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The Shouting God

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Everything posted by The Shouting God

  1. Once I get good at Skyrim, I'm making a hand-to-hand Khajit specialising in speech, smithing, alchemy, enchanting and heavy armour.Beating Alduin to death ftw.
  2. The fangs were meant to remind people of Bohrok fangs, but I guess it works just as well. :DOoooo, Matoro. Furry feetsies.
  3. Whoaaaaaaa O:The moment I get my computer up and running, I'm gonna make it into an avatar. Thanks very much.
  4. I thought that was a sarcastic choice, so I chose that.
  5. After deliberation, I think I'll switch sides to the Imperials. Why?Because I think Brunwulf Free-Winter has a point, even though he keeps calling me a Nord rather than an Argonian. The Stormcloaks just don't seem to care much for non-Nords. I don't like that.So why the Imperials, you ask? They're practically owned by the Thalmor.That's why I made my guy an assassin.Death to the Thalmor, death to the false emperor. To the liberation of all the provinces from the Thalmor's yoke, and to a new, more prosperous Empire.Hail Sithis.
  6. Heh, my friend and I were discussing Skyrim in Maths, and turns out my teacher plays Oblivion.Cool teachers ftw.
  7. It's a decent kid's show in a time of dismal mind-sucking shows.
  8. My Khajit and Argonian will join the Stormcloaks, seeing as their home provinces have already seceded, and my Khajit will probably have to stop himself pwing some Thalmor butt in the cities. My Imperial will join the Imperials because... well, yeah. I like to think of him as an Imperial spy that was accidentally caught. Still iffy on my Nord though.
  9. It's worse than just knowing one spell. It's knowing one spell that he can't actually use. :PI've been thinking on what each of my books will focus on in terms of which parts of the Beast Rebellions.1st book - General introduction to the rebellion itself, and a bit of focus on the engineers, as one of the POV-characters is the chief engineer of the rebellion.2nd book - The assassins of the rebellion.3rd book- The berserkers who arise during the rebellion due to large amounts of losses to them, either physical or emotional.4th book- The general of the rebellion, who started the whole thing, and who is also the Steel Elemental.5th book - The end of the rebellion, and the beginnings of the more peaceful protests afterwards. Also looks at the medics during the rebellions.6th book - The main book on the engineers of the rebellion, and the entirety of the peaceful protests, up until the successful push for more rights.7th book - The main neutral faction during the rebellion.8th book - Some more insight into the more neutral factions during the rebellion, and the main shock troops during then. Also shows the side of the American government in this book.9th book - The end of the current generation of Elementals, and the future for the Beast races.
  10. Man, Rainbowshy's song is stuck in my head.Not that that's a bad thing.
  11. Heh, I plan on joining the Imperials with my Nord. I make up for it with my Stormcloak Argonian and Kahjit.Gets awkward when they start yelling 'Skyrim for the Nords!' at you though.
  12. My Argonian sniper/assassin is become more and more of a battlemage. Maybe I should just keep the snipering to dungeons.
  13. I've seen an idea for an Imperial mage wearing a black cloak that uses shock spells named Palpatine.I'm stealing that idea.
  14. Skyrim is out. Argonian sniper here I come.
  15. Madeon - Pop CultureI have found love in the world of mash-ups.
  16. Mostly because we keep getting newer inductees, requiring another bout of madness.
  17. I didn't even know we still had hippies.
  18. 1. Looks pretty good. Pretty decent for MS.2. It's good. You can watch it on That Video Site if you don't have it on tv. 3. Yes. YESYESYES
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