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Status Updates posted by Torchflare1234

  1. Ohes noes! A black hole! We're all gonna die!

  2. Ohes noes! A black hole! We're all gonna die!

  3. Ohes noes! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!*runs around screaming*

  4. Ohes noes! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!*runs around screaming*

  5. Ohes noes! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!*runs around screaming*

  6. Ohes noes! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!*runs around screaming*

  7. Ohes noes! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!*runs around screaming*

  8. *throws fireball and Xairos explodes into the nothingness, never to return and the world is safe*

  9. *blasts Xairos-hydra's head with fire, breaking the paralyzing effect*

    What were you saying? Oh wait, you weren't saying anything at all. *ignites Xairos-hydra's body*

  10. *encases hydra with energy* Here's a present for you. And look, I even gift-wrapped it. * hurls hydra at Xairos*

  11. Using a warship on you would be overkill.

  12. *melts blades*

    A mere vortixx won't hurt me!

  13. Do you feel this?

    *blasts Xairos into oblivion*

  14. *summons ring of flames and surrounds Xairos*

  15. *TP's Xairos's house*

  16. It's still going, suffering from writer's block.

  17. No, I is Toa of Fire.

  18. Guess I'm just too hot to handle, huh?

  19. And that's why we don't touch hot objects. Or run with scissors.

  20. I like having my head on fire. You gotta problem with that? B)

  21. And a Happy New Year to you.

  22. It's the new rank images the staff put up.

  23. Don't worry, you'll become one. Eventually...

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