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Status Updates posted by Torchflare1234

  1. Hi, I'm Gordon Shumway, but my friends call me Alf.

  2. *grins widely*

    Oohh... yes.

    *gets an evil gleam in his eyes*

  3. OMG! BZP's back! Huzzah!

  4. Hmm... you can still talk. That might be a problem.

  5. *melts the boulder to slag*

    Throws pebbles now, eh?

    *unleashes a rockslide*

  6. *takes it in the face and throws a whipped cream pie*

  7. *eats the pumpkin pie and throws an apple pie*

  8. *ducks and throws a cherry pie at Xairos*

  9. Oof! Gonna feel that in the morning.

    *drops a safe*

  10. *wipes face*

    No, no, no, you're suppose to use seltzer water.

    *drops a piano on Xairos*

  11. *throws more pie*

  12. *dodges pie, it hits Coran.*

    Says you.

    *throws pie at Xairos*

  13. *egg fries*

    *eats egg*


  14. *universe go poof*

  15. *The world celebrates Xairos' defeat*

  16. You like to eat light? *combines fire and light into one blast*

    Now choke on it.

  17. But light can't be poisoned.

  18. *creates a kayak of light*

    Always did enjoy white-water rafting.

  19. Ha! Too late, I'm already on fire.

    Why don't you try it?

    *ignites Xairos*

  20. *falls down a flight of stairs*

  21. I'm not a parish.

  22. But there's like, fourteen of us.

    *The other Toa Kamas surround and mob Xairos*

  23. *reassembles*

    Hey, nobody outside the Toa Kamas picks on Keeto! Nobody!

    *flings Xairos with a giant catapult made of light*

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