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The Shouting God

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Status Updates posted by The Shouting God

  1. Thanks, Akky! And hey, Haru.

  2. Akky, how did you get your avatar? I've always looked for those spinny types.

  3. Hola, guys! Nice to have a few people here.

  4. I prefer nitroglycerine or napalm explosions.

  5. Seems that you and I have the same philosophy. Explosions rule! Only problem is, which type?

  6. Scales, how's the chappie going?

  7. I'd rather you didn't, but your choice.

  8. Dang. Your 2152-word-long list is 1018 word longer than mine! NOOO!!!!!

  9. If anyone wanted to know, I now have a quote of the week in my personal statement. If you want to, comment!

  10. Nice avvie, Scorpo (if I can call you that?). How'd you get it?

  11. Hello, Haru. Nice to see you here.

  12. You sure are. I'm thinking more... deeper, and air-sucking.

  13. Sweet! Now, to think of more elements...

  14. Hey, Gerlicky! How's the MoLtoran coming?

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