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Status Updates posted by ~ChanetheDemongirl~

  1. Hiyo. Remeber me? Well just to let you know I've updated my Halo Epic. Here's a link:http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=263078&hl= Hope you like it.

  2. Hey Haru. Your av looks like a silver spartan?

    Anyway here's a link to my updated Halo Epic

    if you wanna read on it.


  3. I like Dragons also. Have you seen Eragon or

    Reign of Fire?

  4. @_@....those engineers.... they'er scary.

    THEY BITE!!!!

  5. I've only played Halo 1 for computer.

    Yes Ridley is awsome. Did you know that

    Ripley sounds like Ridley almost? Do you like AVP?

  6. You wish Resev.

    *rolls eyes* A duel it is then.

  7. Yeah I'm Homeschooled.

    You like Halo?

  8. Still awsome and yet somewhat creepy. BTW I like the Av, it looks pretty cool.

  9. I made you a userbar:551203480825vy7.png

    Hope you like it.

  10. Nice new photo.

    What is it exactly?

  11. My day was fine, I spent some time making userbars. Have you played Resident Evil?

  12. Thanx. But my bro does artwork better than I can. =D

    As for AVP, I love it. :smeag:

  13. No I haven't played Metriod Prime, wish I could. My bro played a demo once. I lookup MP on wiki for the pics and stories.

  14. I'm fine. Nah I haven't played smash bros.

  15. Hello. I like the avatar BTW.

  16. I see you like LOTR's too huh?

    Cool. =D

  17. Aww cute kitty photo. ^_^

  18. What kinda Zombie photo is that? Looks cool.

  19. Ha. Wrack also did 99yrs old. =D

    Thats funny.

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