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Status Updates posted by Orpheus

  1. Thank you.

    Tsukasa is so silly. :3

  2. Yup.

    Super Pose able figurines. And they're releasing an Aegis figma in october.

    Which might mean more Persona Figmas in the future.

    But they're around $30 i think.

  3. Typo-- I meant Brand*

  4. Hm... That is true.

    It does make sense.

    I don't know about the others though.

    BTW: Have you heard of a japanese band called figma?

  5. Thank you.

    I really don't like how they had to Genderbend Elizabeth though.

    It's just... No. D:

  6. D: Well, I'm assuming it won't get localized for a while.

    Even though Atlus is pretty speedy with it.

    PSP's are pretty cheap now I think.

    Playing FeMC will fun. I wonder how the Aegis-FeMC interaction will turn out. It'd just be awkward if left unchanged.

  7. Man, I really hope you have a PSP.

  8. Yeah.

    I didn't expect it at all.

    Considering she only appeared for like... 3 minutes.

  9. Haha, who doesn't?

    I had suspicions when i saw her in a screen shot.

    There were way too many male characters. I was so happy when i found out.

  10. Aha. Remember me? :3

    I see you taken a liking to miss little reverse-Trap Naoto.

  11. I just got past Kanji's.

    I'm on the 3rd floor of Rise's.

    Aha, don't worry. I practically did the same thing.

  12. Yup.

    Got it as a Christmas Gift. But it was brutal not having it from the 9th to the 25th. D:

  13. Oh yes, i thought so.

  14. Ah. Thats cool...

    Might explain what that is?

    (sorry-- scatter brained Dx But i assume P3 realated?)

  15. Mhm.

    Haha, well-- you may be behind, but i've forgotten a lot of the story. Dx

    Its been a while since i've picked a volume up.

    And i love your Avatar and Banner. xD

  16. I hear it was good, so i wanted to give it a try.

    Not to mention i love the art. :3

  17. Nice. Dx

    I pretty much have a good few months before i can even become a candidate.

  18. Fer Seriously.

  19. Lucky. Dx

    No, i'm kidding. :3

  20. Its 9:48 where i'm at. O:

    You're time zone must be a few hours ahead.

  21. Fine actually.

    How are you?

  22. DDx Meanie.


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