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Unconquerable Snow Black

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Status Updates posted by Unconquerable Snow Black


  2. 0.0


    is it true?

  3. me: her comment pages level are over one HUNDRED!!!!!!

    pohatu: OVER ONE HUNDRED!?

  4. Did I hear you have trouble against Sephiroth in KH?


  5. My cousins have all the halo games even ODST. So i sometimes play halo at my cousins.

  6. when will the 2009 website be up! *dies of waiting*

  7. i added you to the list toa ignika

  8. since your part aussie..... cos you live in tasmania... wanna be friends? :D

  9. i never knew pohatu's eye was shiny? :o

  10. since your aussie as well....

    lets be buddys! :D

  11. yay tak likes tuna!

    toa ignika i get scholastic book club which has the books so im luckeh.

  12. aventurer

    we meet again...

    (the real one not takua the wonderer)

    now..... be my friend? :D

  13. you live in an xbox 360? i live in a ps2. my sister also lives in an nintendo ds

    mine doesnt have a pool ;-;

  14. im just going to post a shameful poor comment here just to try to get it on the quote section

  15. can you notify me your doing my request?

    thank you.

  16. *gasp* i hope no one for got about australia day!

  17. omg!

    i hope no one forgot about australia day! >-

  18. i have fears of wasps too. they are always outside my house 0.0

  19. I beat him at level 68, with Ultima Weapon and full inventory of jsut elixirs, I used 3 of them because I was too late to stop some of Sephiroths Heartless angels.

    My advice is keep dodge rolling and only attack sephiroth when he jumps near you just as he lands. Also Panty and stocking is a freaking addictive Anime, and animefreak.com rate it Pg-13. OH MY GOD WHAT ITS FULL OF SWEARING NUDITY

  20. Awua saying "Theres always a way" at the end had me smiling in tears, then it cut to simple and clean and a long epic credits with epic music and cutscenes at the end.

  21. oh and populus has your spinning mask up. you should go see.

  22. i has new avvie. you like?

  23. Now son don't touch that cactus :D


    Your dead to me D:

    ASDFmovie for the win :D

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