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Everything posted by SgtPanda

  1. It reads like a metal goth song. No.TPBM assumes that no one knows whether we can prove there is a creator of the universe or not.
  2. Curse you for posting so many posts so that I have to only do your sig!Anyways, still too lazy to find out who wrote that.
  3. False. In fact, I still use an OG iPad from 2010, and daily use a 2005-era Motorola RAZR.TPBM prefers sticking with using electronics until they "die".
  4. I don't read much, if I'm honest. So no.TPBM finds it disturbing that the barrel sequences for most of the Craig-era Bond films are at the end of the film.
  5. That sounds cool, especially useful for story posts.TPBM knows what a Steinberger looks like (looking it up after reading this doesn't count)
  6. "Female Dog's Brew" - Miles Davis.It's fun to see when people within this thread know where my signature image comes from.
  7. I've owned a pair of turtles (Jude and Lucy, gee where did those names come from?), so no.TPBM finds the Beatles a bit overrated.
  8. Sadly, although having a computer in my room is helping my causeTPBM enjoys the privilege of using their very own computer.
  9. The first TRON was mystical, in that it fantasized the workings of a digital computer (then a magic box) and I figure was a cult hit because of that.If they can preserve the "mystical" element of the first TRON in the third movie, I'm sold.
  10. 3.5/5Excellent melodies and tone of the guitar, and nice drums. That guy's voice is hurting my ear a bit though."Driven To Tears" - The Police(sometimes, maybe I might post my own track name within the topic)
  11. My Hot Wheels windowsill collection :(TPBM enjoys frequent cleaning of his/her/it electronics.
  12. Here.TPBM prefers Seinfeld to Friends (generally).
  13. Yes. My father's Swiss watch collection, the Lancia Stratos, and rangefinder Leicas are an example of this.TPBM favors modern improvements implemented into a vintage style (e.g the Fujifilm X100 camera)
  14. Brian May?One billion seconds is equivalent to 32 years (god I love you Uncle John's Bathroom Reader)
  15. Hong Kong was never a country, and saying I am Cantonese sort of negates that proud feeling of being from Hong Kong(do you think I can say japan?)TPBM finds Switzerland's role of neutrality to be very interesting.
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