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Status Updates posted by Torchflare1234

  1. I is not a "cookie" and I don't taste good with milk.

  2. I am not a cookie. You may not have a cookie.

  3. No cookie for you. I haven't even uploaded Mastra yet.

  4. *sigh* Neither do I.

  5. Lol. You finally caught on.

  6. No, I haven't.

    Wait a minute, you're from a Salvadorian food? XD

  7. Cause you haven't tried venison.

  8. Never really had a need to have one.

  9. Only pork and chicken? You poor deprived soul. XD

  10. You really should try some, it's one of the best meats there is.

    I think I'm going to introduce The Master and co. in my epic, then give them a short story.

  11. Venison is very good.

    Yup, Alnarahk is back.

  12. Turkey jerky is good too. Venison. *drools*

    Oh, I've added an update to my MOC topic. Go check it out.

  13. Oohh, it's dawk in here.

  14. It's very good.

    I is now an Armored Protector!

  15. The gators better watch out for me, I love me some gator tail steak. And what's wrong with rednecks?

  16. Sorry, right climate though.

  17. Thou shalt be missed.

  18. My nearest LEGO store is in Orlando, FL.

  19. Yay for nonconformists!

  20. That's a good place to start.

  21. Nope. I live on the East Coast.

  22. "Top dog" is a term that means the best of a group.

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