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Posts posted by Sumiki

  1. LEGO has a long track record of bringing back their lines every so often.  The length of Bionicle's initial run was an aberration due to its novelty and the fact that it helped rescue LEGO from the bring of financial ruin.
    As frustrated as people might be towards this news—like I was, along with many others, when G1 was canned—let's not pretend like this is The End For All Time.  It might be, but it's likely not.
    Honestly, Bionicle probably wasn't gone long enough to make an impact upon returning. Large swaths of G1 fans had had their minds made up as to the quality of G2 before it even really began in earnest, and others—myself included—really didn't get into it at all, as it hadn't been gone long enough to ignite a sense of nostalgia.

    • Upvote 2
  2. The problem with Naming Day is that if people were to change their names then, we'd have entire swaths of the member base with different names for up to 90 days.  Name changes are relatively infrequent to the point that people can keep up with it.  Mass name changes (like when the staff does something wild) work because it gets changed back after two weeks.
    Idk. I feel like the idea behind it is cool but people would really have to commit to make it really worthwhile.

  3. This sounds like a fun game! However, I feel like you may need to modify some of the rules. According to the G&T rules:

    This forum is meant for LEGO-related games and trivia only: Bionicle, Hero Factory, Ninjago, etc.

    Unless I'm missing something, I see nothing in the rules of the game that keeps it LEGO-related.  I'd include that if you want to keep it in G&T; otherwise it'll be moved to one of the off-topic areas.

  4. How do people even find these old threads to revive them from the dead? Do people just search through dozens of pages of posts looking for the oldest ones there are to reply to them years later? 

    I'm genuinely curious.

    We were all new once.  Personally I remember having confused the "report" and "add reply" buttons.


    But yes—this topic has been revived since it was past the sixty-day limit. Ergo ...



    • Upvote 1
  5. I think a lot of people see drops in activity as the End Of BZP As We Know It, but I think that's probably a little drastic. I know a lot of people (including myself) that were concerned about the long-term future of BZP back when G1 was canceled, and the site soldiered on.  The Internet has evolved in fifteen years away from forum sites, but all that means is that the user base will be smaller.  Anyone who remembers the forums from G1's heyday remembers the massively crowded server and general big-city feeling of being one in a crowd.  Doesn't make it any better or worse than BZP today, just different.
    G2 has brought in a new group of fans while a lot of the older members are of my age and older, and we've got college/grad school/general life in the way.  Also keep in mind that the staff structure recently changed to eliminate forum assignments, making the staff thinner and more efficient.

    • Upvote 2

    As I said in reply to your post in the Talkback topic, I've been very busy lately. When I do send out your prize, I will send you a PM letting you know.


    Hopefully that answers your question.

    Ah, okay then, my other guess was the raffle event will end and then everyone gets their prizes, thanks. And my bad, didn't know you made a reponse to that, last time I checked there wasn't any.


    Seems like this is cleared up!



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