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Jonestown Bartender

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Status Updates posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. Hey there buddy hows life been treating you?

  2. It's cool. I assumed that it had nothing to do with it but bent is slang for gay in some places so I figured I would make sure :)

  3. I feel like your banner is bashing homosexuality, if thats not the case forgive me.

    However if it is the case I will ask you to remove it since it's violating BZPs tolerance rules.

    I'm posting this here because I dislike reporting people but if you do not remove I will report you.

  4. Your sig is against the rules, I would suggest removing the quote from the bible.

    Just letting you know since I dislike reporting.

  5. Metal is the lowest form of rock.

  6. There are no new ideas, just new ways of phrasing them.

    I actually wanted to post the comic and give credit but I can't mention the name of said comic (forums) and the comic was explicit.

  7. And the comic got it from a famous book.

    I wonder if you know what it is.

  8. Awww the two in your sig look so happy together.

  9. D'aww the guys in your sig are cute together.

  10. You're just being stupid now

  11. Exactly what it sounds like.

    EVeryone else got it, why not you?

  12. Everything but blogs and CoT

  13. Just checked again, he seems to have deleted all of my comments.

  14. Dude I'm going to umd.

    Anon may be in ur TVs soon :o

  15. Not sure what that is but no.

  16. Thats because everyone smart got banned vie LJ or left. I'm doing both because I'm a special freaking snow flake.

  17. Everyone does, like me or hate me I am the life source.

    Cut me out and the chat goes stone dead.

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