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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. IC: "I'm Skorm, of the Toa Kalta." Skorm didn't have time to continue when the Legacy Ba-Toa attacked Skyra. Furrowing his mask in concentration, he countered Lantz's gravity crush on their erstwhile ally. His body burned and cried for air, but it was normalizing the effect overall easier than warping gravity to his will, especially with the originator busy. But he knew he didn't have the energy for a sustained fight, and even if he did, Soraph was his responsibility. She was getting out of here, no matter how many Legacy freaks were in their way. The deafening blast now a dull whine, Cyrix looked around. "Skorm, we need to relocate." He punctuated the statement by kicking a crawling Legacy member's head. Skorm kept his eyes locked on the unfolding brawl. "You can jump, right?" "Pretty high, when I want to." "Get to the roof where she jumped from." He raised his hand, and Cyrix felt the gravity around him loosen its grip. Cyrix started to argue, but didn't. Regardless of his weakened state, Skorm had a point. Conjuring wind around him, Cyrix leaped up, practically ignoring the weight of the Dasaka he carried. Cyrix cursed as he nearly lost his footing. Breath in. Breath out. Skorm tried to control his breathing, and the air around him grew thicker as he drew gravity around himself to a more comfortable level. He drew his saber and advanced to reinforce Skyra and the Fe-Toa, as well as the brave matoran. He was Skorm, of the Toa Kalta. He had walked the path of Darkness, and he would gladly show everyone the Light he had found. Until it burned the corruption that surrounded them all.
  2. IC: A flurry of emotions ran through Casanuva's head. Not good enough. For a moment, all he could do was look around, looking from Vakua, to Aelied, to Dakte and Mako, back in the direction of Ko-Koro. I did nothing. The Fa-Toa took a moment to center himself, to steel his worst fears. Not another failure. "Something's obviously happening over there. I'm going after them. I don't want to disobey you, Aelied, but I'm not going to stand by as he... my brother and Soraph wander into one of the most dangerous places on the island." I love her. He took a few steps back, so he could address everybody. "We've seen where being divided gets us. The first Virtue is Unity, for Nui's sake!" Casanuva focused on Aelied. The Bo-Toa was unreadable. "With all due respect, master, I'm going. I'm going to find Soraph, and drag her back to safety if necessary." Do you really? "When I stop talking, I'm turning around and marching straight to Ko-Koro. If anybody here wants to stop me, tough, you're not gonna. If anyone here wants to join me in joining their fellow Kalta," he said at Zueya, Vakua, and Kalyss, "or their clanmate," he said to Dakte and Mako, "you can follow. If not, I don't hold it against you. Soraph's a big girl, and Skorm's a bigger guy. But I'm not leaving them alone with whatever's going down in Bad Guy Central." Zueya stepped forward. "I'm going with. I've been inside there, I know what it's like." Timidly, she looked to Vakua and Kalyss. "Vakua, I know there's still a bounty on you, but we'll all stand with you. You know that." Rolling her shoulders and neck, Kalyss stepped forward. "Are you kidding? I've been waiting forever for a chance to run over there and start dishing out a little justice. I've been helping out here, I know the damage they've caused." Casanuva looked to Aelied, standing calm and still. He was silent, and when he opened his mouth, Aelied cut him off. "I won't stop you. But I will stay here, for now. The rest of you are more than enough of a rescue force, if such a thing is necessary. The same, I bid you good luck." Not ideal. Still, their loyalty to their team was not undermining his authority; putting his foot down here would be a pointless exercise, and would fracture the team dynamic. And if something happened... well, he had contingencies. IC: When the Le-Toa dropped to the ground, both Cyrix and Skorm were pensive, before Cyrix released his hold on the air around them and dismissed the vacuum bubble. Around them, Legacy members squirmed and began to rise. "WHAT?" Skorm shouted, hand ready to pull his saber. "CYRIX, I DON'T KNOW WHAT SIDE SHE'S ON!" Cyrix pointed towards the Koro walls. "WE'RE TRYING TO GET OUT, AND WE DIDN'T HEAR A THING YOU SAID, I TAKE IT BY YOU AREN'T WITH THESE GUYS. WE AREN'T EITHER." "WAIT, CYRIX!" Skorm pointed at Skyra, and nudged Cyrix. "I THINK I RECOGNIZE HER, I SAW HER IN PO-KORO, I THINK SHE'S AN ALLY OF STANNIS MARU." "SKORM, WAIT, I DON'T THINK SHE'S A HOSTILE!" "NO I DON'T KNOW HER NAME!" Skorm turned to Skyra; he remembered her from his talk with Stannis after he was healed. "HEY, I DON'T KNOW IF YOU REMEMBER ME, I WAS IN PO-KORO TALKING TO STANNIS AND A FRIEND OF YOURS BLEW UP HIS HOUSE!" Cyrix was recovering his hearing. "SHE'S GONNA BLOW US UP? WHAT? HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?" IC: Sniffing the air, Fyura let her vision adjust to the dim lighting around her. "Karnakie, cover me. Ah'll take point." She started advancing down the stone hallway, readying her battleaxe. Around her, the few heatstones holding off the encroaching permafrost were the only light sources amongst stone scenery. Above them, she could hear the clashing of stone on metal, continuing despite the tremendous noise which shook the ground. Vayde let off a shiver of fear; Fyura shook it off. She needed focus. She couldn't afford to let any of her opponents get the drop on her. She, instead, shivered a bit in excitement. And this time, she thought, this time she wouldn't let her abilities go to waste. I'm not gonna let them get away with this. She might not win today, but that sure didn't mean she was going to let the Maru win, either. If she needed it, she would start draining the hostages. They wouldn't give her much energy, but it would make things harder for the Maru. Oh, the Maru. Fyura wondered how many there were down here. One had fallen and lost his mask, another (she was told) popped in and out with him (so probably out of the picture, so you never know...), and another was upstairs comparing codpiece sizes with Eisen. So up to three, Water, Earth, and Ice. She ground her teeth, then smiled. Worries weighed you down. That's why it took these 'heroes' so long to do something. Fyura shrugged off her worries like coat. Maru, matoran, Legacy, whatever. This was gonna be fun. Vayde concurred, mentally squirming, letting off an emotion that Fyura had grown used to; the only way she could describe it was the feeling you got when facing down a table set with your favorite foods. Not a bad kind of hunger, but an eager anticipation of a delicious meal. And Fyura was hungry.
  3. BTW job stopped I'm doing stuff again

  4. IC: The air in Ko-Koro was electric with tension. Cyrix could tell things were going down in the warehouse, besides the sirens; he could only pray the two Kalta would be beneath attention. Cyrix looked back at Skorm, carrying the unconscious Dasaka. He had wrapped her in his cloak, so that she almost looked peaceful as she was swaddled. The Le-Toa watched his breath crystallize in front of him and fade. Adjusting to this altitude was effortless to him, but to Skorm, it might be a problem. Casting a glance over his shoulder, he saw his Ba-Toa teammate noticeably struggling to draw breath. Cyrix frowned. Skorm could lifted more than the girl when warming up, why was he gasping for air? Then it hit him; he was using more air. With Skorm's size, he was surprised he didn't come upon it sooner. Cyrix lingered to let Skorm catch up. "Hey, you're not looking so good. I think I should carry her." Skorm didn't reply, but he did stop to take a few breaths, then nodded. He gently lowered Soraph's body into Cyrix's arms, then leaned against a nearby wall to gasp. "... Thanks... This air is starting to get to me. Should've waited longer to acclimate." "Probably. So, I forgot to ask, who is this? Why were you with her to begin with?" "I think she's Casanuva's girlfriend. She wanted to come here, I was escort." Cyrix rolled his eyes, both at holding one of Casanuva's paramours, and the fact that their team leader was so obtuse and cryptic. "Great. Figures I'm stuck carrying-" Then it hit the pair. A veritable wall of sound, shaking the ground. It drilled through Cyrix's ears; he almost dropped Soraph in the reflexive tensing. But Cyrix had fended off De-Toa before; Vakua might not remember their sparring, but Cyrix did. He breathed in, compressing the air in a bubble around the two Kalta and creating a vacuum. Wincing from the blast, Cyrix looked at Skorm, who was covering both his ears still. Around them, the members of the Legacy they were amidst were dropping to their knees or doubling over; they could still hear, still feel, the sonic blast reverborating through the stone beneath them. "ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?" Skorm shouted. Cyrix could barely hear him over the painful ringing in his own ears. "I DON'T KNOW!" Cyrix shouted. "THESE GUYS OUTSIDE THE WAREHOUSE ARE, I THINK WE WERE CAUGHT IN IT" "CAN WE GET OUT OF HERE?" Cyrix heaved Soraph up over his shoulders. "I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG I CAN KEEP THE VACUUM BUBBLE UP!"
  5. IC: Conflicted. Yeah, that was a good word to describe it. The way Aelied had informed the traveling group that they would continue without Skorm or Soraph, and that they had been dispatched to Ko-Koro, the way he had shut down any of his or Zueya's questions. The Dasaka had raised a few questions, but had mostly remained as straight-faced as ever. It was a lot to process. Soraph was gone. There were certainly complicated feelings about that which he wasn't going to touch right now. He believed Aelied about Skorm being the best to go, but it still rubbed him the wrong way. Not long ago, they thought he was a criminal, and now he was off with- Okay, let's stop thinking about that. It was just making him angrier; right now he had half a mind to split off and trudge towards Ko-Koro and drag them both back himself. Never mind that they were practically at Ihu-Koro's doorstep, and he was exhausted. He started to see inhabitants of the village through the storm. Where were the others that had left with Kalyss? He hadn't seen them in forever. Maybe they would offer some fresh takes on the situation. Casanuva was too distracted by his thoughts to react quickly enough to the orange blur that blasted through his vision to behind him. As he was turning, his legs were swept out from under him by a sturdy kick, and he planted his mask into the snow. Casanuva heard Kalyss's muffled voice. "Wow, I did not expect that to connect. Usually you're better at seeing me coming." Without turning over, Casanuva reached out, pulling her leg out from under her with magnetism, dropping her into the snowbank alongside him. After a yelp of surprise, she started laughing. "Kalyss. It's good to see you again." Aelied stood straight against the storm, smiling warmly. The Su-Toa scrambled to her feet, quickly the snow from her armor as she stiffened to attention. "Master Aelied, sir!" "Thank you for awaiting our arrival in Ihu-Koro." Kalyss took a moment to look over the group. Casanuva's troubled demeanor as he pulled himself up was noted. "I actually was only expecting Vakua and Casanuva, sir. You and Zueya are a surprise, as are the Dasaka." She thought they looked familiar, but couldn't place their names. "Indeed. All of the Kalta's paths finally seem to be intersecting." Kalyss almost dropped Casanuva back into the snow from where she was helping him up. "All of us? What about Skorm?" Aelied nodded. "Much has happened. But before our guests freeze solid in the cold, let's get into the village. I will also make sure the refugees Zueya and I escorted here are doing well. Vakua, please give Kalyss a sitrep."
  6. IC: A short breath escaped Askha when she saw that Rayuke had her Mashtet carving. She quickly calmed herself, but her reaction that another would handle such a personal belonging was one of outrage. When the Executioner extended his own carving through the slat, Askha concentrated with her suppressed Mindarm, shakily lifting it and pulling it to her own hand. The originally intricate carving had been embellished with cruder woodwork. The sight of another extinguished carving reminded her of the Mashtet themselves, going out one by one, unless someone transformed them into something else. .:My aunt could renew this. The image would be as it once was, though. I don't know the secret myself, but I know that part of the method involves embedding crystals in the carving.:. She angled it, letting what little light there was glitter off the minute crystals. .:Not even the finest tool could do it; only Mindarm could implant them.:. Her face turned from wistful to resolute. .:I am accused of going against the Virtues. But I ask, what is the use of Order without a clan to uphold it? Why strive for Power, except to fight for survival? And how much Honor is a single grain of rice worth? In the weeks following the disappearance of my clan, I had to consider these questions. The few of us who were not absorbed into other clans, especially the Fursics, faced starvation. The once proud Mashtet, starved like neglected rahi. I decided to use the skills I had been taught, at the Yards and by my father, to provide for who was left.:. Askha paused again to collect her thoughts after her venting. .:I realize now my pride blinded me. But, enough dwelling in the past. You ask for a different solution; I answer with myself. I still have my sword-arm. And while we did aid in the escape of Vilda Relisai, we did not facilitate it. We were actually approached by her sister, who was in Sado to negotiate for her peaceful release. As far as I know, her escape came as a surprise.:. The imprisoned Menti bowed her head. .:Forces are conspiring against the Empire. I would ask that you allow me to live so that I may serve the Empire as my ancestors in Clan Mashtet served Clan Umbraline. I can still fight. Perhaps I may begin repairing my Clan by investigating this. After all, as one of my previous employers stated, I am nothing if not a 'deniable asset'.:.
  7. IC: The Royal Executioner's voice was not unwelcome. It fit the dungeon that Askha found herself in, inviting her to retreat from frantic thoughts into calm rationality. But, with it, an edge of finality. "Umbraline Rayuke. The Royal Executioner. You showed up in several of my father's stories of putting down the Fursic rebellion." Mashtet Askha got up from her meditation position on the floor to a kneeling position, as she would if addressing a superior if she didn't want to stare at the floor the entire time bowing. Her mother's lessons on courtly manners were long ago, but the Toroshu's teachings had a way of clawing into Askha's memory. Her maskless face was calm, belying her struggle not to think about the implications of the Royal Executioner visiting her. "Clan Umbraline has always had the fate of Clan Mashtet in its hands. And I have given my fate a dozen times over to those who would pay. Now is not so different, I think." There was a pause, but Askha felt that Rayuke was still waiting. She sighed, and looked up at the massive Dasaka. "I aided a prisoner of the Empire, and I engaged Imperial Guard in combat. I know these crimes are serious, even if we were the only ones hurt." There was another pause, as she weighed her words. "I heard that the former Vilda Toroshu was recaptured. Is that true? I would be a small comfort to know that the reason I'm in here didn't run out on her would-be rescuers."
  8. IC: Fyura gritted her teeth, then grinned. Taking on the Maru was not an easy order, but she hadn't had a chance to stretch her abilities properly for some time. Vayde egged her on, but she mentally held him back while she ran for the hole in the floor. Not yet. She probably would have to use her transformation to take on the Maru, but she didn't need to tip her hand so early. The hole wasn't big enough yet, and she wanted to be downstairs fast. Choking down on her battleaxe's handle, she swung at the widening hole as if she was chopping wood, smashing the hole wider and embedding her protosteel axe into the floor. The skakdi released her grip and jumped into the gap, grabbing the axe on the way down, further tearing at the floor. Dropping into a crouch as she landed, Fyura scanned her surroundings while aiming with her disc launcher. She chuckled a bit; whether it was nerves or some sort of joke, neither she nor Vayde were clear on.
  9. Well, my computer is fixed, so my excuse ran out...
  10. Started a new job, so I might be less active than usual. Need anything, ask me and I'll get on it.

  11. Merry Christmas to you all, and a happy new year.

  12. IC: Fyura bared her teeth, whether in a grin or grimace was unclear. As she waited for Eisen's orders, she slowly switched her grip on her battleaxe from two hands to one. It was too unwieldy to to be a one-handed weapon as she was, but she held her parakuka in check. It would take mere moments to complete, and while her vampiric strength could replenish any seconds wasted, she decided to save any time she might need. Aside from Vayde's instinctual urging to transform now, she could feel that he was as apprehensive as she was. Their connection pulsed as rapidly as an excited heart. The skakdi quickly ran over scenarios in her head; she recognized that the Maru had some form of slugthrower in his hand, and if she remembered, this one was the Toa of Stone. She did frown at that; the ground beneath them would be a threat in that case. They weren't already crushed to paste, so the Maru did want to talk. She probably wasn't fast enough to block the gun's bullets with her axe, but when she transformed, she was probably fast enough to outspeed the gun's wielder. She had, fortunately, a plethora (is that what that word means, or was that the thing you ate?) of ranged options that might help. The loaded disc launcher on her wrist, the two throwing axes she had holstered, her grappling hook... she could even throw her battleaxe when she transformed. It's not like she needed it too much; it would extend her already-long reach considerably, but getting up close and personal now had an extra advantage for her now. At Eisen's side was Karnak; bigger, stronger, but almost certainly slower. If the Legacy were to rush the Po-Toa, she would certainly pull ahead, possibly getting herself shot. She knew he had weird mental powers (almost like the Soraph girl, come to think of it...) but not much beyond that. Eisen himself, as the point man, contributed a lot of versatility. She hadn't seen his mask in action much beyond floating himself places, but she knew the gist, repulsion. Maybe it was enough for the gun's slugs, maybe not. He had the metal element, maybe he would do something with that, but he'd more likely use it offensively rather than defensively, relying on their numbers. Well, that was what she would do, if she still had her elemental powers plus someone to use them in tandem with. The Fe-Skakdi lowered her center of mass and gripped the floor with her toe-claws. She would be ready in any circumstance.
  13. IC: Mashtet Askha had been asleep until she was shaken out of her sleep by one of the guards rapping her spear against the bars of her cell. She had been napping, and apparently in the Royal Prison one could only sleep during designated hours. Askha's vision was bleary without her mask. Her cell was empty besides the slab of stone jutting out of the wall that served as her bunk, and when the rags they called bedding (she had slept on better in alleys) were cleared away, it was also to serve as table. The mushy rice that was served morning and evening left her lethargic and empty-feeling. The Menti rolled off her bunk and put her legs above her on the slab; a juvenile gesture, but she didn't care if she was judged; she liked thinking like this. How had she ended up like this? Probably all the crime. You were raised better than that. It had been one rash decision after another. Aunt Somei had tried to rein her in, but she had brushed off her aunt. She couldn't get her out of trouble this time; nobody could. It truly sunk in; she had aided an enemy of the Empire, and had directly engaged Imperial guard in combat. No amount of Umbraline pity, except perhaps from the very top, could save her now. For the first time since her capture, she shuddered with a sob. You won't even be able to return to the Mashtet estate. They would never let her return to Hanaloi before she died, either from old age, malnutrition, or execution. If she was lucky, they might permit Somei to bury her remains with... no, she was going to think alongside the rest of her family, but the only family she knew was gone. The clan's graveyard didn't count. The ancestors didn't help her when she first used her Iden to project back home, to see it... abandoned, completely and utterly. No blood, no bodies, no sign of struggle. Nobody had believed her until the Fursics confirmed her story and offered to take in any survivors, as if they were offering charity. Those that... defected. The disrespect. Her mother, the Toroshu, would have stricken them down then and there. Her father... Well, he had felt no love for the Fursics, but he would probably have some speech about how clan ties were not something to be severed so easily, and would have a suitably applicable war story from the last Fursic rebellion, and some jokes to make him relatable to everyone. Askha let out a big sigh. What would her father say to her now? Would he tell her to stand and fight for every last inch? No, that would be your mother speaking. Right. It was a gut punch to realize she missed her mother less than the others in her family, less than her father, but it was true. When she had gotten over that bit of guilt, she was actually happy in a morbid sense she would never have to submit to another of the Torushu Kaetyo's crazy tests. What would her father Ahri say... Stewing in your own self-pity will do nothing in the short term and long term. Work to better yourself. If nothing else, you can wake up tomorrow morning and tell yourself you are a better person than you were yesterday. Eurgh. The voice in her head was right, that did sound like him. Though he would probably do some flashy trick afterwards, really hammer home the wow factor. Askha sighed again and clambered into a lotus position and closed her eyes, and began regulating her breaths. Her residual sobs gave way to her steady breathing; she could feel her pulse slowing as she grew calmer. For as much baggage she had about her mother, she admitted she had been better at meditation than her father; didn't stop her being disappointed when her daughter developed Mindarm, rather than Sighteye. No, nope, no. Calm. Breath in, darkness, breath out, darkness.
  14. IC: Fyura rushed in, breathing heavily after her sprint following the warriors to the warehouse. She wasn't missing this for the life of her; the sprint was worth it, as she could either top up once inside or, more likely, let Vayde pick up the slack. "Ah'm here, 'nd ready for trouble," she grinned, as she hefted her Rahkshi-staff hewn axe onto her should, and with her other hand pushed her arm-mounted disk launcher onto one of the disks on her skirt. When Lantz disintegrated the wall, both she and Vayde began to get excited. It took a measure of willpower to force him to not bring on the transformation there and then. IC: "I put the parakuka on her, but it wasn't nearly this long. They're never this big," explained Maeloc as he unlocked Soraph from her shackles. "This one is," Cyrix said as the Dasaka collapsed into Skorm's arms. "Maybe since she's a... Dasaka, you mentioned?" Maeloc shook his head, acting more like he was researching than being held at arrowpoint. "No, parakuka can attach to any species. Toa, skakdi, lesterin... it shouldn't make a difference." The turaga nearly stepped on a glass vial on the floor. His mask almost turned pale when he picked it up. Skorm was still furious. "What?" "I... I think the parakuka was injected with Antidermis." The two Kalta shared a look that Maeloc was thankfully too wrapped up in thought to notice. Cyrix could tell Skorm was outraged; Karz, he would be too. Before his brother did anything rash and turned their erstwhile prisoner into a red smear on the wall, Cyrix cut in. "We've heard of it. Why." "I don't know! I... I just, I never thought about that as an option. I almost wish I could keep her here for observation!" "That's not happening," Skorm growled. Maeloc suddenly felt very small in the furious stare of the Ba-Toa. * * * Skorm and Cyrix exited the Sanctum in a similar manner to how they had entered, with Skorm carrying the unconscious Dasaka over his shoulders. If anyone noticed their descent to a nearby buildingtop, the two Toa Kalta didn't have time to do anything but run. "How are we getting out of here?" Skorm shouted, the blizzard nearly drowning him out. Cyrix stopped to get his bearings. "I don't know. As long as you're still ticking, walls aren't stopping us, and we aren't leaving through the gate." "How will we get past the guards?" "I don't know. Wall is over here, we need to get going. Ground level, might be able to make it through the chaos without twigging anybody off, easier than if somebody notices us dashing across roofs; we can't stealth our way out with her." Skorm hesitated before nodding. One after the other they plopped onto street level, Cyrix leading the way. He realized that they were heading towards the alarm; Skorm realized that was probably the most chaotic area in the Koro right now. * * * In the cell, Maeloc dangled from one shackle. It wouldn't be long before someone was back, and saw that the Archivist was hanging by his ankles where Soraph had been before With all the blood rushing to his head, his chronic headache was coming on. Maeloc sighed; he did not look forward to explaining this to his superiors.
  15. IC: As he and Cyrix explored the Sanctum, Skorm realized they could be here for hours. He had no idea where the Legacy would hold meetings with outsiders. It might not even be here, he thought to himself. And they didn't have forever. Thankfully, they had been able to sneak by the few guards they had encountered, but it was only a matter of time before more were recalled from whatever situation was going on outside. "Who was she meeting with?" Cyrix had uncloaked and ducked into an alcove, as they did periodically to take the pressure off constantly using their masks. "I remember two of them. A fe-skakdi with an accent and some sort of slug on her spine, and an onu-turaga with a Akaku." The Le-Toa looked off, as if in thought. "I think I've seen those two. Don't know much about either, but the turaga just got back from an expedition; was pretty public when he left. He usually stays in here somewhere." Well, that was something. Skorm nodded, and the two wordlessly resumed their search. They finished their current floor with nothing to show for it, but on the next floor Cyrix, whom Skorm had been able to train himself to actually follow his near-invisible teammate. He realized he was still shocked at the news that there was another Kalta, that Aelied hadn't told him about. And Aelied also hadn't mentioned the... codeword thing. With Nuhros. That name felt very familiar; like it was somebody on the tip of his tongue, but couldn't put a face to it. What other secrets was the old Toa keeping? Skorm was pulled out of his reverie by Cyrix signalling for him to halt. They both uncloaked, and Cyrix held up one finger, then pointed into a doorway they were about to pass. Inside, Skorm could pick up some scrabbling of feet; the sound of the footsteps indicated the person was of short, matoran-like stature. Or a turaga. Cupping his hand, Skorm held his hand up to his eye, mimicking a mask lens. Cyrix nodded. Maeloc cursed. His forehead was still tender, and sometimes his mask pressed against the wound. He had decided, upon incapacitating the Dasaka girl and with Eisen being indisposed, to continue his duties as an archivist. His recent expedition had proven that he was not cut out for field work, and he would still prefer not to deal with people. Eisen would probably scold him for his actions with the girl; rash, probably, but if worst came to worst, they could execute her and deny any knowledge of her. At the back of his mind, he recalled of what he had seen of the others of her people back in Ga-Koro. It did not bode well if they found out the truth. The siren muted. Maeloc smiled; he wondered what had happened, and how it had been put down. Then he noticed the air was slightly stuffier than it had been a moment ago - and then the turaga was hanging upside down in thin air. A rather large Ba-Toa materialized in front of him, deactivating a Huna. Maeloc had seen him before, the mercenary that the girl had hired as escort to Ko-Koro. The turaga sneered. He should have known. "The girl, Soraph. Where is she?" Skorm had his hand on the hilt of his saber. Maeloc's vision swam. "The Dasaka? She must be paying you quite a lot if you're willing to assault the Legacy to find her. Or she owes you a tremendous amount of money, or you are just really stupid." The saber came out, and Skorm pushed the weightless turaga into the wall with it. "Maybe. But if you don't tell me exactly where she is, you're going to experience shrinking to half your size, again." But Maeloc could see it in his eyes. He could kill, all right, he probably had before. But he wasn't going to do it now. "Oh, she's sitting pretty in one of the bars outside. Surprised you missed her on your way in." The blade pressed in ever so slightly, but he faltered. Maeloc sneered. "I knew you couldn't do it." Skorm dropped the turaga and turned away. "You're right. But he can." Maeloc's eyes shot open as his gasping failed him; there was no air to take. He stumbled to his feet, seeing another toa, a Le-Toa. This one was shorter and leaner than the other, but their armor showed similar styles. His analytical mind tried to place the style, but his vision started going spotty. Suddenly, the air came back, and Maeloc collapsed back onto the ground. A foot turned him over. "We can keep doing this," it said. The new one. * * * The turaga had led the two to the Sanctum's lower levels, to one of the prisoner chambers. Cyrix secretly hoped that the hostages he had been sent to find were there, but it seemed unlikely, especially with as few guards as they passed. With Maeloc walking there and the two following him under the effects of their masks, they hadn't had any encounters at all; the promise that their turaga guide would get two crossbow bolts in the spine had probably deterred that possibility. They approached a door at the end of a long hallway; on the outside, on a hanger were Soraph's kanohi, as well as her gear and a white cloak. Skorm quickly put that on as Maeloc was unlocked the door; by the cloak's size, he guessed that it was originally his brothers to begin with. An interesting look compared to his last one. "After you, elder," Cyrix said as the turaga hesitated at the doorway. They followed the turaga into the room, but both Kalta could tell their unwilling guide was put off by something. In one of the cells, there was a crystal-clad toa hanging from manacles; Cyrix saw that she had an enormous parakuka on her spine; he'd seen a few, but this one far surpassed any of the others he had seen. "By Makuta- "Mata Nui..." "Elder, unlock her. Now."
  16. IC: Though it was faint in the depths of the Sanctum, Fyura heard the klaxon as well. The girl would keep; she'd probably be in a coma for at least a day. This was probably more important. The skakdi closed Soraph's cell and the door behind her as she walked out, hanging her mask on the wall outside with the rest of her belongings. The fe-skakdi was still adjusting her skirt and rearming herself as she rushed outside the Sanctum. Others were rushing off in a singular direction. Fyura didn't like to think of herself as a follower by nature, but she followed anyway, noting that Eisen was gone, and there was blood on the snow where his duel with the Maru had taken place. Something to toast to later, she supposed. She shoved a Legacy warrior rushing, shouting "Vhat's happening!?" "The Maru are here! One took Oreius and popped out of here, we're gonna get the rest before they escape the Koro!" Fyura grinned. Sounded like fun. IC: "Cyrix, does the Sanctum have windows?" The Le-Toa slowed, looking at Skorm suspiciously. "Yes?" Skorm stopped, and dropped to one knee. "What direction is it in?" Cyrix did not like the way this was going. "That way," he said, pointing to the northeast. "If you think you're gonna carry us both up there in a blizzard, you're gonna get us both killed!" They were both caught off guard by the alarm going off behind them. "Doesn't look like we have much choice, now. This area's about to get real crowded." Cursing, Cyrix hooked his arms around the Ba-Toa. Mata Nui, he had forgotten how massive his brother was. Both of the Kalta activated their masks before Skorm leaped into the air. Cyrix's stomach lurched at the sensation of falling, despite going up in altitude. Snow stung his mask; he summoned up the air around them to part slightly, enough to just get bitten by the wind. Then- Cyrix uncloaked. "Pull up! Stop!" Skorm slowed and turned, but they still audibly landed on the wall. Cyrix tumbled off of Skorm, shivering. Then his vertigo hit as he realized he was sideways on the wall. Fortunately, there was a window, with ice instead of glass. "I'll go in first." Skorm drew his saber and stomped the window in, still cloaked. Instead of shattering inward, the plates of ice hung still in the air; Skorm peered inward for several moments. "It's safe. Follow me." Didn't have to tell Cyrix twice. The Le-Toa wasn't afraid of heights, but unanchored climbs made him uneasy. Being along on the side of a building held up by nothing but one other toa would be... stressful. He heard Skorm move inside, and leaped in himself, tumbling to the real gravity of indoors. He quickly clambered to his feet and unholstered his crossbow. The sanctum seemed... well, emptier than he had expected. Good. "We need to search the entire complex, quickly. There's no telling where she could be." "We should stick together. Masks up." The two activated their masks, turning invisible in Skorm's case and transparent in Cyrix's case, and began their work.
  17. OOC: Antidermis on behalf of Toa Fanixe approved by the mods. IC: Fyura thought back to her own encounter with Vayde. She had just killed a stranded Vorahk, in what she was sure would be the most hard-fought battle of her life. Still was, really; as she had been savoring her victory, Vayde had leaped onto her spine. She walked towards the still Dasaka, pulling out an injector from a fold in her armor. Finding a parakuka wasn't always easy; this one had been taken from someone uncooperative. Fyura had asked to finish him off, so she could drain him of any strength he had before he was murdered. But she had been very surprised to find a familiar vial of glowing green liquid on him. She had pocketed it, unsure what to do with it. But, now she thought she had an idea... "Tell you vhat, gurl. You're stringy and small. I was pretty big vhen I got my slug. It vill be our secret, but I can geef you somezing to help..." The skakdi grabbed Soraph by her maskless head and tilted it aside to expose her neck. Vayde urged her to feed, but she instead stabbed the injector into her neck and let the liquid pump into the Dasaka. "Don't zay Auntie Fyura nehfer gave you nothink..." Cyrix remembered a lot less of his past than he would have liked, but considering his team, he considered himself somewhat worldly. But this? Holes in buildings disappearing like they had never been there? If he was paid, he might say this was above his paygrade. "Skorm?" he said as he uncloaked behind his brother, "I think they got this covered." Skorm might have grunted, but the sound was swallowed by the blizzard. "I suppose you're right. I need to get back to Soraph." "Who?" ​"A foreign telepath I was escorting here. She was meeting with a few Legacy members to try to ply information about the hostages from them. They were going to... a toystore, if I remember." "The T.O.Y.S. Store!? That place is owned by the Piraka! You let her just go?" Skorm was still for another moment. Probably cursing himself out, Cyrix figured. "Which way is it?" "Just follow me."
  18. IC: "Awake, are you?" Maeloc's voice rang out in the cell block. "I'm sorry I couldn't arrange better lodgings for you, but... well, I take it a bit personally when people poke around in my head." He was carrying his staff, its false spade head restored. In his other hand, he held her Kanohi. "You walk and talk like a Toa, I figured confiscating your mask would reduce your powers like one. If not, Fyura here has something that will amend that issue... permanently." The towering skakdi behind him did not look as manic as usual. In fact, she looked almost somber, if anything. She was without most of her equipment, but she did hold a squirming, wriggling creature much like the one attached to her spine; she cooed at it, and stroked the Parakuka's spines, but holding a firm grip whenever it lunged at the turaga in front of them. It was frightened, and angry, but sensed its brother on her spine. The Legacy Turaga unlocked the cage and let it swing wide. "You expressed some interest in these creatures before; I'll let you two get acquainted with each other. Fyura, contain her. She doesn't leave this room." He quickly scurried out; he had heard what happened with the first parakuka, and what had become of Mata Nui's original turaga. It did not appeal to him at all. With a squeal, the parakuka jumped out of Fyura's grasp. It twitched about on the floor before surging towards the nearest source of energy.
  19. Subposting is unbecoming of you. If we'd rather continue the pseudo-military drama and the internal exposition exchange, go right ahead.
  20. IC: Waves crashing was not a sound Maeloc expected to hear in Ko-Koro. He paused in his conversation with the Dasaka maiden and tilted his head. He was thirsty, but alarms went off in his head. "I'm sorry, miss Soraph, but I'm afraid we're going to have to put this matter on hold." Either that hothead dueling in front of the Citadel melted an avalanche, or something else was happening. There are ways into the Citadel from here, to secure the archive- Wait. This timing was suspect. And she was being cagey. By Makuta, it wasn't his job to deal with this. Maeloc drank the rest of his glass, then wheezed from the rawness. "Fyura. Take our guest to the Citadel. Now." He turned to Soraph, adding, "Don't worry, you'll be quite safe, and I'm sure we can find you more concrete answers to your questions." Fyura could feel Vayde's disgruntled attitude about not finishing her meal, but she complied. She dropped the lesterin she had been draining and returned to the pair. She grunted, tilting her head at the door. But... she was still thirsty. Her pupils were dilated from the power high. She barely resisted as Vayde agreed with the compulsion to drink. Her claws grabbed at Soraph's arm and face. She would be safer if Fyura just carried her, like a sleeping baby... IC: Cyrix sighed. "I know I could have-" The Le-Toa stopped short when he heard sounds of a massive amount of rushing water. "We can hash this out later. That was too close for comfort." Skorm shot one last accusatory look at his teammate, before activating his Huna. "I came here with a Dasaka. Uh, she's like a Toa, but not from here. Part of an expedition. I need to make sure she's safe, I think she's talking with some very dangerous people." The Le-Toa didn't pause to respond as a started climbing the ladder up to the roof. "Got it. I can help you with that, but let's figure out what the Karz is going on. Not much of a recon agent if I don't know what's going on a few blocks over." As he crawled onto the roof, he activated his own Volitak. He heard a snow-muffled thump that was presumably Skorm leaping onto the roof beside him. He focused his rangefinder lenses on the warehouse on the opposite end of the block two rows over. He deactivated his mask so he could be heard. "Door's gone. I see lightning and other shots coming from inside, can't see who at... Wait, blue toa. Ga-Toa. Legacy troops defending, I've seen them around enough, didn't think they were guarding that warehouse." "We just gonna watch? You're good at just watching." Cyrix ignored the intended barb. "We're gonna watch closer before deciding on a course of action. Let's jet onto a closer rooftop." The Le-Toa reactivated his Volitak and made an air-assisted jump onto the next roof, leapfrogging until he was two buildings away. Skorm followed suit, but faster than his brother, simply levitating closer. His thoughts drifted to Soraph, but she was capable of handling herself. But his thoughts stopped when he saw someone he definately wasn't expecting to see in Legacy-controlled Ko-Koro. "Stannis?"
  21. IC: Drink. The thought was already in Fyura's mind as she drained the three mugs in front of her. It resounded in her consciousness; Vayde's voice added to that idea, and it grew. "Drink..." Fyura mumbled as she put down her last glass, empty. She was thirsty. Drink. Fyura hungrily glanced around the bar. Drink. She spotted a mid-sized skakdi nursing a drink sitting at the bar a few meters away. A wide grin split Fyura's face as she got up and sauntered over. "Buy me ah drink?" The skakdi only half-noticed her, and didn't note the predator's glint in her eyes. "Buzz off, Fyura." Fyura grabbed his wrist and shoulder, and and an eerie glow emanated from her hands where she started draining his energy. Both the skadi and parasite reveled in this stolen energy; they barely registered the bar patron's protests as she clamped her mouth around part of his external spine to drain faster. Maeloc frowned when he noticed Fyura feeding. Must she? Inside? Whatever. "That man's tab is on me," the turaga whispered to the bartender. Turning back to Soraph, he smiled as he zoomed in on her face to note her reaction. "Really, if he's free, I simply must introduce you to Eisen. he is one of the most skilled toa of Iron on the island, and one of my bosses. But, my companion's habits provide a rather nice segue into one of your other questions." He gestured to Fyura's victim, who's protests were growing fainter, drowsier. "This is what antidermis can do. Or exhibit A, at least; exposure can result in a great many things. It can alter the minds of those without the conviction to use it, and those with the desire for that power it grants entirely new abilities. Fyura's parasite is both a curse and a boon. Her powers are withered away, and every time she taps into the parakuka, her life force is drained like an hourglass. She was, however, blessed with another of Makuta's son's abilities: Hunger. Energy hunger, as she calls it. Like the Vorahk, she can drain the strength of others and use it as her own. Sometimes it doesn't take long for parakuka to burn out their host; I wonder how long Fyura could sustain herself on her prey." Another sip. "And this is only one example of the benefits of antidermis. I've seen people's power expand exponentially because of it, and this is but one use. It can apparently be used to enslave a rahkshi to your will; while it seems rather heretical to me, its utility even I can't deny. Now, my turn again. What exactly are you and your people capable of? Elemental powers seem to be foriegn, and you're shaped like us, but I would like to know. For posterity. Interactions and sources of powers is a bit of an interest of mine, you see."
  22. OOC: Oh jeez I'm sorry for the hiatus but anyway now I'm not renovating my house full-time IC: The Legacy turaga wondered if Soraph knew what kind of distilled rotgut she was ordering. "I'll have mine shaken, please," he asked of the bartender as he pulled himself onto a stool. "I vant tree drinks too." Maeloc was silent until he had his drink in front of him. His lenses clicked as he studied the facets of the glass in his hand. Time to play this cool; he was now in a position of power, not scheming in a hostile village. "I've already done you a favor by vouching for you; you're going to have to provide something for me in return. Tit for tat, if you will. I'll answer one of your questions when you answer one of mine." The archivist looked at Soraph and took a sip from his glass. "Why come to Mata Nui? Explorers are always looking for something. You're clearly not the advance scouts of an invasion. You're not a sailor, so this was clearly a purposeful expedition. What brought a submarine of psions across an endless ocean to our strife-filled island?"
  23. Having all my characters in my sig helps me remember. Though I need to update the Kalta, since I'm still giving away most of them, and Fanixe took up Vakua...
  24. IC: Maeloc smiled. "A woman after my own heartstone. The cold doesn't agree with me, either. Although word of warning, the dwellings in this miserable snowball aren't particularly warm. Central heating is a luxury most ko-matoran didn't need; when I was studying in the library, I could still see my breath most of the time. Fyura, you know any watering holes in this place?" A guttoral growl emitted from the skakdi as she scratched her spiky chin. "Vhat about zhe T.O.Y.S. Store? It's alvhays fun, and zhe special stuff keeps everyvun in order. Kinda. Except vhen it's funny!" A twinge of a frown flickered across Maeloc's mask. He had never been inside that Piraka-operated place, but he hardly knew anywhere else. "Well, miss Soraph, would you care to join us for drinks there? I've heard... interesting things."
  25. OOC: Sorry about the wait! I really don't have an excuse for why its taken me so long. IC: Maeloc chuckled. "Well, we haven't been able to do much redecorating. The former occupants we acquired the Koro from enjoyed the miserable cold, it seems." "Vell, it eez fhery... infhigorating." Fyura flashed a toothy grin. The Legacy turaga sighed. "Fyura, nobody can understand a bloody thing you're saying." As the massive skakdi squawked in indignance, Maeloc continued. "I have to thank you, Soraph, for making your way out here. Are you the only member of your expedition to join us?" Skorm tried to listen in on Soraph, but their voices were quickly lost in the crowd as he made his way into an alley. He checked; nobody paying attention. Skorm activated his Huna, and shifted gravity to walk up the wall and onto a roof. Remembering Aelied's instructions, he took the Koro in. It didn't take long to recognize the bridge the elder toa had described to him,and the abandoned storefront. The Ba-Toa adjusted his personal gravity to allow him to bound from rooftop to rooftop. Slipping through the door was easy enough. The interior of the store was dark, with the only light coming from the ajar door and some shining through the boarded-up windows. It didn't look habituated at all. Keeping his Huna on, Skorm carefully shut the door. "Don't move. I have a crossbow trained on your spine, and don't think your mask is helping. Uncloak and slowly turn around, hands on your head." Skorm sharply inhaled, then did as the voice asked. He couldn't see anyone in the room. "Aelied sent me. I'm Skorm. The Kalta sleeps." Some movement caught Skorm's eye; it was a transparent figure. Hmm, this guy had a Volitak. Skorm's observations were confirmed when the toa uncloaked himself. Upon seeing him, Skorm's memories started churning. He knew he had seen this toa before. Trained with him. But at the same time, he was a stranger. Skorm stammered as he approached the Le-Toa. "I... know you!" Cyrix, still training a crossbow on the Ba-Toa, held up a hand for him to stop. "I'm a bit out of the loop. I saw you get infected by Zaktan. How'd you get back to us?" Smiling, Skorm shook his head. "One of the Toa Maru helped me, Stannis. He cured me. I..." Skorm trailed off as Cyrix's words sunk in. "You saw me get infected?" Solemnly, Cyrix nodded. "I had been tasked to follow the different Kalta around the island before they began finding each other after we first arrived. I found Casanuva first, then you." "You saw what happened? And you didn't do anything?" Cyrix knew what was about to happen. He unstrung his crossbow and took a step towards Skorm. "I was ordered to observe only. If I had tried to do something, there's no telling what could have happened. I would probably be dead, and Aelied wouldn't know that you were infected. Karz, I might have been infected." The Ba-Toa grabbed Cyrix's collar and pulled him foward, inches from his mask. The Le-Toa braced for shouting, but Skorm's voice was only a hoarse whisper. "People are dead because you did nothing. And it was me that killed them. The violence I caused will forever haunt me, and you just watched."
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