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Riisiing Moon

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Blog Entries posted by Riisiing Moon

  1. Riisiing Moon
    Hey, you!
    Yeah, you!
    Wanna participate in a small-scale Writers' Alliance project? All you gotta do is be able to devote some time to it, and read a bunch. I'm gonna need about five people, give or take. PM me if you want in!
    And remember, don't tell--they're watching us...
  2. Riisiing Moon
    Haven't named it yet--but this is it, color and all! Bought it for $400 USD--oh, did I mention it's worth $800? Thank you, fantastic Guitar Center deals.
  3. Riisiing Moon
    That's right, it's the Writers' Alliance's first contest!
    What exactly is this contest? Well, stay tuned, girls and boys, and find out just what it is next week...All I can reveal now is that there will be both an Epics contest and a Short Story contest, both of which will be taking place in groups. The theme of the contest is characters of your teammates.
    Curious as to what the heck that is? Want it? Post here in this entry now with a piece of writing, about 100 words, but no real limit. Show as much talent as you've got--and be sure to write it on the spot. This is to test your skill and instinct as a writer, so don't go quoting an older piece.
    See you all in the contest!
    Note--The contest will be replacing any normal Weekly Updates for this and next week--so get to reviewing the old entries! Check out the WA Story Museum for a list of all the submissions so far.
  4. Riisiing Moon
    This week's theme--

    Yup, dialogue. The art of speaking. Dialogue is, in short, when two or more of your chars get together and just talk. The topic has no limits--something as earth-shattering as destroying worlds, or something as casual as what he put on first this morning, and anywhere in between. I strongly believe dialogue is something that is, as a general rule (but there are always exceptions), entirely overlooked as a crucial aspect of fiction. Dialogue, first of all, adds vibrant life to the character who's talking. It describes who he is in relation to others, not just by his actions, or by what goes on in his own mind. Dialogue is, on another note, real. We don't go through our whole day without talking to anyone. In fiction, dialogue is a lot more fun because the topics are going to be the ones you, as the writer, are interested in. Dialogue is as necessary as plot or characterization--and, after all, it is a form of both--but it doesn't have to be less fun. Incorporate some dialogue in any form in your writing this week, and submit your stuff here!
    Weekly Tips
    [submitted by RM]--Dialogue, like I mentioned, is an excellent form of characterization. Give every char a specific way of talking. For example, take this conversation between an uneducated farmer and a king--
    "Sir, my field has been invaded!"
    "What do you want me to do about it?"
    "Send your men to help me!"
    "But I don't want to, it'll cost me money."
    The conversation continues like this. Not only is this boring and lacks life and realism, you can't distinguish any kind of difference in personality or character between the king and the farmer--they're basically the same person. This is a good example of an author using dialogue solely as a means by which to tell over the plot. Dialogue is an aspect of plot itself. Make it so. Give every char his own life; describe how they talk, their tone of voice. Make everyone distinct, give them life.
    [submitted by RM]--Got this from a book I read (for anyone who's interested, it's The Art of War for Writers, by James Scott Bell), which I believe was fantastic advice. Short and sweet--'Let the dialogue flow. You can always edit it later.'
  5. Riisiing Moon
    Avatar: the Last Airbender, of course! Just spaced out a bit and ended up thinking a bit back on it, quite nostalgically, to understate. Easily the best show I've ever watched, no contest. I can't even begin to list all the things that make it so unbelievably spectacular in pretty much every aspect. I'd love to have a discussion on it. What d'you guys think about the show in general, or any details?
    Also--Periodically, I'll post an entry with some info on my book in the works. It'll start out vague, and get more detailed with each entry. Let me know what you think!
    Here's the first two paragraphs, just written in a journal, thought I should share it for this spoiler--

    * * * 
    Bitter steel ripped through air, an explosion of malice driving the blad.e Down and down it plunged, gracefully, maliciously, the force of worlds behind it. Metal met flesh, and gods fell at the magnificience of pain searing through the sword. It knifed through layer upon layer of skin and mortality, emergining glistening with the blood of angels. The blade soared with death, and death embraced the body and soul of the one who had fallen.

    * * * 
    Well, there it is, the very first two paragraphs of my book! What d'you guys think?
  6. Riisiing Moon
    Inspiration's a secret--but here's some lyrics I got at tonight, still in progress in both length and quality. No music yet.
    Nothing's here and nothing stays
    Stays as much as nothing should
    Sometimes it's a raging blaze
    Sometimes I'm a shell of wood
    Nothing everywhere inside
    Skin and bone and dead blank eyes
    Your face, your voice, it lights that fire
    Burns me to death till I feel higher
    Souls fall to knees and cry
    But eyes just gaze and wonder why
    Nobody else can see the nothing
    That you never bother touching
  7. Riisiing Moon
    Yeah, I'm a Bionicle Story Squad member, but so far I've only received one suggestion. Any story ideas you want canonized? Got some remote piece of evidence or good argument to back it up? PM me with your ideas! No clue what I'm talking about? Check out this topic on the BSS!
  8. Riisiing Moon
    1. I slept 16 hours Friday night. I couldn't keep my eyes open, so I got into bed around 4:30. Woke up way too often, but most of time was too unconscious to actually realize I had the option to get out of bed, except for a bathroom trip at around midnight. I woke up the following Saturday morning at 8:30. It was wonderful.
    2. After I woke up, I found out my mom was taken to the hospital for horrible stomachaches all night, while I was sleeping, ironically. She had appendicitis; had her appendix removed this morning. She's totally fine and coming home soon.
    3. Due to that, and other various distractions--er, necessary labors, weekly update for the WA won't be coming until tomorrow. In the meantime, you can comment here what you want for it's theme.
    4. WA contest should be up and running next week, so look forward to that!
  9. Riisiing Moon
    Clueless? Not for long!
    Also, check this out!
    This week's theme will be--

    Epic Scenes 
    This one's pretty simple, yet harder to accomplish than many would think. It is an entirely optional tool of writing, and an unbelievably fun device to incorporate into your writing every once in a while. Additionally, if done correctly, it can drastically increase the reader's level of absorption into your story, and the story's general intensity. So, what exactly is it? It's creating just that--an epic scene. A huge, illustrious, magnificent sight that leaps off the page and captures the reader, creating the sensation of a over-realistic, larger-than-life, miracle world that makes you stop and hold your breath. For those of you who've seen Avatar, it's a pretty good example--massive. Beautiful, or utterly chaotic and destructive, or both. Most movies try to have at least one scene that accomplishes this, regardless of genre. Can you do it?
    Vocab Words
    You get one extra point for every word (or derivative of the word) used correctly in your weekly submission! Words can be used as many times as you want, but beyond the first time of all your entries this week no points will be awarded. Words are--
    --Ever-[Fill in the blank]
    You'll notice these aren't necessarily big, fancy words. They're not supposed to be--they're words that are fun to use, maybe roll of the tongue; words you can learn to use exactly when you need them in your writing, which is exactly what the concept of word choice is.
    RM's Weekly Tips
    As this week's theme is pretty straightforward and there's limitless ways to interpret it, only one tip for the week. Submit your own!
    [submitted by Rising Moon]--Epic scenes are not only created by the vision you make, but by word choice. If the scene is, for example, of a lush, unfathomably beautiful pool of life erupting from the ground, choose lush, unfathomably beautiful, erupting words! They encapsulate the experience you're trying to create. If I use a robotic, metallic-sounding word to describe the magnificence that is life, it's going to be hard to capture the reader's love (and your own), and it disrupts the flow of the passage. Choose words that can be descried in the same way they themselves are describing what you're writing, and the rewarding feeling when you reach ideal perfection will be unbelievable.
  10. Riisiing Moon
    That's right, it's the WACISE!
    No clue what this babbling madman is rambling about? Well here ya go, don'tcha know!
    Now that the WA's oozed into its third week, it's time to spice things up a bit. In a couple of weeks, we'll have our very first contest! Any ideas on what it's going to be? Submit 'em here! No rules, go for anything you want!
  11. Riisiing Moon
    Hey RM, what're these weekly update entry things?
    Check out this entry!
    What is a theme, exactly? A theme is, as my English teacher put it, an element of the human condition. A humane concept that man enjoys reading about because he feels it, can connect with it. Or possibly because he's never experienced such an element before, and feels the need to integrate it into his persona. Either way, one such element of the human condition is--

    People like horror for the same reason they like roller coasters. It's thrilling. That fear that crawls up your spine that you always said you could really do without? You lied. You love that feeling, even if you don't know it yet. You relish the thought of being utterly terrified, and though you want to banish the feeling, you just have to turn the next page. By the end of the night, you're shivering. But it's hot. Yet there you sit, under the covers, shaking wildly, telling the monster in the closet to get away from you, and yet a voice inside your head keeps telling you--
    "Read it again."
    There are a plethora of ways to write horror. The only guideline is it has to be scary--and even there, you have freedom. Fright can be interpreted in several ways, none of which I will name because they are entirely up to you to discover. Ye blooming writer, be inspired, and scare.
    RM's Weekly Tips
    [submitted by RM]--From my experience with horror, among the innumerable varieties within the genre, two encompassing themes are apparent. In English--There are two popular kinds of horror, and pretty much everything else horror falls into one of the two categories, or somewhere in between.
    A--Take something that the reader is already familiar with, and scare them with it. While it doesn't have to be staunch realistic, it's more real-world then fantasy or sci-fi by a landslide. Stephen King does this in pretty much all of his horror (though there are always exceptions). Take something the reader knows exists--murder, religious fanatics, accidents, bad neighborhoods, cars. It can be obvious, everyday items, or it can be the kind of things you know exist in the corners, in the shadows of the world's shadows, but you simply refuse to accept they exist. Whatever you choose to be the object of your horror, bring it into the light. Show a truth about that object, and scare the reader with it. An abnormal murder. A possessed car. A loved one gone mad. An unexplainable fire. A stalker. These things are real. The world is filled with terrifying things, and horror takes them and shoves them in front of your face. Or rather, pulls your face into the shadows.
    B--It's a safe bet to say most of you WA participants are fantasy/sci-fi writers. The reason that fantasy appeals to people is because it's such a foreign concept. People like reading about things that they can't ever actually experience, because they revel in the alien. This is more Lovecraft--Fantasy horror. Take things that couldn't possibly exist, and turn it into a horror. Shroud it in shadow and mystery, or gore, or truth. You have total freedom.
    Know your choices, and choose wisely.
    [submitted by RM]--Some excellent, applicable, and unbelievable useful advice was given to me by [insert title here] Humva in an old horror epic of mine. Scaring is always great--but it's not the only way to write horror. Don't necessarily scare--haunt. One technique to haunt I like to use is this--When you write, don't tell the reader much. Say what you need to say, and nothing more. Just enough to haunt him a bit. It's a lot of fun, and you may thrill yourself in the process. In this sense, there will be a lot of emptiness, hollowness in your story that the reader will instinctively fill in himself. If you did a good job haunting him enough, the holes in the story he fills in will be scary holes--he'll actually make up a horror story for himself based on the guideline you wrote. Be vague. Be empty. Be alien. Be haunting.
  12. Riisiing Moon
    At this very moment, I'm using playing Wish You Were Here on an acoustic guitar that does not belong to me, typing these words on a laptop not my own, and babysitting for children I am not the father of.

    So, for those of you out there who babysit, what do you charge? I'm charging $6 (USD) at the moment; too high/low?
  13. Riisiing Moon
    What's something cool that happened to you recently (or a while ago, if you're lackin' the recently)? For me, I found in getting an electric guitar! Got an idea of what I want, but definitely keeping the acoustic, I love 'er.
    What about you?
  14. Riisiing Moon
    Periodically, I'll post an entry with some info on my book in the works. It'll start out vague, and get more detailed with each entry. Let me know what you think!
    For the first spoiler, I'll only the following--
    --The prototype name is Bones
    --It's split into five mini-books, named respectively--
  15. Riisiing Moon
    Do you guys ever get inspiration for--well, anything, from a completely irrelevant source? For example, Protohuman mentioned he came up with a story about a perpetually reincarnating world-saving robot from messing with Bionicle sets. Any of you guys ever done this? Do you do it intentionally sometimes? What's your usual reaction?
  16. Riisiing Moon
    I hereby declare this the initiation of the case of Moon and Firesword vs. Zarayna.
    Zarayna, the offender, is in a lawsuit threatened by Rising Moon and Inferna Firesword. Captain Marvel is the lawyer from criminal defense--Zarayna--and Moon and Firesword remain in search if a lawyer. Experience is discouraged.
    The case will be taking place in the House of the Rising Moon on October 21st, 2010, a Thursday.
    Rising Moon will judge the case.
    The jury is not limited to a number, and any bystander to the case or member who bears an interest may participate as a juror.
  17. Riisiing Moon
    Intro end.
    Theres a
    lady whos glitter buying a heaven When she
    gets there stores are ord she can get came for
    Oooh oooh and shes buying a heaven Theres
    B-----------3-----|---1--1--0 1-------|-1-----1---3-----|-1-1-1-----------|
    sign on she wants you know two meanings In a
    tree theres a song times all of our mis given
    Oooh it makes me wonder
    oooh makes me wonder theres a
    feeling when look to my spirit leaving in my
    whispered all call the tune then the piper will to reason &
    thoughts I smoke through voices of looking [goto %]
    new day those who forests will laugh - ter
    If theres a bust 'edge row dont its just a Queen
    Yes there are go by but and theres still your on
    and it won der
    Your head is wont go the pipers him
    Dear lady can blow your stairw whispering wind
    Am Am7 Fmaj7
    Am Am7 Fmaj7
    |--8b10---8--5 -----8--10-|-8-----------------------5-------|
    Am Am7 Fmaj7
    Am Am7
    Am Am7
    Am Am7 hold bend
    Am Am7 /---------\ Fmaj7
    Am Am7 Fmaj7 Am Am7
    |-19b21--13/12 13/10-|--14b17--14b17-14--12--14--12-12b14------------|
    Fmaj7 Am Am7
    Am G F G Am G F G
    And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul
    Am G F G Am G
    there walks a lady we all know who shines w' light and to
    F G Am G
    show how everything still turns to
    Am G F G Am G
    gold and if you listen very hard the tune will come to u at
    F G Am G F
    last when all __ yeah
    Am G Fmaj7 Am Am7/G Fmaj7
    to be a rock roll__
    Am Am7/G Fmaj7 Am Am7/G
    Am Am7/G Fmaj7
    And shes buying a stairway to heaven
  18. Riisiing Moon
    Why, it's the first-ever weekly update of Writers' Alliance! For some more info on what this is, check out this blog entry, and then report back here!
    This week's theme is, in honor of the initiation of the Writers' Alliance--

    This week, write anything that follows the theme of beginnings. It can interpreted any way you want--this is to kick-start your inspiration for writing, and it's your choice how you filter that inspiration. Once you write a piece--remember, they can be anything; a short story, a chapter of an epic, a poem, etc., in any writing forum (except Comedies)--whether it follows the theme of beginnings or not, link it back in this entry to advertise your work and earn some points!
    Weekly Tips
    Here're some tips intended to improve your writing, while retain your signature style. Remember, you get one point for each tip incorporated in your work for the first time--but that's not to say these are only practical once.
    [submitted by Rising Moon]--Say the word beginning. Out loud. Let the concept of beginnings fill your mind, until you become single-minded on that one concept. Think of its sound in your ear, its taste on your tongue, the definition, everything. When you've reached that point, close your eyes and envision something physical. What's the first thing you see with your mind's eye? Expand on it. Let it move around in the scene that's playing in your head. Expand on that. Then head to your keyboard and write.
    [submitted by Rising Moon]--Other languages can be useful tools, in more ways than one. Pick a language, any language. Look up the word beginning in that language. Not only the definition, but maybe some lore centered around it, what it means culturally and not just linguistically. Write around any of that. Like the theme, it's open to your own interpretation.
    A reminder--Submit your own tips for others to use in their writing! Also, advertise the WA! You get points for it, and after all, the more the merrier!
  19. Riisiing Moon
    After only two or so weeks of existence, House of the Rising Moon is the sixth-ranked blog on the entire community blog list!
    Of course, it's only received nine votes but I'm keeping my hopes high. If ya like it, rate it!
    Another note--Whatever happened to fads? I mean, real, forum-wise fads; not just a few members, not just staff pranks. They really have been gone a long while. It's like a bit of sentimentality has been erased from BZP...
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