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Status Updates posted by ~YourWorstNightmare~

  1. It has indeed.

    Getting into poetry, I see? Did I tell you about my book?

  2. Life's been full of work, but...I GOTS AN IPOD NOW, SO ALL IS WELL.

    ...Now all I need is to download stuff to watch when I'm up at night...or find a way to get an iPhone, cause then I can be err...

    School kid by day...


    OH SNAP!

  3. lol thank you! That comedy has been my first, and I love it dearly.


    I'm thinking of starting a comic soon, so I'll have that link up if I decide to go through with it. It's just something I want to try.

  4. lol you were close; cello. And yeah, it's my pride and joy. ^.^

  5. Next time we go to Tuhin's house, we must go to Toys R Us. (xD I wonder--if we find 08 stuffs--if we'll have the same reaction as last time...)

  6. Oh, and I got started on Akamu today. I'm actually doing a pretty good job, I think. The only problem is, I'm running out of those blue stick things...the ones that everyone usually never seems to run out of! It's so pitiful and annoying. But I also made some huge gun-ish thing, that would really work out to be a vehicle for a Matoran.

    Oh, and do you have any extra Barra

  7. OH! Did you see the second one, yet?

  8. OTL I'm so sorry! Another BZP coma...hopefully the last one for a while...

    I'll PM you about why?

  9. Pfft, I don't get a glomp back? I see how it is.






  10. Same. Man, I hope we go somewhere next weekend....I wonder who'll be next....(hahah, that makes it sound like a type of killing spree thing..."Who shall be the next victim to throw an Iftar party?")

  11. Saweeeeeeeeeeeet!

    lol I woke up from my fiftieth BZP coma! Whooo!!!

    One of these days I'll know better than to disappear without further notice...xD


  12. So I noticed you like Bleach.

    I squee for it. :D

    Do you read it online, by any chance?

  13. So this is random, but I gotta say, I noticed your pic, and much love to VK. :D

  14. Sorry for the epic wait on replying. 0_0 xD

    Thank you so very much! The avvi thinks you're awesome, too. :P

  15. Sure. =D

    Umm, working on my epic, and one of my comedies at the same time. xD

  16. Thaaank you~! And that topic was really nice of you to make--xD first birthday topic I got in my BZP career! WHOOO! Thank you~! *glomps back*

    And I random thing to say, because I'm in a Batman-ish mood...

    Why so serious? xD

  17. Thaaank youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Thank you! And I missed your birthday, so...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERSPECIALAWESOME FRIEND OF MINE!!! =DDD *emotes will bribe you to forgive me for missing it?*

  19. Thanks. ^.^ You're awesome.

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