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Allen Walker: Crown Clown

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Status Updates posted by Allen Walker: Crown Clown

  1. I rememer you, but I doesn't remember you.... >

  2. I still say you got that from Tollhouse coffee X3

  3. I win, cus I'm makin a third comment in a row XD

    *clings onto, and drags away in a fishing net*

  4. I would love to use a system where paople could just talk in their chat-boxes....

  5. i'll gices you candy.. It's just inside the van- I mean ice-cream truck

    XD (j/k)

  6. I'll just cal ya Bats, lol. Eel O' Brian, anyone? XD

  7. I'm not going to lie, it would be awesome if you wer the celebrity Megan Fox.... IF so (not completely conviced -- a possible believer, but not convinced) have fun with the good sir LeBouf

  8. if you like Bleach, you should totally join my RPG ^^'''

    do it now XP

  9. if you're coming back more often (say, every other day), I'd be glad to have you back in the Bleach RPG, Pilak-san. You're a goo dRPer, and... well... I'm closing my curerent Bleach RPG, and I'm gonna make a chatroom for collaboraters out of my profile page. If you have any suggestions, please just post a comment in my profile.

  10. isn't he being a man by not getting into a useless conflict? XD


  11. It might hav ebeen possible that I'd mention it... After everyone else, of couse, cus I'm slow on the uptake. XD but yeah, it's awesomesauce

  12. It's True! and I was actually hoping to fight Rakolai... so, come back soon! *thumbs up*

  13. just to mess with everyone, your next one should three words long. :b

  14. lame XP you should've kept the fad name. I'm probably gonna keep my name for a while

  15. lol ^^'''

    okay, then, suna.

    ... nope; still don't feel like spamming up the page....

  16. lol, now I'm waiting on you for TLS. XD odd turn of events...

  17. lol. TPtI's chatbox has become a forum again. :b

  18. MA LEGS ASLEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!

    ... but at least I bumped TLR and posted for oncein ma meager existance. :b

  19. mine! XP

    *hugs Lazzy too, out of pure boredom*


  20. much-so noticed...

    8points at the chaos-bringer wannabe* doers he spam it up a lot? your profile, I mean...

  21. nuuuu!-runs away with arms waving about-

  22. nvmd Xd you didn't...

    do you toll vehicles to go through if your house is in the middle of the street?

  23. O: Bad! Bad Sisen, bad dog!-wavs newspaper at u-

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