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Unconquerable Snow Black

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Status Updates posted by Unconquerable Snow Black

  1. can you notify me your doing my request?

    thank you.

  2. can you show back canister pics of the other phantoka? (antroz pohatu lewa chirox.

  3. chuckieboy bush ranger is out tomorrow!

  4. could you give us one picture of vamprah as a teaser for your reviews in official 2008 topic?

  5. could you please post a screenshot of the seventh mahri game in the final mahri game topic because we want

    to see how tough it is. please? :)

  6. D:

    Birth By Sleep. That game is the best of the series so far even for it being on PSP, too bad the owner didnt let you play for longer, but PS2s are cheap these days, about 20 dollars, and the previous games KH1 and KH2 are pretty cheap now and there is Re:com if that game is available for you. :D

  7. Did I hear you have trouble against Sephiroth in KH?


  8. did my name inspire you to make your name like i did except with vamprah? :P

  9. dokky but i want to see them on brickshelf completely because on page 2 its cuts off. pleasey gives mes a link to it on brickshelf so its easier then having to go to page 2. ;_;

  10. don't worry just geass everyone who saw your name :D

  11. Dont worry i beat vanitas :D

    I am very happy.

    Plus the final episode was pretty good :D

  12. exo died?

    i never heard that news :(

  13. f..fi..fi...final....final countdown! mata nui! *goes into a coma*

  14. final fantasy guy....... arent ya. tidus laugh is pretty disturbing tho

  15. Ha since i changed my camera controls and went one direction while manipulating the camera it was a cinch, but i am fighting vanitas now who has the analog spiral attack and right now i am in despair. ;-; I NEARLY DID IT THOUGH.

  16. Have you actually watched the Nyoron Churuya-san series? Its all on a video site :D

  17. hey captain tak sparrow. :P

    like my new name?

  18. hey dokky....could you put a link to comic 11 on maj on the winter catalogue talkback topic . since i want to see it full version on there. please. :)

  19. Hey man, hows it going. I just want to know how you get your sigs and avvies? Is there a topic round this forum that has kingdom hearts stuff? Or didja get em off the internets, because i want to see if they have any good KH sigs/avs here.

  20. Hey spark it appears you posted on my profile about a month ago asking about anime and metal gear solid rising, so yes i am into both :3

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