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Status Updates posted by Torchflare1234

  1. i is hur 2 spam oop ur profil.

  2. I had no doubts.

  3. I loved the wing design on your Makuta Kayza.

  4. i du reist u wont spam mi profil.

  5. I didn't, I said hey to -Haru-.

  6. I give 5 stars. How do you like that!

  7. Hey Haru.

    Xairos, look in the Bionicle artwork II forum, you'll find sprite kits there.

  8. I guess he dived in front of a semi truck to rescue a confused raccoon again.

  9. I've finished writing the first chapter of my epic. I'll post it once I've written a few more chapters.

  10. Look for Sprite Kits in the Art forums, and I've uploaded my entry for BBC 48.

  11. Yup, he's my brother. By the way Coran, I love the avatar. Grunt-smash, heh.

  12. Let's see what you got.

  13. That can't be a healthy thing.

  14. I see you've changed your name to SCAR. Cool.

  15. I intend for it to be a movie made using sprites.

  16. Once, a long time ago, but they will be rebuilt also.

  17. It's going to be set in the present, and the blog timeline has been updated.

  18. It was, but the more I thought about it the less I wanted it into the story. (Of which the final script is being written.)

    I intend to rebuild them all a bit with more posablilty.

  19. They all are going to be part of my epic, check my brickshelf and my maj for more characters.

  20. Thanks, it was a fun build.

  21. I'm sending you pictures of your Lazu now.

  22. Merry Christmas!

    No,you has a flavor and it taste like lime with a pinch of furball.

  23. Your Lazu is almost done.

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