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Status Updates posted by Torchflare1234

  1. Yes, I've seen them. I prefer the Demigod and Makuta over the Toa and Turaga. I'd elaborate more, but this isn't the place.

  2. Check out your topic. I made a post there.

  3. Impressive. You should make a topic for them, but you should rotate the pics first. Any image editing program, like Paint, can do that.

  4. He's in ur operating room, poking ur spleen.

  5. Also got an improved Exo-Toa.

  6. Read the personal statement.

  7. Actually, the final design looks less like a scarab than I originally intended.

  8. I also have a walking tank that can fit two of my Toa.

  9. Yeah, I think that could work.

  10. I'm not going to post them for a while.

    A hippie? Like peace, love, happiness, and funky colors kind of hippie?

  11. I have a lot of new Matoran and Rahi already built and I'm working on more, but I need to think of jobs and such for them.

  12. Uh, no. No school, mostly volunteer stuff. The Keeto animation was a spur-of-the-moment thing.

  13. Yeah, been busy cooking up more ideas for new MOCs and my epic.

  14. Lightning Voyagers suffer from static electricity.

  15. More than one unstoppable engine of world destruction.

  16. Just one. I don't think the world could handle any more than that.

  17. 16 in. tall with a 19 in. wing span and a ton of joint supports.

  18. No, I've just been very inactive when I'm online.

  19. That pic is a VERY big candle.

  20. I is now a Lightning Voyager. *ZAP* Oww...

  21. Ah, yes. There it is.

  22. With a tiny bit of help.

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