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Toa Huki

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Everything posted by Toa Huki

  1. Poll 1: #5 Poll 2: #1 Poll 3: #1 Poll 4: #3 Poll 5: #4 Poll 6: #2
  2. Toa Huki

    A Confession.

    Now, you can use your extra account to reserve the name Bundalings if you ever decide to change back.
  3. EPIC WIN The best chess set EVAR
  4. Oops


    I completely missed your friend request :o

  5. Toa Huki

    Ufos And Aliens

    I do believe that there is life at least somewhere else in the Universe, though not anywhere near Earth, or at least not evolved to the point of space travel. Planets and moons in our galaxy have been shown to be capable of harboring life, such as Europa, Gliese 581c, and maybe even Mars, but the life in our immediate vicinity would be primitive, maybe even microscopic. Life elsewhere we have no information about, but even if it had space travel, even at the speed of light it would take a long time to get here. Therefore, I don't believe in UFOs as aliens.
  6. I didn't want to spend a lot of time taking pictures and have it turn out to be too custom.
  7. Here is my entry. Member Name: Toa Huki Toa Names: Sniper, Savage, and Stealth Gallery: Here Entry Pic: *hugs a bunny*
  8. Toa Huki


    I was going upload pics tonight, but my camera refuses to work... You could always exempt yourself from the rule and put up your entry in between the contest end time and whenever you set up voting.
  9. Could I use Hydraxon hands on my moc if those are the toa's only tools? And if it turns out something is too custom, do I get a second chance to enter after making it less custom?
  10. Mine are gunmetal... do you mean actual official straight-from-Lego pics, or just pics regular people took?
  11. It messes me up three times a year. OWNED
  12. Toa Huki

    The Lapsed User

    If brown sets never sold well, why did Lego pick that as a color? I'd assume that if the color didn't sell well, then the focus groups didn't like it, correct?
  13. Thanks for the birthday topic :)

  14. Why can't someone make their own?

  15. If you don't want people to give credit, why do you put the 'T' on your IDs?

  16. Note that the Phantoka were also listed at $12.99, and the Matoran at $6.99. Maybe these are TRU prices? They seem right to me, considering what Lego costs at TRU these days... The only thing I can find wrong with Krika is that it only has 2 legs - 4 would have been much better and more bug-like.
  17. Why do you hate Lieff? :???:
  18. This is the funniest thing I have seen all month!
  19. Sales were great in 2006, but declined in 2007; Lego decided not to do an expensive marketing campaign to boost sales, and so is discontinuing the line at the end of 2008.
  20. Vamprah. Why? -Cool new blue pieces -Black 5 L sockets -New wings in blue and grey (different from black)
  21. I think this member is more awesomest than Exo:
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