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Posts posted by Sumiki

  1. Looks cool—unfortunately, work-in-progress topics such as these are not allowed as per BBC rules:

    No 'preview'/'teaser'/WIP topics. ... You may not post a topic with a MOC in progress (a 'WIP') with intent to repost the finished product later on in a new topic after getting comments, criticism and ideas on how to continue the MOC. You may only post a topic once you have the actual pictures to post, or a clear, detailed description.

    You'll certainly be free to post your MOC once it's complete. So ...

    • Upvote 1
  2. I occasionally take a look at the rules, especially before reporting something in a forum in which I don't assist or for double-checking reports from forums where I do assist. I like double-checking in that regard.
    I've always found the rules—both of the site and subforums in general—to be very clear.
    I've never found that there are too many rules. I feel as if we've done a good job in recent years to cull unnecessary rules and I think we've achieved a nice balance for present-day BZPower.

  3. crossoverforumbanner.png


    In first place: Rahkshi Lalonde, with 17 votes! 


    In second place: Soran, with 11 votes!

    Rahkshi Lalonde will receive 70792 Skull Slicer and 70779 Protector of Stone. Soran will receive 70785 Pohatu Master of Stone.
    In addition, Shadowed Dallior has won our voting raffle and will receive 70779 Protector of Stone.
    Congratulations to everyone! It was a fun contest to help host, even if it was on the smaller side.


    Until next time ... 





    • Upvote 3
  4. crossoverforumbanner.png


    Welcome one and all to the poll for Comics Contest #3: Crossover!
    First, an announcement of prizes: the winner of the contest will receive 70779 Protector of Stone and either 70792 Skull Slicer or 70785 Pohatu Master of Stone. The runner-up will receive either 70792 Skull Slicer or 70785 Pohatu Master of Stone, depending on which set the winner chooses.
    IN ADDITION: a member who participates in the voting process will be selected at random to receive a copy of 70779 Protector of Stone!
    The poll will end at 11:59 PM Eastern time on February 28th. Happy voting!

    tumblr_o31a57Mmiy1tryxewo1_250.png ENTRY 1 [ 1 ]
    tumblr_o31a57Mmiy1tryxewo2_250.png ENTRY 2 [ 1 ]
    tumblr_o31a57Mmiy1tryxewo3_250.png ENTRY 3 [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]
    tumblr_o31a57Mmiy1tryxewo4_250.png ENTRY 4 [ 1 | 2 ]
    tumblr_o31a57Mmiy1tryxewo5_250.png ENTRY 5 [ 1 | 2 | 3 ]
    tumblr_o31a57Mmiy1tryxewo6_250.png ENTRY 6 [ 1 ]*
    * Both Zatth and I acknowledge the lateness of this particular entry. We accepted it into this poll due to extenuating circumstances; the member contacted both of us well beforehand about submitted a slightly belated entry, and furthermore, we do not have any reason to believe that such an extension gave the submitting member an unfair or undue advantage in the contest as a whole.

    • Upvote 4
  5. This sounds cool. I hope my drawing's good enough, and that I have some pixel software-thing.


    Edit: Actually, a quick question: Do I have to include characters made from the pixels or can it just be some certain details and background?

    If the details and background are very clearly based in the world of sprite comics, then yes.

  6. Would this style work?  Like, done in MS Paint so it's all pixel-y but still drawn out.  (I'm kinda thinking about using a 256-color palette for mine, too.)



    There is a really weird ambiguity of style in that example, but for the purposes of this contest, pixel art doesn't necessarily equal sprite art. Your example is pixel art, which leans more towards hand-drawn.


    Again, there's a good deal of ambiguity here; if you have any more examples, feel free to ask!


    All of my previous attempts at making a comic on this site have failed, but maybe I can get in on this. I would like to echo evil_jaga_genius's question; what qualifies as a sprite comic? If I were to throw something together on a Paint program but do my best to make it look block-y, would that be okay?

    If you want to create a small set of sprites to use in your own comic, that's fine; if they look like sprites in the end, that's what we're going for. The sprite style is a subset of pixel art and we're going for the former more than the latter.


    Question: is there a cap on length? i tend to get...


    ...carried away, when making comics x:

    As long as your comic can still load fairly quickly. (There's nothing against splitting into multiple pages if a single image would be of excessive length.)

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