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Status Updates posted by ~YourWorstNightmare~

  1. I GOT CHIROX!!!

    ...HIS HEAD'S BOBBLE-HEAD-ISH! xD It kinda annoys me, though. But other than that, he's decent.

  2. I GOT CHIROX!!!

    ....his head wobbles. xD

  3. *tackles* IT'S ITHUUU!!! Hi. Next time we go to Tuhin's house, try to bring any money you have, 'cause we're going to Toys R Us. ^.^

  4. Next time we go to Tuhin's house, we must go to Toys R Us. (xD I wonder--if we find 08 stuffs--if we'll have the same reaction as last time...)

  5. Dude, Tuhin. Next time we go to your house we WILL go to Toys R Us. Seriously. If we don't, I might just spontaneously combust.

    But speaking of which, how are things? Did your mom call recently...?

  6. Hey, remember to bring the golden Kopaka mask next Saturday, pleeeaase?

  7. Hey, I'm sorry about what happened with your comedy. :(

  8. Oh, and I got started on Akamu today. I'm actually doing a pretty good job, I think. The only problem is, I'm running out of those blue stick things...the ones that everyone usually never seems to run out of! It's so pitiful and annoying. But I also made some huge gun-ish thing, that would really work out to be a vehicle for a Matoran.

    Oh, and do you have any extra Barra

  9. Same. Man, I hope we go somewhere next weekend....I wonder who'll be next....(hahah, that makes it sound like a type of killing spree thing..."Who shall be the next victim to throw an Iftar party?")

  10. lol thank you! That comedy has been my first, and I love it dearly.


    I'm thinking of starting a comic soon, so I'll have that link up if I decide to go through with it. It's just something I want to try.

  11. Hey Greg! Thanks for everything you've done! You're an awesome author!

  12. Welcommmmmmmeeeeee.....

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