemongirl, beacuse you can bet I'll go back to it soon
    And 2nd Dlakii let me know lastnight that I was on the member spotlight again

  5. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    This is somewhat of a preview and as
    you can see there's Chane's many forms, her human form is crying because
    she somehow had been betrayed to, to be a sacrifice to the Netherworld. Reason
    why? After the Demon curse it had given several children unknown to her, and had
    given a special mark; the mark used to belong to female violent newborn from a
    Unknown Shape shifter who was her father but left, Sheeal'Leea after she and her
    unborn child had died from his betrayal. Now she waits until she can be born again,
    and becomes so being as in spirit possession in Chane's body in the form of the mark.
    That's all I'll tell for know but here's the art for it

  6. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Ok first thing,
    I have alot of guy friends right? More than any girl friends I have, but still all of them are pretty awesome.
    Basically I can't remember how many have been GS or PGS in my story, and in my comics but they're alot XD
    My appreciation and admiration is that some are as younger than me or older then me and they do some awesome
    stuff B) Say for example Venom's Comics, Arrols Comics, Tiranak's Epic, Protoss General's epic, Zero's comics,
    Silver-Silvers awesome fanfics, and many others. You all are too Cool B)
  7. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Lyrics :3
    for [Moetron-Subs] Hatsune Miku - "Love is War" 3DPV (English Lyrics)

    Now there's nowere to go
    In the heat of this Love


    Gray Clouds
    Mechronome bustles
    Sunlight cast Shadows
    Dusk is changing it's color
    AHH... The world is blurred
    Even so I will still love you...?
    I know this, though what should
    I do?
    What can I...
    How can I...
    What a fool...
    I am...

    (chorus goes on while singing)

    Lets begin,
    This is war!
    Oh, to see you pleased with someone else!
    Earnest love
    That is sin
    I will show how I feel.

    (Chorus ends and character sings)

    The Megaphone I tried shouting in was broken
    How hard I try to overreach myself
    I would fail to get into your sight.

    Ahh, clear sky slid by
    But it doesn't suit it at all
    I couldn't get a hold of my feelings

    How can I...
    What can I...
    Crying... no,
    I'm not...

    I love you
    Fight it out
    Shoot right to the heart
    I don't have a choice
    Showoff my skirt flap
    I shall make you gaze upon me
    Get ready to intercept
    War situation will drawback.

    Love is blind...
    Yes, I will be awaken by your kiss

    (chorus and music ends)
  8. ~ChanetheDemongirl~
    Create and Draw your own favorite RPG Character
    Can be any type you know & Like Must Apply to know RPG games, from videogames, to one here on BZP! All participants will recive a spot in my blog in the interview Section, and its all about your character. And everyone has to pay attention to your character for the whole day
    Contest starts from June 4th and Ends June 13thAlso 2ndary prize winners will recive a custom made 2nd place award3rd prize winners will recive an Avatar,Sig and Banner made by me, and you make the request. So hope you all will particpate and have fun.
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